The first picture of the LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 10 has been revealed yesterday via Argos’ website and of course all the LEGO blogs and forums are abuzz with the news. This series should be available sometime in April or May, so we have a bit of waiting, but in the meantime we can discuss all the interesting minifigures in this series. Take a look below! (Click image for larger view.) 😛

Starting with the top row from right to left, than going through the bottom row, we have the following Collectible Minifigures in Series 10:
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Librarian – with a coffee-mug and a book titled Oranges and Peaches. A Google search reveals that the book’s title refers to a story about communication skills. A patron at a library comes to the reference desk and asks for a book called “Oranges and Peaches”. The librarian has never heard of the book before, but does a quick search in the catalog. Nothing. A quick search on Amazon offers some possibilities, but, no. Nothing. Rather than send the patron away the librarian probes the patron for more information about the book: “Can you tell me what the book is about?” The patron says they have no idea. The librarian then asks how did they hear about the book. The patron says it was assigned by their professor for class. The librarian then asks: “Which class are you taking?” The patron says Biology. The librarian finally asks: “Could it be Darwin’s Origin of Species?” 🙄
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Painter – with a paint roller, a cute cap we have only seen once with the Plumber in Minifigures Series 9, and paint-stained overalls. Very cute minifig indeed!
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Warrior Woman – will go great with either the Viking Warrior in Minifigures Series 4 and the Viking Woman in Minifigures Series 7, or with the Highlander from Minifigures Series 6. Her golden-tipped spear is also unique as previously it only appeared with a silver tip. Her shield is also very nice.

➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Sea Captain – with a nice cap, binoculars and a seagull. Could join up with the Sailor in Minifigs Series 4.
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Baseball Player – now the Baseball Player from Minifigures Series 3 will have someone to play with! Clutchers vs. Stackers – that should be a great game!
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Sad Clown – very similar to the Mime in Minifigures Series 2. A really sweet minifigure in my opinion.
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Trendsetter Girl – with a lap-dog, the latest smart-phone and trendiest sunglasses. Some LEGO fans say she is atrocious to the level of being irresistible. But in any case she comes with a new hairpiece that will be useful.
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Mr. Gold – note that this minifig is not part of the customary 16 minifigures per series, but an extra. There are going to be very limited quantities of these minifigs and as far as I know they will be randomly added to full boxes of LEGO Collectible Minifigures. I’m sure they will be selling for a fortune on eBay and Bricklink. If you want to find one yourself you can feel the baggie for the top-hat. 😎
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Motorcycle Mechanic – comes with a common wrench, but what’s really unique about this minifigure is the tattoo on his arm!
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Grandpa – the first balding minifigure ever! And a very clever way by LEGO to achieve that effect. Comes with newspaper and coffee-mug.
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Tomahawk Warrior – would go great with the previously released Native American Warriors in Minifigures Series 1 and Series 3, or the Aztec Warrior from Minifigures Series 7.

➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Paintball Player – paintball is fun, and LEGO minifigures know that. This guy has been shot several times, but he is still in the game. His paintball gun is a new piece.
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Roman Officer – comes with sword, cape and a plume for his helmet. Although he is similar to the previous Roman Soldier from Minifigures Series 6, I really like this guy’s torso and leg design. He would also be a great protector for the Roman Emperor from Minifigures Series 9.

➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Medusa – another mythical creature joining the previously released Merman and Mermaid from Minifigures Series 7 and Series 9.

➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Skydiver – I love this guy’s facial expression! And he is rightfully scared as his parachute won’t open! 😕
➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Bumblebee Girl – she will join the previously released costumed minifigures like the Gorilla Suit Guy from Minifigures Series 3, the Lizard Man from Series 5, the Bunny Suit Guy from Series 7, and the Chicken Suit Guy from Series 9.

