There are a few pictures surfaced of the summer and fall 2013 LEGO sets that I wanted to share with you right away. The images don’t have the confidentiality watermark, so they are okay to share. Be warned though that they are very small. However they will give you a better idea of some of the sets coming – as they say; a picture speaks a thousand words… even if so tiny you have to use a magnifier to see them. 🙄

These 2013 LEGO sets images are from flickr member motayan, who has been able to produce first-look images of many of the upcoming LEGO sets. Whoever he/she is, it is worth to bookmark their flickr gallery. I enlarged some of the images so you can see them better, but some are so small enlarging just made them worse. Anyhow, take a look below. 😉
➡ 2013 LEGO STAR WARS SETS: The first two images are of the upcoming LEGO Star Wars sets. We talked about them before in the Summer & Fall 2013 LEGO Sets – First View post, which contained details of the summer and fall LEGO Star Wars sets, but no pictures.
#75018 LEGO Star Wads Jek 14’s Stealth Starfighter – from the Yoda Chronicles. Minifigs included are Jek-14, Separatist Bounty Hunter, Special Forces Clone Trooper, and R4-G0.

#75019 LEGO Star Wars AT-TE – with Mace Windu, Coleman Trebor, Clone Trooper Gunner, and two Battle Droids.

➡ 2013 LEGO LORD OF THE RINGS SETS: Here are a couple of images from the upcoming #79008 LEGO Lord of the Rings Pirate Ship Ambush set. This is a wonderful ship with brown sails and nine minifigures; Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, King of the Dead, two Soldiers of the Dead, Pirate of Umbar, and two Mordor Orcs.

➡ 2013 LEGO CREATOR SETS: The only picture revealed in the LEGO Creator series is the #31012 LEGO Creator Family House. Alternate models are a villa and a small factory.

➡ 2013 LEGO GAMES: There are three LEGO game sets coming out later in the year; the #50011 LEGO Lord of the Rings Battle for Helm’s Deep Game, the #50006 LEGO Legends of Chima Game, and the #50003 LEGO Batman Game. Look at all those microfigs! 😛

So, these are the images we have so far of the later 2013 LEGO sets. What do you think? How do you like the 2013 LEGO Star Wars sets, the LEGO Lord of the Rings ship, the LEGO Creator house and the LEGO games? Which are you most excited about? Or are you still waiting to see how the other 2013 LEGO sets look like? Feel free to share your thoughts below! 🙂
And you may also like to check out the following related posts:
I really like the look of the family house! Although the “small factory” looks more like some sort of garage operation to me. 🙂
Yeah, it may be the garage operation of a LEGO customizer. 😉
LOTR board game!!!!!!
Cool Sets!
At first glance that AT-TE looks almost identical to the one that came out in 2008, but at least Coleman Trebor looks cool!
Come on NY Toy Fair… I wanna see soem Castle!!!! When is the Toy Fair???
Micho, actually the German Toy Fair is going on right now, and it is super exciting as pictures are allowed. It is the first Toy Fair every year to pay attention to. To be honest I don’t understand how these Toy Fairs work. At one pictures are strictly forbidden, then two weeks later at another one everything goes. Anyhow, I will be posting more photos soon (likely on Saturday as I already have another post scheduled for tomorrow). 😉
Nice… please let me know if anything Castle goes up on Flckr b4 that.
Micho, as you know, Brickset is listing them in their flirck account. I used some oftheir images and cleaned them up/enhanced them a bit for Saturday’s post. Then, once that’s up we can add/link to other pictures in the comments. 😉
I know, I love castle too. I’ve been waiting for the Castle/ knights theme to come back, and I’m super excited!
me too! i’m sooooooooo pumped for castle!
Here we go Joey, looks like the old hat/helmets are back
wow! it’s better than i thautht!!! i like the classic blue & silver vs red and black! sweet! 😀
NYC? cool! to bad i live on the other side of the state!
in ny it is comeing in 12 days
oh yeah! star wars! i’m looking forward to those! 🙂 🙂
hey! if you look at the star wars stealth starfighter you can see that it has that robot guy with that arm thing! (you know what i’m saying hopefully 🙂 ) A.W.E.S.O.M.E!
What about Ninjago?! *sigh* won’t give up!
Any prices?
For prices check the previous post. The prices are only listed in British Pound, but they give you an idea of what to expect:
The New York Toy Fair will definitely have prices, and maybe even the German Toy Fair going on right now.
Nuremberg was a fun experience. I got a few pictures, but my favorite is Gorzan’s Gorilla Striker on display with a few other Chima sets. Here is the picture I took of 70008.
NICE!! LEGO coming out witha bunch of cool Mechas.. me likey
Oh, so you have gone? That’s just awesome! 😀
LEGO STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to the new Star Wars sets. I am thinking of getting Jek 14’s Stealth Starfighter and The Family House. They both look really awesome!
Personally, although I do like the LotR ship, I think they should have put more than two in the army of the dead. Although Gimili, Legolas, and Aragon do belong in the scene, I might push a few out to get closer a actual army, especially as they all have been in two other sets a this point. Alternatively, the Orcs I don’t really like terribly much without their ears or a hair piece, but I guess they need someone in the same set to fight.
as for the others, I don’t know enough about them or feel strongly enough about them to say much. The new Coleman Trebor minifigure looks fairly good, even if he was barley seen, and I do want to see what the game figures look like at some point.
I agree they should have more in the army of dead
but i do think the ship looks cool
Love the Family House!
So do I!
im so dissapointed in the ghosts! i thought they would be clear glow in the dark D;
Although I do think they would look cool like that, clear LEGO brick (and I assume to some extent the new glow in the dark) is not made of ABS plastic, and is much more brittle by comparison especially when it ages and is used with other clear brick. For most parts this is not an issue as they are not meant to experience large amounts of friction, and and still be usable even if cracks occur. with Minifigure elements, however, they are in a constant state of touching each other with an expectation of moving (and are often thinner than most brick at these friction points). Unless the Minifigure was redesigned, or a new kinda of plastic was used, I don’t think we will be seeing a full clear Minifigure soon.
The new glow in the dark is a different kind then was released before. I have some from a deep sea creatures set (specifically on their teeth) and many of the these parts have since shattered to the point that the are unusable. I think the new one fixed this issue, but they didn’t break until 2-3 years after I bought the set.
oh, well, thanks for explaining 🙂
Fixed that, thanks! Suffering from jumbled fingers syndrome! 🙄
Oooo I like the idea for that Lord of the Rings set!
Admin do yiu know any toy fair that will be held in western australia?
Lloyd, unfortunately I’m not up on Australian events… I would suggest that you contact your local LEGO store and ask them. They should know, or should be able to direct you to whom to contact. 🙂 here are some links to see other pictures of castle, galaxy squad,etc.
Sorry. I messed that first comment up here’s try 2.
I CAN`T WAIT!!!! :-].