It is a dream of LEGO Super Heroes fans to collect all the different versions of LEGO Iron Man suits. Five different LEGO Iron Man suits have been released by LEGO already (plus one Toy Fair exclusive), and there is at least one more on the way. You can check out these great instructions from Flickr member CK Tsang (a.k.a. chiukeung) to build your own LEGO Iron Man Mark I suit and LEGO Iron Man Iron Patriot suit. 🙂

➡ LEGO Iron Man Mark I Suit Building Instructions: it is actually quite unlikely that LEGO will release an Iron Man Mark I suit, so if you would like to add the Mark I to your collection, this is your chance. CK Tsang was kind enough to share not just the finished design, but step-by-step instructions on how to make your own Iron Man Mark I suit. See below.

Here is a view of the LEGO Iron Man Mark I Suit from different angles, the design taking great advantage of the new LEGO space armor available in the Collectible Minifigure Series. The rest are quite common pieces:

Below are the full instructions on how to build your own LEGO Iron Man Mark I Suit. Please note that you can click on the image to enlarge it for better readability and details:

➡ LEGO Iron Man Iron Patriot Instructions: if you would like to make your own LEGO Iron Patriot suit you can follow the instructions below. Please note that making the Iron Patriot will require a bit of painting and decal-ing. For painting you can use hobby-paint used for model-cars and airplanes. If you are in the USA I recommend Testors, a very nice hobby-paint that is cheap and works great for LEGO.

Below are the steps on how to make your own LEGO Iron Patriot suit using some very basic LEGO elements as well as the helmet from the LEGO War Machine suit. (You can click on the image to enlarge.)

