LEGO fans have been wondering what happened to the LEGO Legends of Chima TV show. The first two episodes aired on Cartoon Network all the way back in January (The Legend of Chimaย & The Great Story), then they were replayed in Marchย with a third episode added (The Warrior Within). After that everything went quiet and there was absolutely no news on further episodes. This was quite baffling after all the hype LEGO introduced the LEGO Legends of Chima theme. But wait no further! Legends of Chima is coming back! ๐

Well, the TV show is not coming back right away, we still have to wait a month, but at least now we have something to look forward to! Cartoon Network showed the following trailer for the new LEGO Legends of Chima episodes a couple of days ago.
I suspect that Cartoon Network will start out in July with replaying the first three episodes of Legends of Chima – as they aired so long ago most people probably would have a hard time remembering the story –ย then continue with further episodes (you can also watch the previous episodes at the links at the end of this post). At this point there is no word on how many episodes will be there, but Dubbed Scene (the website where we have uploaded the previous episodes from) lists 11 episodes. Hopefully after the restart new episodes will continue weekly instead of huge breaks. ๐
So what do you think about the return of the Legends of Chima TV show? Are you excited?ย Or not interested?ย Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! ๐
You can also check out the LEGO Legends of Chima section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions, or select from the following posts:
- Watch the LEGO Legends of Chima TV Show! (episode 1 & 2)
- Watch LEGO Legends of Chima Episode 3
- LEGO Legends of Chima Characters
- LEGO Legends of Chima Lion Temple Coming!
- Summer 2013 LEGO Legends of Chima
- LEGO Legends of Chima More Videos
- LEGO Legends of Chima News & Updates!
- LEGO Legends of Chima First Trailer!
guys, I found the first yoda Chronicles episode online! ๐ it wasn’t that good by the way. Mace windu sounded really stupid :
That was only the first episode
yes I know ๐
well I guess it was ok ๐
I watched it. It was funny. ๐ “May the funk be with you!” XD
oh it didn’t put up my first comment. ok. I found the first yoda chronicals episode online!
Nice find! I will probably upload it here on Sunday. ๐
okay ๐
Oh, dear! Just got the press-kit for the Ewok Village coming out in September. It will be revealed tomorrow at an event in the Czech Republic and I’m not supposed to say anything until then but OMG, it looks great! (*fainting smiley goes here*)
Ewok village?!?!?!? Hallelujah! ๐
Yeah, the thing is big! It will be a LEGO Exclusive. I’m just now drooling over the pictures!
No the Jedi defender class cruiser ๐
Oh, that’s even better! ๐
Quick! Spill the beans! How many ewoks? how many trees? 3? Any new exclusive figures? Endor Luke? Endor Han? Endor Leia? And if so, does Endor Leia wear the S9’s Forest maiden’s hair, as speculated?
16 minifigures in all; 5 Ewoks, 3 clones, 2 rebels, R2-D2, C-3PO, Chewy, Luke, Han, and Leia – and yes, she has the Forest Maiden hair, but in dark brown. Luke, Han and Leia all have new outfits. There are 4 trees; 3 interconnected with a platform half-way up the tree, and the 4th connected with a bridge. I really-really like this set. It captures the Ewok Village feel well, even though the trees are not super tall. This set would also work great for Forestmen and Elves. It just has an awesome foresty feel to it. ๐
Awesome! It’s even better than expected!
there’s the link ^_^
oh yeah..I don’t care at all about Chima…to think LEGO thought that would be better than ninjago or as they put it “Ninjago fans will be wishing ninjago ended sooner” please! that’s like the dumbest thing lego has ever done -_-
Yeah! It sure is!
Hurray! or another one really? I don’t know what I think about Chima.
hey so admin I have made up my mind about which lego set I want ๐ I am gonna get the old republic starship when it comes out ๐
You mean the #75021 Gunship? That would be a nice choice! ๐
Again,I would rather have a lego sonic.
Yeah, I heard about the ewok village, but, also heard that it’s going to be very expensive(over $200.oo dollars).
Yep, a gorgeous set, and yes, very expensive at $250. I just finished writing up the announcement about it for tomorrow. Will be posted at 5 AM EST. There is also a designer video that will be available, but I will add that later to the post as at 5 AM I’m still sleeping. I really-really like this set, but I’m wondering how will I afford it. Anyway, there is still time till September. Maybe I will get really rich between now and then. ๐
LEGO is expensive, MegaBloks are junk:P
Um…I’ll probably watch it…yet I’m very uninterested with the story.
I suppose I will settle with this until Ninjago comes back:/
Really though, talking animals with magical powers! How young will they go?
Also, I dislike that almost all of the military leaders are teenagers!
Yeah, that’s probably not a good thing. ๐
Yeah, I think the Ewok Village set will be kind of like the Death Star set it came with 25 minifigures, and it was $399.99; The Ewok Village sound like it will be about the same size, and definitely a collector’s item, BUT it should have come with Jedi Spirits Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-wan! ๐ They were one of the most memorable parts of the celebration scene in the Ewok Village.
By the way, I found a HUGE mistake in the Yoda chronicles! Yoda and Windu were ambushed by Darth Vader’s Star Destroyers! This would be impossible because the Star Destroyers belonged to the Republic before the Empire came around. The Separatist should have ambushed them in Separatist Cruisers. Someone making the episode messed up big time!
Good notice! Also, there was another one when C-3POs head rolled out the door, then in the next second he was inside with his head firmly attached. ๐
I really don’t want to watch it…’s so inaccurate, and just plain messy! It’s a rather dumb mess up of all the Star Wars movies, with what’s supposedly humor! I watch the whole episode in good spirits, and didn’t crack a laugh:/ If it weren’t for the sets, I could care less about the Yoda Chronicles:I Besides Ninjago, all LEGO TV stuff (Besides LEGO club) Is just plain boring!
Oh *ahem* I’m sorry if you enjoy their regular programs;)
-Brick Boy
No, actually the bit with C-3PO losing his head was just a parody of the scene in Episode V where he gets shot by the storm trooper in Cloud City. The Star Destroyers were the real mistake because they weren’t meant to be something funny for fans to laugh at. They were just a mistake, and as I mentioned earlier, an impossibility given the time period. Besides, 3PO could have just picked his head up and put it back on. He is a robot and a Lego figure after all. ๐
LOL! Yeah! ๐
Whens the Combat centre out?
If I remember correctly it should be released later this summer. ๐
June? July? August?
No specific release date has been announced as of yet, but my guess is August. ๐
I thought that the yoda chronicles was really funny.
Hi admin will chima ever air I’m the Cartoon Network at England?
Will chima ever air in England I meant to say sorry:(
I don’t know as I’m not familiar with Britsih TV channels. Maybe someone from there can help you out. Or perhaps they have an online guide with future shows? ๐
super… super excited….. ๐ (not…) no offence but I don’t like chima. there is only cool thing about it. the main gorilla! ๐
i found the full episode 4 in english and i already put it on my website heres a link to the video im so happy!!! ๐ ๐ ๐
Sweet! Thanks for sharing! I think I will post this on Wednesday. ๐
i found it in the comments of the low quality 6:30m clip of the episode
*about 6:30m
i just wanted to give you the link in case you want to put it on this site
hey what happened to my post
nevermind i see it
hi admin guess what i went to legoland windsor yesterday it was our epic school trip and i got lagravis
You went ot LEGOLAND on a school-trip??!!! You got an awesome school! ๐
Your lucky I rather be in your school because your school sounds awsome!!!!!
Well I saw some new ep I am happy to Cragger and Laval are friends again!