➡ LEGO Collectible Minifigures 10 Revolution Soldier – besides being a brave soldier, this is the second powdered-wig minifigure besides the Judge in Minifigures Series 9, opening up lots of possibilities to create LEGO dioramas from the big-wig era.
Again, the Collectible Minifigures Series 10 should be available in a couple of months for $2.99 per packet. For currently available Minifigure Series you can check your local Toys’R’Us, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. Or you can also check the Online LEGO Shop.
So what do you think? How do you like this upcoming series of the Collectible Minifigures? Do you like them better or worse than the previous series? Which one of the minifigures is your favorite? And what do you think of the exclusive golden minifigure? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 🙂
And you might also like to check out the LEGO Minifigures section for more news, reviews and discussions, or choose from the following posts:
These look AWESOME!!!! I need to get that paint roller peice, alon with Mr. gold. (of course) 😀

These sure looks great:) It willy be fun to see how the race for the gold figures turns out.
My first comment here btw, so just wanted to add that I love your blog and keep up the great…no not great, but awsome work!
you spelled AWESOME wrong…it is spelled : AWESOME
Thanks for pointing that one out 😉
oh ya awesome blogg
Thanks Engesveen! We appreciate your support! What makes a website great is the community behind it. We have so many wonderful contributors, supporters and LEGO fans that love to share, help out and just have a bit of clean LEGO fun. Please come buy whenever you feel like and don’t be shy to comment and discuss. 😉
I think my favorite is the sea captain.. Very nice printing, a new hat and a new seagull. I love the Gorgon, very nice they included a snake lower body, and the snake hair looks great. I like the grandpa’s head piece, and overall looks great. I think the Librarian is the first non licensed female minifigure with glasses (I know a few have had goggles though). There are only two I am really disappointed in. First is the bee lady. Not that the figure is bad in and of itself, but I would much rather have had a proper bee keeper with a bee suit and bee hive than a bee mascot. Second, the golden minifigure I was hoping would just be a plain figure that was unprinted gold. Making an exclusive printing for a figure that is this difficult to obtain I think will get many people upset (I believe there is only 5,000 of that figure being produced).
The reporter gal from the Alien Conquest theme had glasses.
Jacob, the idea of a real bee-keeper is great! Would love to see a minifugre like that! As far as the golden figure, yeah 5,000 is a very small number. Wasn’t even more gold C-3POs? 😕
Pretty cool minifigs. I like the sailor and the painter. Especially the gold man. I really wish that the gold man was a plain gold person. (You know what I mean.Plain gold torso,legs,head,and hat. That would be pretty cool.)
Then it could be like a golden artifact.
ya i would like that a lot better
To bad it isn’t. 🙁
Oh my globbing Brickuruma Jewllir!!!!!! 5000 Golden Minifigures will be released,7 continents,approximately 1000 per continent,3000 for Eurasia maybe. But any way,whoever gets the golden minifig here on TBB,should post a review him! Fantastic smartphone too and adorable chiuahua,paintballer and decorator could have a funny fight 😀 . Medusa will turn all my minifigs to stone! Skydiver does look quite horrified and amazed!
I’m sure if any of our readers/contributors find an elusive golden minifig they will share that news with the rest of us. 😉
i don’t relly like the golden minifig
I’m not so excited about him either. I have absolutely no intention of getting one. Of course if I run into one why trying to find the others I will pick one up and sell it, then spend the money on other LEGO sets I like more. 😉
I dunno, the bald grandpa reminds me of Waldorf from the Muppet Show. I can see it now: “Hi, I’m Waldorf, and I’m here to heckle Lego movies!”
A LOTTT of people seem to hate the Golden minifigure for some reason,don’t disrespect your opinion but hey! It marks the 35th anniversary for the minifig this year. But any who,the more people who don’t like or want it,the easier it is for us who DO want it,to get it 😀
Many people like it somewhat (as a minifigure) and do want it, but (as far as I know) there are only 5,000 of them made, meaning that it is extremely unlikely any one person will come across it. I was hoping that it would be more plain so it would be easier to forget about. Its the same reason I would have preferred the comic-con and toy fair exclusive minifigures were just figures that were/ would be in regular sets, but with a print of the back saying the event and the date. People who got them would still have something exclusive, but the rest of us who want the characters wouldn’t be left out in the cold. At least with the golden minifigure, it is obvious to see how LEGO benefits from making an exclusive figure here (people buying more collectible minifigures), unlike the comic-con and toy fair exclusives.
awesome minifigs!
i am hoping to collect greek and roman mythical minifigures! so Medusa and the Roman Officer are on my wish-list! 🙂
I think this is the best series so far the one that I don’t care for is the Madusa but all the others are really neat
I don’t like the Medusa minifig either.
