Just a bit over a year ago LEGO announced that they are teaming up with Norwegian game-developer, Funcom, to create a new massive multiplayer online game based on the LEGO Collectible Minifigures. This was an interesting development after the failure of LEGO’s own MMO game, LEGO Universe. Don’t get me wrong; LEGO Universe was a great game, however LEGO could not figure out how to make money with it, or even cover their expenses – therefore they decided to cut their losses short and just shut the thing down. However LEGO is not giving up trying, and this time they are teaming up with the experts instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. Below is the official press-release from a year ago, along with updates. 🙂

Funcom signs license agreement with the LEGO Group to develop MMO game based on the hugely popular LEGO Minifigures line of collectible play materials
Durham, USA – June 28th, 2012 – Funcom, a world leading independent developer and publisher of online games, is excited to announce that the company has signed a license agreement with the LEGO Group, one of the world’s most successful manufacturers of play materials, to develop a massively multiplayer online game based on the hugely popular LEGO Minifigures franchise.

LEGO Minifigures are the inhabitants of an unimaginable number of spectacular creations put together by both kids and grown-ups over the past several decades. Whether it is a knight in shining armor, a brave firefighter or just an oddball in a gorilla suit, these figures breath life into elaborately constructed cities, castles and even space stations around the world. The LEGO Group estimates that 340 million minifigures will be produced in 2012 (including minifigures not part of the LEGO Minifigures collectibles).

The massively multiplayer online game that Funcom will develop based on the LEGO Minifigures franchise will focus on maximum accessibility. Funcom and the LEGO Group will work together to make the game available to consumers in their online channels and will be coordinating activities to provide a broad and enhanced experience for the product line. The game will be a prominent part of the LEGO Minifigures online experience which already has millions of unique visitors per month.
“The market for family-friendly online experiences intended for children and youngsters is brimming with potential,” says Funcom CEO Trond Arne Aas. “Being able to work with a world-renowned brand such as the LEGO brand to develop an MMO for this audience is incredibly exciting to us as game developers and for Funcom as a company. This is source material we all know and love and we simply cannot wait to get started working with the LEGO Group on realizing this exciting project.”

I haven’t heard anything since this original announcement, so I was curious to see if there are any updates. I have found some information and screen-shots from the game at LEGO fansite TheBrickFan.com. Basically, the LEGO Minifigures MMO game will be available for PC and Mac sometime in 2014. Players will be able to use a wide range of minifigures from the LEGO Collectible Minifigures line and each character will have their own set of special abilities and skills. Players can participate alone or team up with others in quests and PvP battles to unlock power-bricks and increase their minifigure’s abilities. In addition, the game will have the ability to tie-in with mobile devices including Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile.

