LEGO Ninjago may have come to an end (and we have all hope that this is temporary), however the story of the ninja are in fact continuing in the LEGO books published by Papercutz. If you are a Ninjago fan and you are sorely missing the Ninjago episodes, you might want to check out these graphic novels! I have read all of them and they are really fun! 🙂

The Ninjago books by Papercutz are not continuations from the end of the Ninjago TV show, but expansion of the Ninjago story. Kind of in-between stories between the episodes to learn more about the ninja and their adventures. So far there have been 5 books published, and there are at least 3 more on the way. I will show you all of them below.
➡ LEGO Ninjago Book #1: The Challenge of Samukai! – The Masters of Spinjitzu come to Papercutz! Sensei Wu has trained Cole, Zane, Jay, and Kai to be Masters of Spinjitzu, and together they defend the world of Ninjago from the dark forces of the Underworld. But when the leader of the skeleton army, Samukai, boasts to the evil Lord Garmadon that he can defeat Sensei Wu and his four young ninja, Garmadon takes him up on his bet! Who will prevail in this battle between good and evil? Available on – BUY HERE
➡ LEGO Ninjago Book #2: Mask of the Sensei – Cole, Zane, Jay, and Kai, the Masters of Spinjitzu, have defeated unbelievably powerful foes and all seems well on the world of Ninjago. But all that changes when the ninja are attacked by the one foe they can’t possibly hope to defeat, the one who taught them everything they know—Sensei Wu himself! This is a nightmare come true when they must somehow defeat their respected teacher and friend—or do they?! Available on – BUY HERE

➡ LEGO Ninjago Book #3: Rise of the Serpentine – Zane, Cole, Jay, and Kai return after a confrontation with their master, Sensei Wu, in NINJAGO #2. The four masters of Spinjitsu must now face an unknown future full of new enemies, and greater obstacles. The major mystery they must now confront is, who are the snake tribes known as the Serpentine? Available on – BUY HERE
➡ LEGO Ninjago Book #4: Tomb of the Fangpyre – Cole and his ninja team discover the secret nest of the evil Fangpyres — only to find out the shocking secrets of the Serpentine! Continuing the all-new Ninjago 2012 storylines with new villains and heroes. Available on – BUY HERE

➡ LEGO Ninjago Book #5: Kingdom of the Snakes – After flying through a powerful electrical storm, Jay crash-lands and finds himself in a world where Sensei Wu’s team of ninja was never formed. Here, the Serpentine rule with skeleton warriors as their servants, Jay’s friends are scattered and powerless, and his only hope is an ancient master of Spinjitzu — Lord Garmadon! Available on – BUY HERE
➡ LEGO Ninjago Book #6: Warriors of Stone – A new enemy rises and the battle is joined! When the evil Lord Garmadon unleashes an army of stone warriors on the world of Ninjago, the ninja find that not even they can stop this new menace! Coming January 2013!

➡ LEGO Ninjago Book #7: Stone Cold – The best-selling mega-hit continues as Jay, Cole, Zane, and Kai square off against the evil Stone Warriors! Frustrated and discouraged by their lack of powers and their inability to defeat the Stone Warriors, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Kai learn secrets of Sensei Wu’s past adventures that may hold the key to future victory. Coming May 2013!
➡ LEGO Ninjago Book #8: Destiny of Doom – After Jay, Cole, Zane, and Kai defeated Lord Garmadon once and for all, the skeletal baddie actually joined the good guys! Garmadon and his son Lloyd are reunited, and the new powerful team, led by Sensei Wu, is totally unstoppable . . . unless they have to face one of their own. Before Garmadon turned, he had placed terrible doomsday devices all over Ninjago, timed to activate in the event of his defeat. Now he must lead the ninjas in a quest around the world to battle these maniacal menaces, and hope that their first mission together isn’t their last! The blockbuster graphic novel best-seller continues in this thrilling tale of endings and new beginnings! Coming October 2013!

The LEGO Ninjago books are the work of writer Greg Farshtey, who is a New York Times-bestselling author of over 50 novels and graphic novels. Prior to his work on LEGO Ninjago, he was the main creative force behind the popular BIONICLE series. The first 3 volumes of the Ninjago books are illustrated by Paulo Henrique. He has illustrated several hit graphic novel series for Papercutz. The later volumes of the Ninjago books are illustrated by Jolyon Yates, an artist from England, who studied graphic design in Japan. He is very happy to be working on the LEGO Ninjago series, but fears losing the ability to draw fingers, ears, and noses. 😉

The LEGO Ninjago books are available both in hard-cover and paperback versions. The paperback is $6.99 and the hard-cover is $10.99. I recommend the paperback version. It is just as nice as the hard-cover and a bit cheaper. The cover is nice and glossy so you don’t have to worry about it getting damaged. In fact I should mention here that the quality of all of the Papercutz books are excellent. These are not cheap comics, but beautiful graphic novels with vibrant colors on durable paper. Well worth it!

