An interesting listing showed up on eBay a couple of days ago; a LEGO Super Heroes War Machine minifigure. This is an authentic LEGO minifigure most likely from a yet unreleased set based on the upcoming Iron Man 3 movie, so we have a chance to look at a future minifig! 😛

The LEGO Super Heroes War Machine minifigure comes with the same helmet as Iron Man, except in dark-gray and silver. The torso and the head are printed on both sides, and the legs are printed as well. Wonderfully detailed minifigure for sure, although I still don’t like the huge helmet. But at least it opens, which is cool. I also hope that the shoulder-mounted gun will be included with the LEGO version, as it is a great feature of the armor.
The LEGO Super Heroes War Machine minifigure indicates that we should be getting a wave of LEGO Super Heroes Iron Man 3 sets later in the year. If you are excited about this minifigure you can wait until the official release, or check out the eBay listing. The seller is taking offers. 😉
It seems like eBay is becoming the to-go place for spying on future minifigures and sets as they often list items 6 months ahead or more. (Remember the Iron Man, Green Ninja and Chima minifigures way before anyone even knew about their existence?) How these sellers get their hands on not-yet-released LEGO products I don’t know, although the fact that they are all from Texas or Mexico gives me some ideas. 🙄
So what do you think of the LEGO Super Heroes War Machine minifigure? And the upcoming LEGO Super Heroes Iron Man 3 sets? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below.
And you might also like to check out the LEGO Super Heroes section for more news, reviews and discussions, or select from these recent posts:
He is cool looking but I think I prefer the original. And twenty dollars? Besides, it might just be me, his helmet is a little too big.
It’s a nice figure. The best thing about the pic is it shows more Marvel Superhero sets are coming.
I hate that helmet, I prefer teh regula size printed Lego head like the preview minifig from Comic-con, but I guess Robert Downey Jr. has to have some Lego face time, it would be nice if they just included two heads instead of the helmet, or a regular helmet without the visor hole and all over print would also be nice.
Anna, I would like to share that I just had the best Lego sale weekend ever. I thought I was gonna sell a lot b4 Xmas, but just like last year I made the most sales after Xmas. have you noticed this too? Well, I guess the sad part is I no longer have an extra King’s Castle in my stockroom =(, but hey it helped pay for the new tires I had to buy, so YAAAAY!!!
Although I do love the fact we get more minifigure heads in that are not just standard “flesh”, I agree. Making a minifigure head with an Iron Man head print under the bigger helmet would solve some of the issues the fans have. Overall though, the fact they made the helmet able to open up makes me overlook the large size.
Jacob, the fact is that they didn’t have to make that helmet so ugly just to be openeable. Several customizers made a helmet that opens with a much better design. I may write a post about this at some point. I really think that LEGO was just lazy in this regard. 😕
There’s also the issues of production costs and durability. If the construction’s too frail, it would break easily when KFOL:s would play battle…
Yes, those are important considerations. I also wonder who LEGO would market this to. So far all CUUSOO products were pretty much targeting collectors, adult fans, and those outside of the LEGO hobby. CUUSOO has been going through a lot of twists and turns. Very interesting to watch. 🙂
Micho, as far as BL orders, I have the same experience. I just packed 6 orders and will go to the post office right after going thru the comments here. I also shipped 3 on Friday, 3 on Thursday, and at least 1-2 a day since the beginning of the year.
There are several reasons; people are sick and tired of shopping for others and believe they deserve a little shopping spree for themselves after all the hard work of shopping for others for the Holidays, there is Christmas money burning their pocket and wants to be spent, and also shipping fees go up at the end of every January so if someone is working on a project they try to get their orders in before prices hike up. This year it’s going to be particularly bad for International First Class, wtih prices almost tripling. So, yeah, there are plenty of excuses to shop. 😉
Hey, that reminds me.. I need to check your store to see what new goodies you got =D, I’m going there right now
Micho, I actually haven’t added anything new for quite a while. In fact I’m just trying to get rid of what I have now. Since I’m also running a business and this blog, I wouldn’t mind to streamline my BL store just to minifigs – or something simple like that. I just sold almost all of my Sw minifigs this past weekend, so I think I pretty much only have parts left. 😉
Yup., I noticed :-D, I thought you would have put up spme of your after-Xmas haul stuff… I would really appreciate it if you’d let me know if and when you put up S. 9 CMFs, just because sometimes I forget for long periods of time to check stuff, thanks.
Micho, all right, I will let you know. I live in a small town, and my TRU is really slow at getting new stuff, but I’m planning to get them myself, so I will keep you posted. 😉
Thank you, I’ve been looking for them here, but I too live in a small city so I haven’t found them yet.
Does this mean their coming out with individual iron man sets and-
Stark tower?!
That would be AWESOME!
Super Hero 2013 list. There are at least 2 sets coming out with Iron Man focus, with a third yet unknown Marvel set.
When are they going to ditch that helmet and go back to the printed head like Spiderman, Deadpool, Captain America and every other great looking figure. I don’t need to see the actors face under an oversized helmet. It looks awful! It’s like a bobble head. Cool color scheme but who keeps approving that awful helmet???
Brian, I agree. The helmet is pretty awful. And as I mentioned it to Jacob, I have seen custom versions that are significantly better. LEGo could have just used printed heads, as you mention, or use a better design for the helmet. I know it can be done. 🙁
Very few of us care about seeing Robert Downy Jr.’s face under there but I read somewhere that it’s an actual contractual merchandising agreement with the actor about his action and minifigures, he really does want face time, I believe there was an issue on the movie shooting as well on the time he wanted his face exposed… Thank you Chris Evans for not being picky about this.
they forgot the red core and eyes
I want the head! 😛
me too
me three, where did the… red core, eyes, AND minigun go???
