(Written by Geneva – gid617)
LEGO has been really putting a lot of effort into making the LEGO Legends of Chima theme a huge hit; using a lot of the same ideas of Ninjago, but with a unique flavor. Like Ninjago, Chima (pronounced chee-mah) will have its own TV show, and also comes with its own game; similar to the Ninjago spinners, but in some ways very different. Here I would like to show you how to play the LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz game. 🙂

To be able to play the Speedorz game, you’ll need two Speedor vehicles; one for yourself, and one for your opponent. You’ll also need a character, though, unlike in Ninjago, the characters won’t benefit or harm each other in any way during the game – they are just figures you stick on the Speedor. (To be clear on the terms used here; the vehicle is called a Speedor, the game is Speedorz, and the crystals and balls used in the game are called Chi.) To stick your Legends of Chima character on the Speedor you’ll need to take the top off of the Speedor off, sit the character down, and then replace the top. It’s an arrangement that insures that your character won’t fly off the Speedor half-way through the game! 🙄

You’ll also need five Speedorz cards, though if you wanted to, you could probably play the game without cards, or even just use cards and no Speedor… but we’ll get to that! To start the game, arrange whatever challenge you have from the Speedorz sets you got (Ring of Fire, Jungle Gates, Nest Jump, etc.) and get ready with your Speedor.

Of course you’ll need an opponent too, and that can get a bit complicated since whether or not you go at the same time or one after another depends on the challenge. In general, when there’s a Chi ball involved (as in the Chi Waterfall, for example), it seems you’re supposed to go at the same time. If not (as in Ring of Fire), just take turns. If you are playing a challenge that does not have a Chi ball, whoever goes through (keep going until you have a winner) wins. But if there is a Chi ball included in the challenge, not only you have to go through the obstacle and release the Chi, you also have to be the first to grab it. Then, you move on to the next round.

Remember those Speedorz cards we talked about before? Now is the time to use them! If you haven’t shuffled them before be sure to do so now, and draw the top one. Whoever succeeded in completing the challenge now has a slight advantage; before showing the cards to each other, that player gets to pick which power they will compare. In other words, if you look at any card you’ll see that there are four different powers on the bottom that you can choose from; Instinct, Courage, Strength and Speed.

The original winner now gets to pick which of the four powers will face off to determine who gets the two Chi crystals up for grabs at the end of the round. But before you reveal your cards, you have an option to pay one Chi crystal and add the amount specified in the blue circle to the power either you or your opponent have picked. Of course, you have to already have a crystal to do this! Once that is done, compare the cards; whoever has the highest score is the winner of that round, and receives two Chi crystals. Whoever gets 6 crystals first wins! 😛

The nice thing about the Speedorz game is that it’s more fast-paced than Ninjago; instead of watching a spinner twirl around, you get to see your Speedor go flying across the room. But there’s a sort of trade off involved with that; the cards aren’t actually incorporated into the game but almost constitute a game of their own. As I hinted at earlier, it would be pretty easy to give the two crystals to whoever won the challenge, or to skip the challenge and pick a power at random before drawing your cards. The great thing about the Ninjago spinners is that the cards are there to give you an advantage in spinning, not like in Speedorz, where it seems to work the other way around and actually diminish your advantage! 🙁

Here is a video by the BrickShow guys on how to play the Speedorz game and also some of the variations you can use for playing. (You can also find other video tutorials on the LEGO Legends of Chima website.)
If you would like to try out the LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz game you can check out the currently available Speedorz sets at your local department and toy stores or the Online LEGO Shop:
What do you think? Are you interested in the LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz game? Have you played it already? How do you think it compares to the Ninjago game? Is it easy for you to get through the obstacles or do you find it pretty hard? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
You might also like to check out the LEGO Legends of Chima section for more news, reviews and discussions, or select from the posts below:
Yikes!!! I’m writing about this right now!!!
You are?! Maybe you can approach the game from a different angle. More than one article about a topic is fine as long as it enhances the topic. There are many aspects of the Speedorz game that we can talk about. 😉
Opps! Sorry! 😛
Thanks for posting this. I am not sure which game I like better Speedorz or Spinners…I like the veichles but what with the cards and not battling eachother I don’t know.
I have played spinner only once but this certainly better
ya spinners is fun but the rip cords are cool
I have to say, Speedorz are a bit better. But if lego did make mire spinners, there are many things you could do with them.
they should just give spinners ripcords, then everyone would be happy (i think)
LOL! That would be fun! 😀
when i get speedorz i will skip the cards altogether.i think it will be easier that way.
i still think i will like spiners better but i will give chima a chance.
Both the spinners and the speedorz have different aspects of them that make them fun to play. It’s hard to put one pver the other. 😉