As you can see the LEGO Iron Patriot suit will also need some decals for the chest, legs and feet. CK Chang was nice enough to provide these as well. You can download the PDF file here. Please note that download requires that you have a Facebook account and that you “Like” the page. If you don’t have a Facebook account you can download the decals here: DOWNLOAD
And there you have it! Two more suits for your collection! If you don’t yet own a LEGO Iron Man set, I would highly recommend you check out the currently available LEGO Marvel Super Heroes sets at the Online LEGO Shop. The #76006 LEGO Super Heroes Iron Man Sea Port Battle is an especially nice set with two Iron Man suits for only $20! 😀
What do you think? How do you like the LEGO Iron Man Mark I suit and the LEGO Iron Patriot suit? Have you tried making them from the instructions? Feel free to share in the comment section below! 😉
And you might also like to check out the LEGO Super Heroes section for more news, reviews and discussions, or select from these recent posts:
Where do you get the blue legs and torso
They are extremely common. If you don’t have them just get them on Bricklink for pennies. 😉
wow that looks cool
I have the Mark I instructions. I may build it sometime. I want to make my own mini figs the Iron Patriot may be a good one to try.
My local LEGO store is having its first anniversary this weekend. They sent a nice coupon in the email and said special sales during the weekend. No word on special bricks like they did when they opened. I know what I plan to get but sales may change that.
Chris, you are lucky to have a LEGO store nearby. I have to drive two hours to get to the nearest one. Have fun shopping! 😉
Addy. 2 hours would be considered nearby to me. I mean my latest LEGO store is what? 4 days on PLANE away from me? Your lucky to have a PROFIT store nearby. ooops I mean a LEGO store. Im dark aging… Why is it called dark aging? is it dark to not like LEGO will JEFF kill you if you dont like LEGO or something…
Rin, yeah, that’s a good point. Some people don’t have a LEGO store anywhere near. Fortunately though you can get pretty much everything online now, so it not such a big issue. But it is still nice to see new LEGO sets displayed once in a while. Also they have excellent sales, PAB-wall, etc.
The Dark Ages refer to when a LEGO fan is no longer into the hobby any more – either temporarily or long term – for whatever reason; other interests, personal life, etc. It is from the perspective of LEGO fans, so for them it is considered an unfortunate event. But it is also with humor, and usually people use the term only to refer to themselves, not to others. And no, nobody is getting killed. 😉
Oh You peeps are so late to get photos of future sets i saw the 2013 summer sets in 2012! And they were good ones….
Rin, maybe you can let us know when you find something that far in the future. We all love to hear about new and upcoming sets. I don’t always have the time to post write on them right away as I have to work, study, etc., but if you have some new information you can just post it in the comments or email me and I will get it up as soon as I can. 😉
Does anyone here on TBB happen to have a Lego Minecraft Micro World? I would like to see an in-depth review of it. A Brick-Breakdown maybe?
Nannan has a really good video review of it over at the Brother’s Brick, but I can also ask Will if he would like to write a Brick Breakdown session on it from the buildling perspective. 😉
Thanks, i actually saw the Brothers Brick review, and i wanted a little bit more on the building aspect before i bought it.
There are reports that LEGO Iron Patriot will be an exclusive to Wal-mart. He will be with the LEGO Marvel Superhero game but only if preordered from Wal-mart. Wal-mart’s site doesn’t say that yet but posts the release date for the game as 12/31/13. I’m not ordering something that far in advance. Plus I want to know if there are other deals.
Chris, yeah, I read about that too. Pretty sad that they are making Iron Patriot an exclusive. I’m really hoping he will appear in a set too. Or at least the polybag will be available in other ways. 😕
i want it!!!!!!
Is there any other way to get the decals for iron patriot?
What way do you mean?
Hello, my name is islom and I have constantly been looking for th lego iron man mark 5 decals. I was wondering if you can help me or make custom mark 5 decals kindoff like the decals you did for the iron patriot.
Islom, you need to contact the creator of the decals. Here I’m just featuring them for our readers. His contact info is int he post. 😉
Is there a site to get them apart from Facebook.
The link to directly download it is right in the post. Where it says DOWNLOAD. No need for Facebook. 😉
Is Testors a good quality paint. Cause i got some paint from hobby lobby and, as soon as you touch it. It scrapes off.
I use Testors and I like it because it goes on real thin. I particularly like their silver and copper paint as it is the exact same color as LEGO’s. You do have to make sure that the paint gets completely dry before you would touch it. Something like 24 hours. You can also make it more durable with a clearcoat.
Do you no how to make the hulkbuster?
No, but that’s a great idea! 😀
Actually, I remember that Tuminio made one. He used the Hulk minifig as a base then had him customized. Check it out at his flickr gallery. Looks really awesome:
That looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!
Can you send me the decals?
You can just print them out where it says DOWNLOAD. 😉
I LOVE IRON MAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you willing to sell the iron patriot?
Please note that this is not a minifigure made by me. If you are interested in buying the contact info is in the article above. 😉
What paint did you use?
The decals are printed out a little big. How can I decrease the size of the decals?
Stark, how about shrinking it a bit under your printer settings? 😉
Hi, where can i find the parts for Mark 1 ???
Junwen, you can just pick them up on Bricklink whatever you are missing. 😉
i presume i have to search for the parts that is listed in the picture right??
Yes, if you need help finding any of the parts just let me know. 😉
I couldnt seems to find it…just type exactly what is stated right ??
It would be great if u can give me a link
Junwen, which part can’t you find? They are all very common elements.
Does the recommended testers blue match the lego blue in the minifig parts?
On a side note, I zoomed in real close to the instructions and it seems that the paint the author is using is from Mr Hobby (, in particular, the Gundam paint UG02 – just incase someone was wondering.
Mario, personally I use Testors as it is readily available, but if you can wind Mr. Hobby, of course that is fine too. The testors blue is just straight blue, if I remember correctly I had to lighten it a bit with white to match LEGO’s blue. Very easy to do. 😉
Sounds, good. I plan on making a few custom minifig soon, so articles like this one are a great help.
Mario, you are welcome! 😉
I found most of the parts to build 2 Mark 1 Iron Men [one for my son, and the other well for me of course ;-)], the problem is I cannot find the bar you are using to be able to connect the arms [teh horizontal “brown bar”], nor can I find the “arc reactor” object that you are using in the chest. Where are they to be found and can I use a different bar for the arms that I can get from the Pick a Brick website that you can recommend? I need an answer asap please!!
Bob, the arc-reactor is this piece:
It is from this Cars set:
But you could pretty much use any small round tile – both printed and non-printed:
The bar is the short lightsaber blade that has been appearing in sets in the past three years: I guess you could use a standard lightsaber blade and just cut it down to correct size. Hope this helps. 😉
So you just painted the lightsaber, and then cut it down? Ok I can do that, I had placed a parts order and of all the parts you describe in your instructions those two were the one’s I could not find a description as to what they were. Thanks
Bob, as I mentioned there is actually a short lightsaber blade. Please see the link I mentioned before. But if you don’t have the short one, and don’t want to bother getting one, you can just cut down the longer version. Please note that it is the rod itself that is referred to as a lightsaber blade, but it actually comes in many colors; brown, black, gray, red, white, and a gazillion others. Just pick the color you want. You don’t have to use brown. 😉
So just to be clear, the “bar/lightsaber, could be any color as you actually don’t see it correct? You just chose brown as that’s what you had lying around?
Ok, cool. I have a few of the black ones on order now, so they will come with the rest of the parts I ordered. Thanks cool instructions by the way.
Bob, have fun! 🙂
Thanks, Another quick question if you don’t mind? Regarding the pdf for the Iron Patriot figure. I assume you went and got that printed on “self stick paper” of some sort at a printers? That’s what I was planning on doing anyway.
Bob, personally I just print designs on sticker-paper (the one you can get at any office-supply store for printing labels) on my trusty ink-jet printer. If you set it up to the highest quality setting (photo-quality) they turn out really good. 😉
So I have a few more questions as I got my “pick a brick” order yesterday.
The “leg” [Element ID: 434926 Design ID: 4349] & “hips” [ Element ID: 4211398 Design ID: 3023] elements, seem like they could be “augmented” to be able to “move”, IF you replace the latter piece, with a pair of 1×1 Plates [ Element ID: 4211399 Design ID: 3024] to attach to the “Plate 1X1 W. Up Right Holder” [Element ID: 6030711 Design ID: 12825]. This is what I am trying as I miscounted and didn’t get enough of the 1×1 plates [and because I realized that the legs wouldn’t move which my son would be upset about].
Also, the “Light-saber” rod that you used for the “collarbone”, you cut to the width of the shoulder pads right? Which also attaches to the “Plate 1X1 W. Up Right Holders” correct?
Thanks again
Bob, abslolutely! I if can improve on the design, all the better! That’s what LEGO is all about. 😉
As far as the light-saber, this design uses the shorter version. If you have the longer version, yes, you can cut it down to the appropriate size. I prefer using a hobby knife to cut LEGO elements as it makes a cleaner cut than wire-cutters. But even if the cut doesn’t turn out to be so clean, you can sand it down nicely, so you can’t even see the rod was cut. 😀
What did you do for the eyes?
You can just use a piece of sticker, or even paint on the eyes. 😉
I thought it was awesome
I’m loving my Iron Patriol
I thought it was awesome.