I know we have talked about the #21109 LEGO Ideas Exo Suit several times, and I have reviewed the set previously myself, but it is hard to shut up about this revolutionary set (see previous articles at the end of this post). Today I will share with you the time-lapse build of the set, as well as a full review by the BrickShow, talk about the availability of the set, plus a few other things I haven’t mentioned previously. 🙂

As you know, the LEGO Exo Suit was released on August 1st at midnight EST. Availability at the Online LEGO Shop changed to “Out of stock, will ship on August 15th” almost immediately, as people flooded the website with orders. By mid-day on the 1st of August the status changed to “Out of stock, will ship in 30 days”. This has been a huge disappointment to LEGO fans who don’t live close to an official LEGO store. In addition, there is a limit of one set per household, so if you were dreaming of building an army of LEGO Exo Suits, you better just focus on trying to get one and consider yourself lucky.

I have called LEGO’s customer service and was told that the Online LEGO Shop will get a larger batch coming in on the 15th, however it seems like that was also sold out already with pre-orders, since the status was changed to shipping in 30 days. Mark Stafford (the LEGO designer who worked on the LEGO Exo Suit) mentioned that only one run of the set is planned, however with the demand, LEGO would be crazy not to make enough to last at least until the Christmas season.

Those who live close to an official LEGO store are more lucky. I have heard that stores are well-stocked with LEGO Exo Suits, however they also have a limit of 1 set per household. It is much easier to get around the limit though, as you can just come back the following day for another set, or ask a family member or friend to get you one. I hope that LEGO is going to respond to the demand and won’t be leaving LEGO fans disappointed, otherwise they will have a whole lot of grumpy customers to deal with. 😕

Now let’s check out some reviews! The first video is a full review by the BrickShow, so you can see from every angle the LEGO Exo Suit, the LEGO Classic Space minifigs in green, and the turtle. Please note that Jason assembled the cockpit area incorrectly, so it doesn’t exactly look right, the minifig doesn’t fit all the way in, and the roll-cage can’t close fully. I did send Jason a message mentioning this, and hopefully he will figure out where the mistake is. I have mentioned in a previous article that the LEGO Exo Suit is not an easy assembly. You do have to pay attention to the instructions and build it carefully. But the set and the building techniques will amaze you!
The second video – also by the BrickShow – is the time-lapse build of the set. If you watch it carefully you can see some of the interesting building techniques used, and you could also probably figure out where Jason made the mistake when assembling the set.
There is also a very interesting article at the LEGO Ideas blog about the Making of the Exo Suit (yes, that’s the title, you can just click on the link to read it) and how Peter Reid and Mark Stafford worked together on the design. It is really worth to read it. Also, although I have shared some modification on my own copy of the LEGO Exo Suit in a previous article, I have now done even more. You can check it out in my flickr gallery. Both Peter and Mark endorsed it, so I’m happy about that. 😀

As I have mentioned, the #21109 LEGO Ideas Exo Suit is available at the Online LEGO Shop, however it won’t ship for 30 days. Still, I would suggest that you put in your order as soon as possible because, although we fervently hope that LEGO will make a second batch, there is no guarantee in this regard. It is better to get one now and wait for them to ship, than not being able to get the set at all. Here is the direct link: BUY LEGO EXO SUIT AT THE ONLINE LEGO SHOP

So what do you think? Is the LEGO Ideas Exo Suit a set you are hoping to get? Or did you get it already? How do you like it? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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