Hmmmm….i’m wondering how a BrickArms minigun would look on the shoulder of that minifig…. 😀
The BA minigun is actually quite large. I don’t think it would fit on his shoulder, especially next to that bloated head.
Does anyone have any pictures for the summer castle sets yet? And I mean good quality pictures that can be zoomed in 🙂
Not as far as I know. By next month, or definitely March we should have something leaked. 🙄
Thank you Anna
This is an iron patriot mini figure. link:
That’s pretty sweet! 😀
in the 2nd pic is war Machine chrome?
it could be or it could just be the fig above.
I am excited to see a head that can be used for my HP mods! Kingsley Shacklebolt would be very happy with such a handsome face. 🙂
I have had some issues with reading the blog lately.
The layout is off, and images don’t load.
I’ve encountered Error 403’s and such.
Hakan, someone else reported the same problem yesterday from the Netherlands. Are you by chance using Chrome? I see no issues on IE and Firefox, but since you are the second person mentioning this I will ask my developer to look into it. I would also suggest to clear your cache and delete your cookies just for good measure. Sometimes those can cause issues. Also, if you have another browser would you mind checking and see if that clears it up for you? 😕
Yeah, I am using Chrome. Thank you. I tried MSIE, but currently it’s too slow and buggy to load… I might be draining on my resources.
I finally got my MSIE to load, but it seems the issue remains…
Hakan, yes, there is something going on with loading the site from Europe. I have reported all the issues you guys experience to my developer. It is not just on Chrome as I initially thought. It is on all web-browsers when someone is trying to access the site from certain European countries. Hopefully he will be able to figure it out soon. One trick you can try in the meantime is to load the site behind a USA proxy, basically making it look like you are accessing the site from the USA. That will allow you to see the site with no problems. 😉
Thank you.
Yes, I’m from Sweden, as I have told you before.
Still working on the issue with the European range. Not sure why my website no longer likes Europe. Anyway, the server guys, the CDN guys and my developer are working on it. Hope they will fix it soon. I’m not a tech person myself, so things like this just make me cry. 😥
Hakan, would you please confirm that the site is working fine for you now? It should be fixed. The issue was that there was a hacker who tried to break into TBB, however I have software to block them, and then I manually block their IPs for good measure. However this guy was hiding behind the CDN (Content Delivery Network) I use to manage load on the server. So when I blocked his IP, I wasn’t actually just blocking the hacker, but the CDN itself for some of the European range. My awesome server guys were able to figure out the problem. I also checked with the CDN guys and they confirmed the site is loading fine now from Europe. I just want to make sure that it is loading for you as well.Thanks for taking the time to report this issue! I would have never known about this unless you guys report it as there were no problems noticed on my side. So thanks again! 🙂
Yeah, it looks fine now. Thanks!
All-right, all-right. No need to shout, we hear ya! Of course I’m not sure about LEGO listening. 😉
You do make some good points. LEGO printing has been quite beautiful in the past few years, but you do have to be careful with it as it tends to rub off after a while. Especially the metallic prints. Some LEGO fans in fact are going so far as to use gloves while handling their LEGO. 🙄
I have a few old crusader minifigs with the axes crest printing, but for all of them, the metal has vanished, and all that remains is a subdued black.
I seem to be the only one who likes the iron man helmet with the open-and-close visor.
What I don’t get is the perception that there is something grossly wrong with an out-of-proportion, “bobble head”-size helmet as though a regular bald head (with the single stud on top) would look much better and lend realism. Um…hello? We’re talking Lego minifigures here where the body itself is unrealistic as far as the human form goes. Fat waistline and squat torso, no knee and elbow joints…
Nothing is ever in realistic proportion, including accessories. Complaining about the size of the helmet to me is the same as complaining about the size of, say, the standard walkie-talkie accessory.
To my perception, the helmet fits the charm of Lego minifigures.
Do those who complain about the size of the iron man helmet also complain about the “bobble head”-size proportion of knight helmets and their open-and-close visors? I’d not, why not? What is the difference?
Thanks for sharing! I can only talk from my perspective, and hopefully others will share their own views. It is true – as you said – that LEGO minifigs are not realistic in the first place, so why complain about an unrealistic helmet?
At least to me minifigs are cute. Somehow the proportions, size and features work for me. There is a pleasing balance between them all. I could be feeling this way because I have been playing with LEGO all my life. But I also find new people liking them, although not everyone; some only see the imperfections…
In regards to the helmet, I do find it too big, and yes, I do consider some of the other headgear LEGO makes out of proportion as well. To me the knight with the vizor looks right, but the old KK knights helmet vizors are way too big.
So, I think it boils down to what proportions you find pleasing. I know there is a science to this when we go from realistic to cutified to grotesque. There is a ratio that most people will find pleasing, but there is also a threshold which when crossed will repulse most people. It is kind of like the Uncanny Valley effect in animation and robotics.
I would say that the Ironman helmet is teetering at that threshold; some people still like it, and some find it grotesque. The sad part is that I know several customizers who made the Ironman helmet with much better proportions. And yes, they are helmets with openable wizors and not just a printed heads. So, it can be done. 😉
I guess for me it stays within the realm of charm and not the grotesque because everything is out of proportion anyway. Oversized carrots and pretzels….The only thing to distinguish the size of people from dwarves and children are the legs.
Thanks for the response.
Now on ebay its only worth 8$, how prices change!