I read all of the available volumes of the LEGO Ninjago books and I like them. The stories are quite interesting and the graphics beautiful. What do you think? If you have already read the LEGO Ninjago books please share your thoughts below! Would love to hear how you like them! 🙂
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cool! but i’m still hoping fo another ninjago season!
its interesting! just like reading a comic about lloyd reading one of his comics! funny!
How many pages are they? They look good.
Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that; each of the books is 60 pages of comics, plus a couple of extra pages of other info. So they are pretty substantial. 🙂
Thanks, they seem to be priced pretty well.
Awesome!! But I don’t have any money…..
I’m not too fond of the Papercutz graphic novels…once i went to the bookstore, bought two of the Bionicle comic thingies, and by the time i got home, several of the pages had fallen out…terrible binding.
@Dr. Inferno — Sorry to hear you got some books from that bad batch of Bionicle! At the time we did work to pull those copies from stores and replace with better-bound versions, but some did sneak through. All of our books are sewn, not glued, so they’re a cut above in the durability department. I hope you give us another chance! 🙂
So sorry to hear that. As Jesse already mentioned, you may have gotten a book from a bad batch. I have all of the Ninjago books both hard-bound and soft-bound and have not had an issue with the binding at all. Also Jesse indicated they were aware of the previous issue with the Bionicle books and have corrected the problem since then. 🙂
I have a couple of Bionicle Papercutz comics too, and some of the pages are sticking out as if they’re going to fall off. I just treat them with EXTREME care.
Maybe the last one could link to the 2014 series
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking. 😀
whoa! did anyone see this on the one called destiny of doom it kinda sounded like the next season! like the stone army one gave us a hint about the stone warriors. in destiny of doom it showed lord garmadon good. i think thats proof that there is another season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t think Lego is working with Papercutz, so that wouldn’t be proof. I took it like Papercutz was just a seperate company but maybe not.
Strider, the books come with the official LEGO logo as well as the official Ninjago characters, so yeah, Papercutz is definitely working in collaboration with LEGO. There are many LEGO products (books, storage supplies, clothing, etc.) where LEGO may not be the direct manufacturer, but they work with a third-party company to expand on the LEGO line of products.
Okay sorry about that.
I’ve never seen any ninjago shows or bought any sets.
How is that possible (faints from disbelief)
Any sets that you would recommend? I was thinking about Kai’s fire mech.
Good set. Very articulate as far as the movement of the arms and legs go. i just bought it myself and really enjoy it :wink;
How is that possible? 😯 (faints in disbelief)
Technically it wasn’t the same because you did the emoticon.
Well I did see the first 4 episodes but when did the Loyd green guy come in? Also I have no idea what the snakes and stone army are. Would you reccomend the golden dragon or Kai’s fire mech as my first Ninjago set?
Kai’s fire mech would be my choice, but the golden dragon is pretty cool too. 😉
I see your problem,you have a ; at the end instead of a :
I was talking about Lloyd Zx about his emoticon issue.
Sorry about posting the same thing twice.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored 😐
They are called graphic novels, my sons got a few from Santa this year. I liked them. I see no Chima tonight, but Nijago is on!
when did number five come out?
Not sure. I got mine a couple of weeks ago. 😉
Sounds cool!
I’m particularly interested in destiny of doom and kingdom of snakes.
Yeah, I read the first part of The Kindom of snakes; apperantly Jay is sent into a time where the snakes rule ninjago! It was pretty awsome! My birthday is Feb. 3rd and I’m hoping I get some more Ninjago comics.
AMAZING!!!! 😀 I have 1 and 2, now all I need is the rest 😎
GO.ME!!! 😆
,;, ,;,
8, I only thought there were 7! Nice to know there are more 😎
😯 I have to write this all down in my notes!
Warroirs of stone is already out. I seen it in Walmart. 😐 It’s actually more than that, stone people too. I saw it, I’m pretty sure I did.
Mwa ha ha ha ha I am back in lego ninjago season 4 rise of the dark lord
These books remind me of the ones for Bionicle 😥
They are made by the same people, Papercutz
Those books were cool NRG Pythor,but very long. But I must agree,those books were interesting.
Yeah, I can’t wait for season 3! It’s going to be a big and long season!
(insert Gid17 logic comment about how Ninjago season 3 is going to be extremely short here)
LOL, I really don’t know now…
But in defense of my own reasoning, it does seem like it (continuing Ninjago) was as much of a last minute decision as you can get… 😉 😀
Yeah, that’s what I thought too… last minute about face. 😉
Luckily LEGO got a knock in the head if the scenario, if it ever existed. They might even use this as a marketing plot, and they might have been building upon these rumors and plotting it from the beginning. I doubt that they did it at the last minute. I’m pretty sure they intended to have 3 seasons from the beginning…
