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Brick Breakdown: LEGO King’s Castle

(Written by William)

In this Brick Breakdown series I review official LEGO sets, from the perspective of looking at interesting building techniques we can all learn from. Today we will be looking at the #70404 LEGO Castle King’s Castle set. You can also check out the previously discussed LEGO techniques found in official LEGO sets at the end of this article. 🙂

#70404 LEGO Castle

We haven’t talked about LEGO Castle sets for a while now as they have been overshadowed by other exciting LEGO themes. However the fact remains that LEGO Castle is one of the oldest LEGO themes (along with LEGO City and LEGO Space). The current LEGO Castle theme is simply called LEGO Castle, including five sets; the largest one amongst them being the #70404 LEGO King’s Castle. Through the years LEGO released many sets called the King’s Castle – some better than others.

#70404 LEGO Castle King's Castle Details

This version of the classic LEGO Castle is definitely not the fanciest nor is it the most innovative. It is a straightforward and basic design – something LEGO Castle fans could start with and build up on. This set is actually a good reminder that in order to come up with complex designs, it is a good idea to start from a simpler version then build from there. The recommended age-range for this set is 7-12, which means that it can’t get much easier to build a full castle and still have something for older fans to enjoy. With that said, we’re going to look at some of the techniques utilized in this set, and even if LEGO Castle is not your thing, we will look at techniques that can be applied to a wide range of designs.


Sometimes when building with LEGO size is the goal. After all no one cowers under the shadow of a small castle. However, given the fact that we can’t make everything to scale, there will be times we just need to give the illusion of size. This is where we need to build mass to our LEGO model. This is represented in the LEGO King’s Castle to the left and right of the front gate, the back corners, and the back tower. They are primarily wall sections with small windows to look like there are interior rooms inside, however there is actually no access to these spaces.

#70404 LEGO Castle Details

If you need space filled up in your LEGO creation, you’re going to need to think of a couple of things. First of all, make sure the space is hollow – you could build solid, but this will take more pieces, and make the model really heavy. A lighter LEGO model is more efficient in piece usage and will make handling easier. The other feature you want to consider is that if you have windows make sure they are darkened to conceal the fact that you are not using the interior space. Also, building mass will reinforce your interlocking bricks technique. You don’t want to use a whole bunch of straight columns of bricks – the idea is that you are making one large cohesive piece that can fill up space. The result will be a LEGO model that looks large and bulky in areas you want, with relatively little effort.


Ever since the first LEGO Castle, LEGO designers have been using strings to raise and lower the drawbridges and portcullises. Ultimately there are two approaches to using a string-reel, and this set uses both of them. The first use is the tension-reel. This reel has a stiff action, so that no matter how the reel is wound, it will stay in place. The LEGO King’s Castle uses this type of reel at the drawbridge. The bushes are used to create a tight hold by pushing up against the LEGO Technic bricks – thereby giving friction. The end result is that you get slow movement no matter which way you turn the reel.

#70404 LEGO Castle String Reel

The other method of using a string-reel is to create a catch. This is used for the portcullis’s reel. The axle remains loose and if you want to stop the reel, you simply move the LEGO Technic piece in place to stop the handle from turning. This is ideal if you are using gravity and need a quick release action.

#70404 LEGO Castle Catch Lever


One of the most interesting designs of the LEGO King’s Castle is the catapult on one of its towers. I should admit that I am not a big fan of catapults simply because I feel they are overused, however this one impressed me because of the technique used by LEGO designers. First of all they created a spring. For this they needed a piece with two qualities; flexibility and resiliency. Often rubber-bands are best for this, but in this case a rubber axle-hose was used. I should probably explain here what I mean by “flexible” and “resilient.” Flexible is simple; all it means is a piece that can bend and not break. Resilient is the quality that means a piece will go back to its original shape. So for instance, a string is flexible but not resilient.

#70404 LEGO Castle Catapult

In order to do this, LEGO designers did something special with the hose they used here. Normally a hose is not entirely resilient as it starts taking the shape of whichever way you bend it. However, if you restrain the majority of the hose and only expose a small section, you will increase the resiliency of the exposed section. Note how the majority of the hose is located on the second floor of the tower and only a little bit is up top.

Next, LEGO designers used the catapult itself to define the limits of the spring. When building the catapult you will use a black pin and a gray pin to connect it. The black pin is a friction pin (you may notice the lines that run the length of the pin). This restricts the turning movement. The gray pin, on the other hand, can spin free. What is happening here is that the pins adjust how much force is used to move the catapult; put two gray pins and the bowl section will flip over and hang off the side of the tower. Put two black pins and the hose may not have enough force to move the catapult. So what you end up with is a spring that has just the right amount of force to launch a projectile, but not enough to move it any further than what it can reach. And this should be your goal when you make a LEGO spring, after all you do want to like the way something looks when the flexible piece has returned to its normal shape.


Building mass to a LEGO creation equates to a larger size. It is often the case that this additional bulk helps put things in context. Guns on a spaceship for instance look much more impressive with size. Just make sure that the size you add still connects solidly with the rest of your model. String-reels are an easy and fun way to create a nice moving feature. The question is what type of reel best fits your needs; you can go slow and steady with friction or fast with a catch. Finally, creating your own LEGO spring is not a technique often used as the majority of LEGO elements are too rigid to even meet the requirements needed. In fact, spring mechanisms are fairly rare in LEGO creations, so there is plenty of room for LEGO builders to be the first to find new applications with this technique.