Funcom has a countdown going for the LEGO Minifigures MMO game on their website, and in a few days they will be releasing more details. You can subscribe to their email list and be notified when more information is available. You can access the countdown here.
So what do you think? Are you excited about the new LEGO Minifigures MMO game? Did you play LEGO Universe? How did you like it? Do you think this new game will do better than the first one? What do you think of the game screen-shots? Feel free to share your thought and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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This looks interesting! I never played LEGO Universe and was quite sad when it shut down. This game looks like fun though! I wonder if we’ll be able to customize our own Minifigures…
Good question! Not sure, as the focus is on the Collectible Minifigs, but the heart of LEGO is customization, so I guess we just have to wait and see…
I would think it might be fun, but where’s the story???
Even from the trailer of LU there was more emotion then this entire game is going to offer! I’m not totally giving up, but it still will never be as good as LU!
This game sounds like it might be fun! Lego Universe was one of my favorite games. It had a lot of potential and would have made a lot of money if Lego had released the free-to-play trial when they first launched the game. Also if they had made sets or at least included codes in other sets to get the bricks for that set in-game, then it would have lasted.
Yeah, I really wanted some sets and minifigs related to LU! The characters were sweet! 😛
In order to blow it out of the water I think LEGO needs to do like many other online and mobile games have been doing:
Keep the entry to play the game low (downloads only, not discs; free access to basic missions, levels, and characters) and then really earn the money from things that enhance the experience (DLC; paying memberships that add more levels/missions; unlockable characters/abilities/accessories when you buy the actual minifig, which would benefit sales on actual LEGO too).
I believe they will do the right thing as it is not in LEGO’s hands. FunCom have the experience to make this work. At least that’s the hope…
I really was heart broken the morning I heard LU was shutting down! This (Personally) looks like it won’t come close to the LU level! I mean, look:How is a Dj going to fight a Tennis player? Plus, were’s the fun in just PvP, I want quests, I want emotion, I want some story! Will this offer that, probably not…So I don’t think this will remotely replace LU! So those are my thoughts…
That’s actually a good point. I’m not sure how they are going to develop the story with so many different characters. But you are right; for a game to really work there has to a story, emotional involvement, and adventure! 😛
Yeah, that MMO will never come close to the LU level. Even the trailers for it promised more potential! I want it back!
I am really happy because I was disapointed when Lego universe shut down.
I still have the lego universe installer thing
you can still play LEGO Universe! lucky! I only played it a few times because I didn’t have a PC then. also does anyone know how much this game is going to cost? it sounds pretty exciting! it better have missions and a story line!
Here’s an idea that would be cool: If you buy a minifigure, it comes with a code that can be used to unlock the minifig online. Much better scheme than that astronaut and Rocket for LEGO universe.
Also, does nobody realise the Chima MMO has been on for quite a while now? I was a beta tester, and I think it’s a pretty fun game, although still not as epic as LU.
I was hoping one of you gamers will volunteer to write a post about the Chima MMO. 😉
you said it Fikko!
Chima online is pretty fun. Not as good as LU or some other games though. I hope they add more stuff when the game goes from open beta to officially released.
Right, when I get back home and get my laptop fixed, I’ll get writing again. First, My awesome polybag haul (I managed to net 11 polybags!), Then the LEGO BYW and then Chima Online.
I’m going home today. Like I mentioned above, I got 11 polys, as opposed to my quota of 7. At the moment, I have a spare Galaxy Squad Mini Mech, Z-95 Headhunter, Friends Ice Cream Stand, Friends Mailbox , Spring scene and Fall Scene. If you want any of the above, please get in touch with me.
Oh, I also bought a couple of Series 11. I think I got the Yeti and Gingerbread Man!
Nice! You’ve got alot of polybags there! I got the ice cream stand but I’m giving it to my sister 🙂
What do you actually do with your polybags? Do you build them or display the packaging or sell them off?
Series 11…?…..? How the heck did you get some! They’re supposed to come out next month! Well I suppose its like series 10 then. Up north got them somewhat a month early and down south got them a couple of weeks late! 🙁
Well, I’m the type of polybag collector who opens them. If I get doubles, I try my best to sell them. However, I do not mangle the polybags, but I opened them slowly with scissors to keep the polybags in well, favorable conditions.
Yeah, WHSmith’s and Entertainer had S11 early. Not all branches though.
all you guys r lucky over here in England it says check back tomorrow but its been saying that since august the 6th,when Canadians and Americans get to play beta, so unfair
I know so unfair 🙁
What Chima MMo???? I want to try it!!!
It’s still in beta, and only available in the USA and Canada, but the full version should be released soon. 🙂
A chima MMO? I think that might work like Lego universe… You proabobly chose your tribe, then you go around doing stuff and getting better tools and armor. But it won’t fill in for LU
Now, a NINJAGO MMO would be interesting. You would chose your element, the. Go on quests to stop garmadon. That could be fun! To me, it would have more potential than chima
The was Ninjago in LEGO Universe! A whole world of it!
That idea is actually happening! I have 12 figures already thanks to that 🙂
Wow cant wait, I never got to play LU but this sounds awesome!
I liked LEGO’s original MMO game, and I hope this one will not be inferior.
Sad, i can’t play Chima Online, it just says :”Sorry! It looks like you are in a country where LEGO® Legends of Chima™ Online is not currently available for play.” Do they have a problem with the Philippines? 🙁
Really!? That’s…Peculiar.
yes I get check back tomorrow when im in England its only available in America and Canada at the momentt
EPIC! Hope they have a create your own character ability or something like that!
The concept sounds kinda interesting, but Lego Universe seems much better. I’m sad it was closed! 🙁
get over it it is never coming back. I hate how people always complain and are pissy about how the past is gone.
The countdown is over!!!!!!
Interestingly the trailer has music from LEGO Universe in it.
I just watched the trailer myself. LOL! Didn’t notice that about the music. Interesting! 😀
I play lego universe and it was great game, but from this pictures and informations I thing lego univers was better, I hope this new game will free, have some medieval and ninja items, some pets and not only main quest I hope there will be side questions too.
Player, my understanding is that the basic level of the game will be free and you can expand to paid options. We shall see how good the game is going to be. It is coming soon, so we don’t have to wait much longer. 😉