I have a sneaking suspicion that Season 3 will come on around the months of July. The reason for this suspicion: On the TV show, the Stone Army was intoduced a few months before the book was. I have a feeling that the last comic there (which I was not aware about until today) is somewhat based off of what the new season will be about. Remember the “robot thingy” in Zane’s eyes? Well, that is probably the robots that Garmadon suposeably planted around Ninjago when he was evil! It all makes perfect sense!
I always like your sneaking suspicions. They are sneaky and make sense. 🙄
Lol! It all makes sense!!!
Yeah! That makes a lot of sense.
Yeah, makes sense. 😆
😐 Feelin’ Random.
,;, ,;,
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?!?!?! 😕 😕 ❓
(I’m talking about this: ,;, ,;,)
I think it’s a paw. Get it? Wolf
I think…
/\_/\ like this?
/ • • \ Rawr
\ ᵜ / (well, something
,;, ,;, like that)
Oh, I get it now!!! Thanks!
/\_/\ /
/ • • \ _____/
\ ᵜ /_-___-_|
|| ||
,;, ,;,
Doggy!!!! 😀 😛
😡 It deleted my spaces and now it looks really weird. 🙁
Yeah, that happened to mine too.
OH, It makes wolf paws! ,;, ,;, 😀 😉
I end some of my comments with it. 😉 😛 😀
,;, ,;,
I’m eating lunch in my classroom today for no apparent reason 😀
😀 I’m SOOO Happy! My birthday money came in and now I’m gonna go buy most of the Ninjago Comic Books!!!!
,;, ,;,
Sweet! Enjoy the stories! 😀
,;, ,;,
Yeah, they are really fun. I read them up to number 5. Hope you can get them all. 😉
You should really read #6, it’s great! But Number five is awsomer! (Awsomer is Not a word.) 😀
I really hope that Lego revives Ninjago because of that last book. I’d love to see more of it! Then again, don’t we all hope that? 😉
A while ago, a LEGO operator revealed that they would be continuing Ninjago in 2014. Here is the link: 😉
The problem is, they might only be continuing the sets, not the show itself. After all, they originally said Ninjago would end in 2013, but the last season ended in 2012.
Meloetta, I see what your logic is telling you, but I think what the Lego representative said was a complete misstatement and a piece of misinformation. Also, I think the plot so far is too huge to not have another season of the TV show. So, they can’t go another subtheme of Ninjago without another season of the TV show. While I do admit it may be the last season, which I know all of us do not want, I am absolutely positive Ninjago is in for another (maybe last) season of lines and episodes. So in conclusion, I highly doubt they would only continue the sets, although I understand where you’re coming from.
Gosh, it feels like I’m writing a science report, and I’m writing it too often. How many of you ACTUALLY think only the sets are going to be continued in 2014, or if not, there’s going to be an extremely short season?
Definitely don’t believe that – if LEGO continues Ninjago, they must continue the plot in some form of media. Ninjago is all about the story first, and construction sets later. 😉
So, we on the same page, Admin? *hopeful face*
Hm… same page, different book? Just kidding. 😉
It is not that I Think only the sets or an extremely short season will be continued, it is just that I do not Know otherwise and do not want to get my hopes up. My prediction will not affect what happens anyway, so why even make one? 😐
Wait, could Garmadon be the ‘main character’ of this season (like Kai and Lloyd, who are also featured in the Destiny of Doom cover)? Also, Stone Cold’s cover looks like this Beatles artwork.
I also think Dareth should learn Spinjitzu and be either the Ninja of Wind or Ninja of Stone (he controls the Stone Army).
YAY! I got almost all the books!!! (Extept for stone cold and that other book taht’s not out yet.) My fav. Kingdom of Snakes! And Warriors of stone!
The only ones I haven’t read that have been released are Rise of the Serpentine (the store didn’t have it) and Warriors of Stone (it wasn’t out at the time).
I’m tired, but I have to finish this homework for school. Oh yeah, Congrats for whoever won the super bowl! (I’m not sure yet, I went to my room after the 3rd quarter cause I was bored) That was interesting that the power went out, though. I was actually laughing when that happened. What can I say, I just found it funny! 😛
wow i really want to all of em on amizon they have number 1 and 2 in 1 and it looks really cool 🙂
Yeah robin hood, that was the first Ninjago book I bought when me and my Dad went to walmart.
Just changed the title of my story from Realm Combination and Corruption to Destiny is a Powerful Force. I think the title fits better. 😉
Awesome! I now have to go look it up to find it! That is, after I get home from school… 😀
Lucky, you can get on the computer at school! I mean, we do have computer class, but it’s all stinky and it always has to do with “online education and the learning through powerful Powerpoints and Word documents”. It STINKS! D:
Anyways, I’m making a lot of progress on chapter 7! Anticipate news soon!
You know,I really got to agree with you there.I do have a computer class at school,but all the good websites like quotev and quizilla are blocked.It truly sucks.I’m thinking about doing a petition to bring back some of those sites.
ninjago season 4 story line revealed
before garmadon turned good he put doomsday devices all over ninjago so he and the ninjas go around and destroy them
Season 4 plot revealed: the ninja vs nindroids with techno blades, official trailer revealed on YouTube and