The long awaited LEGO Master Builder Academy level 3 and level 4 are now available at the Online LEGO Shop! LEGO MBA level 3 was actually released before, but it was taken off the market for several months due to redesign of the packaging. Previously you had to sign up for a mail-order subscription, where each LEGO MBA kit was sent separately in polybags every few months. Now each level (containing 3 kits each) is bundled together in one box, so you can buy the levels separately or all at one time. 🙂

This may sound confusing, so lets recap; the LEGO Master Builder Academy program is designed to give LEGO fans a chance to learn LEGO building techniques directly from LEGO designers in a systematic way. There are four levels of the LEGO MBA program. Each level includes 3 kits and each kit focuses on 2 new techniques. The levels build on each other so as you progress the models will also incorporate previously learned skills. The LEGO Master Builder Academy kits all include a beautifully designed handbook with building instructions for various models, focusing on the techniques featured, as well as inspirations for building your own creations. The LEGO MBA program also comes with a whole online environment where you get further tasks and lessons to advance your skills.
➡ LEGO MASTER BUILDER ACADEMY – LEVEL ONE: The first level of the LEGO MBA program is actually split up into two boxes, with the first box including only kit 1; LEGO MBA Space Designer. My guess is that LEGO kept this kit a separate item so people who want to try out the LEGO MBA program can get a feel for it without paying for the entire first level at once. The second box includes kits 2-3; LEGO MBA Robot Designer and LEGO MBA Micro Designer. BUY HERE

➡ LEGO MASTER BUILDER ACADEMY – LEVEL TWO: The second level of the LEGO MBA program is called Action Designer and includes kits 4-6: LEGO MBA Flight Designer, LEGO MBA Creature Designer, and LEGO MBA Auto Designer, all in one box. BUY HERE

➡ LEGO MASTER BUILDER ACADEMY – LEVEL THREE: The third level of the LEGO MBA program is called Adventure Designer and includes kits 7-9: LEGO MBA The Lost Village, LEGO MBA The Forbidden Bridge, and LEGO MBA The Dark Lair, all in one box. BUY HERE

➡ LEGO MASTER BUILDER ACADEMY – LEVEL FOUR: The fourth and final level of the LEGO MBA program is called Invention Designer and includes kits 10-12: LEGO MBA Time Machine, LEGO MBA World Architecture, and LEGO MBA Inventor’s Lab, all in one box. BUY HERE

I already have the first two levels of the LEGO Master Builder Academy and I’m getting the rest shortly. I have been very pleased with the program, in fact I would say that if you can only get into one LEGO theme, get the LEGO MBA program. It is suitable for both children (recommended minimum age is 9) and adults to learn basic and advanced LEGO building skills. The program is very well designed to get you learning, thinking and building in a structured way, yet at your own pace. Also, the kits include a tremendous – yet complimentary – variety of LEGO elements, so it is also a great way to start out a LEGO collection and pretty much be able to build anything. 😀