the golden figures is a terrible idea. I fully expect there to be an awful lot of searched boxes for sale on eBay and anyone who finds one listing it for sale. reminds me of when magic the gathering released foils for the first time….
Tom, yeah, a lot of people sasy that the golden figure was not a good idea. I actually don’t even care for the minifig (kind of boring if you ask me), but I’m pretty sure people trying to find them will cause a lot of chaos and unintended consequences. 😕
Want the golden minifigure!
I can resist Minifigures!
They are all so cute!
I want all of these ones too!
I really liked series 9 better… but I still want afew of these, in order of want:
Bee Girl (3)
Librarian (3)
Blue Coat (5)
Warrior Woman (3)
Sea Captain (2)… will probably buy a mess of seagulls on Briclink if they are cheap, for my POTC world.
Grandpa (1)
Tomahawk Warrior (2)
Roman (6)
Fielder (2)
Paris Hilton (3)… just for the hair piece and 1 for my collection
Yeah, maybe not as nice, but there are still some useful minifigs. Personally I don’t care about the golden minifigure, but I also would like a Bee Girl, a Warrior Woman, a Sea Captain (he is awesome – and as you said; must get some extra seagulls!), four Tomahawk Warriors (to finish my Aztec army), of course the Roman… and I’m not sure about Paris Hilton yet.
Oh yeah, very useful, and a lot more useful parts than I’ve seen in may Series before as well, but the series in itself is somewhat lackluster, maybe because the last two sets have had knights and pirates and mermaids… my kind of stuff. I want the Paris Hilton pretty much for the hairpiece, perfect for my mermaids, also the hairpiece on the Xena only came in light brown before… me thinks. Put up some pics of your Aztec Army when you finish pls… I’m still working on my Atlantis, but the Series 8 diver goes pefectly with it. Today I just built my Heroic Heroes of the Deep and the Star COmmand Spaceship… they are more awesome than I thought, I really need to get more Spongebob LEGO, they are way cool LOL… actually they got me to watch Spongebob on Netflix again LOL.
Micho, any pictures of your Star Command Spaceship? 😉
I just built the Galaxy Squad Bug Obliterator (the white and orange spaceship) and I absolutely love it! It is one of the best sets I have built recently. A very solid ship with awesome features. Kind of reminds me of the snowspeeder from Star Wars because of the shape and colors, but much cooler. I have been working on modifying some features to make it even better. Lots of fun! 😀
BTW, I bought it at TRU. I drove over there a couple of days ago to see if I can find my missing Series 9 minifigs. I normaly don’t shop for larger sets there because of the price hikes. They only had two packets of minifigs left and one was the one I was looking for, but then I also checked the main LEGO isle and they had purchases over $75 for $20 off! I looked at the Bug Obliterator and the price was NOT jacked up! So I happily walked away wit a $60 Obliterator.
SCORE!!! That’s nice, it’s laways exciting when you actually get a good deal at TRU LOL, it’s an event in its self
I haven’t taken pics of it but I gotta say I’m really impressed and it is one of my favorite sets. The Buzz Lightyear minifig is just awesome, and so is Zurg, but the spaceship has so many cool details with the white purple orange and green, I just love it, and it has a little rover that goes inside the back hatch… it’s just so darn cute… I’ll try to take pics and post them on Flckr and link em here.
Which Series 9 figs are you missing or looking for?
Micho, I got all of my Series 9 minifigs at Wal-Mart as they had plenty, however I could not locate the Hollywood Starlet or the Forest Maiden. The Starlet was the one I found at TRU so I was happy (I really like her hair!). So the only one I’m missing right now is the Forest Maiden. The girl at TRU told me they are very hard to find – she has been looking for one too. 😉
HA!!! Remember when I bought them at the PHX store??? I had the exact same problem you did, and I was only able to get 1 starlett and two maidens, but I wanted one more of each… My TRU has a box of them at the checkout counter, looking back I should have loaded up when they had the BOGO 50% becaus ethey were like .50 cents off msrp… I’ll keep an eye out for you.
Went to Meijer tonight and got a Forest Maiden and a Plumber. Supposedly the two most sought for in the series. I’m extremely pleased with the two, especially the forest maiden. 😀
Congrats Doctor… I’m very pleased I was able to get the Maiden as well
Yeah, she seems to be elusive, like a real forest woman. All we can do is keep looking for her. 😉
I recall trying to find the Elf from series 3, and i never could……THAT made me mad. 🙂
Yeah, the elf was really hard to find! I did get 5 at my local TRU though after spending two hours going thru a couple of boxes the cashier was nice enough to let me go thru. 🙄
The forest maiden looks so cool! To bad they don’t sell the collectible minifigures over here anymore…. 🙁
I am a little disappointed about the revolutionary soldier. I am hoping to put together a Lego Cusco project themed around the American war for independence. So I was hoping for a bit more detail especially on the legs. The wig would be useful though. I also like the Roman.
i would LOVE the paintball guy!!!!!
You know, now that I look at it, the tomahawk Indian kind of reminds of the genadenhutten Indians. (you know, the ones that, well, were massacred 🙁 )