Totally ruined the moment. 😳
I don’t get it. by “catch the chi orb” do you mean using your hand or your speedor need to touch it? If you’re supposed to use your hand, that’s like an invitation to playing rough.
Yes, you catch the orb with your hand, and yes, that could mean playing rough and knock everything over. 🙄
The target audience is boys and the game is to fight over the tiny piece of plastic? Sounds fun(ny)! 😆
Yep, basically. You summarized it just right. 🙄
I think you should start a petition to bring back Ninjago! Lego would listen………maybe.
They are returning Ninjago already. But maybe only as sets.
Nobody except LEGO knows.
If they really are only bringing out sets then I’d still start a petition. I want the episodes back.
Same here.
dang. the show was the only reason i liked ninjago was beacause the show
I Like Legends of Chima! Its pretty cool. Especially the sets. I like the Raven,Crocodile,and Wolf tribes. I don’t mind getting some good guys,but I really like the bad tribes.
I don’t know about you, but I would like to be payed to play speedorz 😀
I might be somewhat lost… lol. I honestly don’t really like the spinners in Ninjago. (wow that’s creepy to hear that from me 8o ) But the speedorz looks interesting.
I agree but the spinners in ninjago r cool as well as speedorz
I think that speedorz is more of a game of luck than spinners. With spinners, if you know tricks and are experienced you can win. But with speedorz, if you pull out the cord, it will almost always turn out the same. Plus, in spinners you don’t know if the card you are drawing is playable by your character, where in speedorz, all characters can play any card, no matter what the heck shows up in the pile. Anyone agree?
Maybe as time goes on Speedorz fans will come up with some tricks and skills too. As far as the cards, yeah they are different – and as Geneva mentioned; you can definitely play without them. 😉
I do agree that there seems to be a bit more chance to speedorz than spinners; though it seems that it does take a bit of skill to aim them correctly, and after all the cards are (supposed to be) random in both games. You do have a point there though; in Spinners you get to pick out of four cards, so that takes a bit of strategy…
The only thing I would change about speedorz is that most of the game is controlled by cards and u only use the speedorz once but I’ve heard that u can switch the game around so it’s still cool.
hey,whens the LoC episode gonna get on?
Tomorrow morning. 😉
I don’t know
I have chi waterfall and ultimate speedorz tournament.My brother has razcal’s raven glider
I want the ultimate speedor tournament so bad it looks fun
This is my brother using my email for now-Chima speedorz are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brother doesn’t have his own email right now if you’re wondering
Its just like beyblade, in a way. . .
Why s nobody talking?:(
Aslan, please note that this is not chat. If you want to chat with people you can use Facebook, Twitter, or just plain texting. This is my blog where I allow people to comment if they want to. It is okay if you respond to other people’s comments to start a little conversation, as long as it stays on topic and doesn’t get too chatty. But again; please remember this is a blog. Not chat. Hope this helps to clarify.
Regarding the concept of adding Chi, the Chi cannot be added to ALL of the powers. The Chi can only be added to the powers that have the lightning connecting to the orb in the middle. This makes it more risky for the opponent to use Chi, hence the reason winning the challenge part of a round is better.
This sucks. NINJAGO RULES. this is so dumb.
I know this is over a year and a half old, but I have to…The only reason you said that was because you were angry that you thought Ninjago was gonna be replaced by Chima. Well, look. Ninjago is still here…
Ninjago WAS going to be discontinued and replaced by Chima. That was the plan. It was the passion and disappointment of Ninjago fans that brought Ninjago back. So yeah, it is worth to speak up sometimes. 😉