As I have mentioned the LEGO MBA level 3 is available again, and also the brand new LEGO MBA level 4. You can find them, along with the first two levels at the Online LEGO Shop.
Have you tried the LEGO Master Builder Academy already? How do you like the program? Or are you considering getting into it any time soon? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below. 😉
To learn more about the LEGO Master Builder Academy check below:
I don’t have any Master Builder Academy sets yet. I would really like to start building them. I want to learn more building techniques.
Chris, I really recommend them. They are very well designed and are loads of fun. At least for me each lesson keeps me occupied for weeks! 😀
Being the Robot Builder I am, kit 3 Robot Designer and kit 5 Creature designer is a stand out for me. Oh, by the way, with MBA, is it still possible to subscribe to get your sets, or do you have to buy them separately from now on?
Yeah kit 3 and 5 are very nice. I especially like the Robot Designer. It has some neat techniques and parts. MBA is no longer subscription-based. You just buy whatever levels you want whenever you want. 🙂
cool, I always wanted to get one of these but I haven’t… I think to myself ”wha?!”
Sigh. Still no plans to release this line outside the States, huh?
Not as far as I know. I’m really not sure why. 😕
If this theme somehow flops, I think LEGO themselves are to blame for not introducing it to, well, basically everyone else outside the states.
I don’t think the theme is flopping. It was designed to be a pilot product from the very beginning. They did do a major restructure from subscription-based models to bundled sets, so perhaps they are testing out what works best on one market before deciding to release it at other places. Which is not a bad idea for a new concept. Also, a major part of the set is the books. Before spending money and time to translate it to a bunch of different languages, it does make sense to test it out in one language only. Of course it is easy for me to say this because I can buy them. I do understand the frustration of people from other countries who can’t. 🙁
I know, but that’s part of it’s annoyance. It’s NOT failing. This will may encourage or hinder LEGO’s decision to release this worldwide.
Yeah, I guess they are just cautious. 🙄
Would much translation be needed? Shouldn’t it be enough to include an illustrated manual?
Hakan, the book is a learning manual, nothing like the thin leaflets and booklets you get with LEGO sets. They are really awesome. Even when it shows building steps for the featured models the steps are explained in detail; why is it build like that, what purpose it serves, and which of the learning steps featured are used. So yeah, they need quite a bit of translation.
Where can I find these?
Jackson, I’m not sure what you mean; I have added a gazillion links thru the article. I can’t make it more clear than CLICK HERE TO BUY and ADD TO CART and AVAILABLE AT THE ONLINE LEGO SHOP. I don’t know how to make it any easier. Are you like reading this article on a phone or something? 😕
I think he means where can he find it physically for purchase. Anyways, on a phone, you CAN still see and follow a link, if you can open it.
Oh, I see… they are available at official LEGO stores. But it is not a problem to buy these online as well as they are eligible for free shipping. 🙂
These look fantastic! Do you need to do them in order, or can you pick & choose which set to start with?
Megan, yes they are fantastic! As far as doing them in order, it does make sense, as the later books do refer to techniques you learned earlier. However if you are only interested in some of the models, you could pick up that set and still find it beneficial and have great fun. It is not like you can’t build the models in later kits. Each of the kits is a whole program in itself with full instructions for the models featured. So the only downside I could think of is that sometimes in the book it may say something like “This is an example of sideways building you have learned in Kit 1”. I think it is the same with the online section of the program, but I’m not 100% sure as I only played with that a bit. But you get a code with each level that you can use to unlock the online features for that level, so it should work the same way; best to go in order, but there is not much harm to start wherever you like. The program is systematic to teach you everything, yet flexible enough to fit your own needs – just like all LEGO sets. 😉
Hey, guys sorry i’ve been inactive lately. I’ve been going back and forth between of my grandparents houe for the last three weeks. Anyway yesterday I went to the LEGO store in Concord Mills and I saw Level 4. I didn’t get it cause my parents are getting it for me for my birthday in late Augest.
Nice! I’m glad you will have a chance to play with it! I’m getting mine this upcoming week! 😛
Ya, I got.
62 red gems
98 1×2 trans clear brick (for air support)
14 4×6 tan plates
6 Brown chairs
16 Dark grey crates
66 1×4 Lite Gray bricks
1×2 Trans white plate (For water)
and that I fit into one large PAB cup
And I also got
and Some Build A Minifigure.
Yeah, and MBA is only available in the U.S. -_-
Hey Admin, I’m glad to hear that you like the Master Builder Academy, too! It’s been one of my favorite themes. I enjoy sharing my creations online and giving feedback on other creations. I kind of stopped the online aspect for Level 3, but that was all about story design, so the online entries had MUCH longer descriptions.
Actually, my little avatar on the right is a robot that I built from Level 1 pieces. It’s so much fun! When my son turns 8 I’m going to let him explore the books and guide him through building techniques so he can get the most out of it. For now, we’ll just build together with all of our other pieces!
Gabriel, I’m glad you like it too! It is just an excellent way to learn and mess around with new techniques. I also really like the parts-selection and colors. I haven’t relaly gotten into the online aspect of it all, although I did check out the site. The only thing I’m disappointed with is that no sorting-tray has been included in later levels. I actually have a second sorting tray because LEGO sent be two Kit Ones, and I’m using the second tray in the Level 2 box. But I will have to come up with some kind of a sorting/storing technique for Level 3 and 4. What do you use?
When I purchased Level 3 it came with a sorting tray, so I have two. I usually cram my Level 2 bricks into the Level 1 tray and box, though I keep the books separate. LEGO sells a sorting tray now (2 for $7), but I’m not sure it will fit in the box, which kind of decreases its appeal to me. But the sorting tray was fun and surprisingly useful.
For a while I kept Level 2 in its own gallon resealable bag (I prefer Ziploc freezer bags because they seal well and are pretty sturdy). All of my pieces are sorted by color in gallon bags, and I’m probably going to break them down by type in the near future to make it easier to find stuff.
Gabriel, thanks for sharing that! I didn’t know level 3 also has a tray! That would make it more reasonable! And hope that Level 4 has one too! BTW, it is interesting to note that the box of Level 2 got redesigned. I just noticed that when I wrote the article that my box is different (I bought mine a couple of months ago). I guess they are still tinkering with this and perhaps will release it internationally when they feel it’s right. 🙂
Just got Level 3 (I also ordered Level 4, but it was backordered, so I won’t get it until the end of the month). There is no sorting-tray included, but now they are including 3 minifigures per level! I guess I will try to get some extra trays on Bricklink. The three minifigs were a big surprize though! 😀
Yeah, I was wondering if they removed the sorting trays with the redesign. I ordered Level 3 back when they did subscriptions. Man, 3 minifigs or a sorting tray…hard to know which is better – they’re both good!
I would prefer the sorting-tray, but of course both would be best!
• Two LEGO MBA Level 1 Minifigures, each with a themed accessory build
I got level 1 last year but it didn’t include 2 minifigs!
Im gonna do a friendly protest so everyone who didn’t get 2 minifigs 2 new minifigs!
Yeah, this is a new development as I just got Level One and Level Two like a month and a half ago. Also, the boxes for both Level 1 and Level 2 has been redesigned. So yeah, they are still tinkering. 😀
Thanks for this report ! I am a french fan of Lego.
I bought on Ebay for my son the Level one Kit 3 Robot designer (in polybag). I thought there would be inside the folder with instructions (as is the case in polybag). And i just understand that it takes a book for build robots 🙁 My son can’t build these and he is very sad.
Where can i find the instructions please ? In PDF or scans of instructions book please ?
Thanks for your understanding. Best regards. Dan
Dan, unfortunately the instructions are not available for the MBA kits on LEGO’s website, however you could get an instruction booklet on eBay or on BrickLink here:
I highly recommend you get the book for your son. It is really the most important part of the kit as that’s where the lessons are. The book is very high quality and full of great information (plus the building steps for the different models). Hope this helps some and have fun with the kit! It is really great! 🙂