(note that the face above has nothing to do with the indians mentioned)
they look pretty nice but none of them really interest me like last season of minfigs. speaking of which i gotta go buy some of them b4 theyre replaced!
I like greek myths. I have to get Medusa!
I have been looking for 2 aztec warriors for some time now (one for me and one for my social studies teacher). So the tomahock warrior is gonna have to wait for a while . :/
You might just want to pick up the Aztecs from Bricklink. They are not any more expensive than at local stores and you can find them easily. ;0
Oh.(My social studies teacher would love the revolution soldier too).
Admin I know this is off topic but why don’t you type the text for your smiley? 😕
Uhm… I’m not sure what you mean. 😕
I think because she has memorized all the faces 😉 and doesn’t have to type like.. :grin:. (without the dot)
Lego should make a lego aztec leader for the line! (Someone for the warriors to protect).
I CANT FIND ANY SERIES 9! ugh! WHY??!?!?!?!?!?!?
I got all of mine recently at Wal-Mart and a few from Toys’R’Us. Have you checked Wal-Mart already? I’m not sure if all of them carry the minifigs, but Super Wal-Marts should. I found them in the toy-section, but kind of hiding. 😉
I checked…wal-mart, target and toys r us but my toys r us hasn’t filled up their bucket of minifigures since black friday…I really want some series 9!
You might just need to look around a bit. I also thought my WM didn’t have any, but they just put the display in a completely different place. I almost missed it. 😕
Oops, i keep forgetting to change my email 😛
yeah, just looked up up our zip code for our toys r us and it says they are out of stock 🙁
Jay, with TRU you gotta be really diligent. When I hunt for minifigs I call TRU, find out when are their delivery dates and I call as soon as they open up after the delivery date. Then if they got a box of minifigs in I jump in my car and go, because I’m competing with a bunch of other LEGO nuts who do the same. 🙄
lol 😀
just to let everyone know, i suggested the revolutionary soldier on the message boards on 😀
Oh, really?! That’s awesome! 😀
and the constable for series 11 😀 (i did btw)
LOL! i had a dream my bro got the golden dude 😛
Hm… that must be a sign!
ugh..I hope 🙂
I don’t really care for the minifigures. I mean some of them are really neat and all, but I would rather spend my money on real sets. I have decided to stick with a theme this year and only get that theme. The Hobbit sets are awesome 🙂 I can’t say that enough after getting Bag End.
I like the Bee Suit Girl, Baseball Catcher, Sea Captain and Trendsetter.
I am one of the Lucky few to fined a Mr gold I was so excited when I fould it at my local Tesco especially when the box looked like it had been ransacked ?? Wot do I do with him though??? Mite put the full set up for sale as I now have them all !!! Good luck to everyone on the hunt :)))
Dano, congrats! Yeah, you might put him or your whole collection up for sale, or keep them. I only get the figures I really want, but some people collect all the series. There is no right or wrong way. 😀