So what do you think? How do you like the LEGO King’s Castle set and the techniques we discussed here? Do you prefer to build realistic LEGO creations or prefer to make adjustments for playability? And how about open floor-plans? Do you use them in your own LEGO buildings? Feel free to share your own experiences, tips or ask questions in the comment section below! 😉

Shop LEGO Castle

And you might also like to check out the other reviews in this series:


Today I would like to share with you an incredibly well-made LEGO stop-motion film by French animators France & Alex. The story is based on real historical events revolving around the mysterious Beast of GĂ©vaudan; man-eating, wolf-like creature (or creatures) which terrorized the former province of GĂ©vaudan in France between 1764 and 1767. The film is in French, but you can turn on caption in English below the video-player. It is a fascinating story with many twists and turns. 🙂

LEGO Stop-Motion Film Bestia

This LEGO stop motion film starts out with setting the scene for the story, based on true events. The caption reads: “Picture of the monster that saddens the GĂ©vaudan country. This beast is the size of a young bull. It preferably attacks women and children. It drinks their blood, cuts their hear off and takes it away. 2700 pounds are promised to whoever kills this animal.” Interesting? Turn on the captions by hitting the little CC button below the video and enjoy the show!

Amazing film isn’t it? And a gripping story! It is also interesting to see how ordinary people, the church, and Louis XV (the French king at that time) responded to the reported events. And as far as the LEGO stop-motion film itself, the animation, editing, special effects and music are excellent – something that is not easy to achieve with LEGO stop-motion techniques, and takes tremendous time and patience. According to the information at the end of the video, it took about 3 years to make this film. Below is a behind-the-scenes look at how it was made.

For your information below are some excerpts from the Wikipedia article about the real-life events related to the Beast of GĂ©vaudan. You can read the original here: Beast of GĂ©vaudan on Wikipedia

LEGO Stop-Motion Film Bestia History

The Beast of GĂ©vaudan (French: La BĂȘte du GĂ©vaudan) is the historical name associated with the man-eating wolves or wolf-like animals which terrorized the former province of GĂ©vaudan (modern-day dĂ©partement of LozĂšre and part of Haute-Loire), in the Margeride Mountains in south-central France between 1764 and 1767. The attacks, which covered an area stretching 90 by 80 kilometers (56 by 50 miles), were said to have been committed by beasts that had formidable teeth and immense tails according to contemporary eyewitnesses. Witnesses also saw the beast was wounded at several occasions without dying. Those injuries include shots at point blank range.

LEGO Stop-Motion Film Bestia Scene 2

Victims were often killed by having their throats torn out. The French government used a considerable amount of manpower and money to hunt the animals; including the resources of several nobles, the army, civilians, and a number of royal huntsmen. The number of victims differs according to sources. In 1987, one study estimated there had been 210 attacks; resulting in 113 deaths and 49 injuries; 98 of the victims killed were partly eaten. However, other sources claim it killed between 60 to 100 adults and children, as well as injuring more than 30.

LEGO Stop-Motion Film Bestia The Beast

Descriptions of the time vary, but generally the beast was said to look like a wolf but about as big as a cow. It had a large dog-like head with small straight ears, a wide chest, and a large mouth which exposed very large teeth, and was in some reports said to have a muzzle like that of a pig or calf. The claws on its feet were as sharp as razors. The beast’s fur was said to be red in color but its back was streaked with black. It was also said to have quite an unpleasant odor.

LEGO Stop-Motion Film Bestia Reference

The Beast of GĂ©vaudan carried out its first recorded attack in the early summer of 1764. A young woman, who was tending cattle in the Mercoire forest near Langogne in the eastern part of GĂ©vaudan, saw the beast come at her. However the bulls in the herd charged the beast keeping it at bay, they then drove it off after it attacked a second time. Shortly afterwards the first official victim of the beast was recorded; 14-year-old Janne Boulet was killed near the village of Les Hubacs near the town of Langogne.

LEGO Stop-Motion Film Bestia Scene

Over the later months of 1764, more attacks were reported throughout the region. Very soon terror had gripped the populace because the beast was repeatedly preying on lone men, women and children as they tended livestock in the forests around GĂ©vaudan. Reports note that the beast seemed to only target the victim’s head or neck regions; the bites were not to the arms and legs – the usual body parts favored by known predators such as wolves – making the woundings unusual.

Since the late 18th century, numerous explanations have been promulgated as to the exact identity of the beast. However none of the theories have been scientifically proven. Suggestions as to what sort of cryptid animals roamed GĂ©vaudan have ranged from exaggerated accounts of wolf attacks, to the myths of the werewolf, or a punishment from God. Modern theorists now propose the beasts were some type of domestic dog or a wolf-dog hybrid on account of their large size and unusual coloration.

What do you think? How did you like this LEGO stop-motion film? And what about the story? Do you think the beast was a large wolf? Or something else? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉

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