We have been discussing LEGO CUUSOO here in the past couple of weeks thanks to Sarah’s posts, which also inspired me to look into projects on CUUSOO a bit deeper. Meanwhile I have been contacted by CUUSOO-member Matthew Copeland about his project, and I instantly liked his LEGO model. So I thought to bring it to your attention as well and see if you think this is a worthy project to support and make into actual LEGO sets. 🙂

Matthew’s CUUSOO project is called RetroSpace. Here is how Matthew describes his model: The RetroSpace proposed LEGO theme revives the sci-fi planetscapes of the 1950s. Replete with robots, ray guns, rockets and flying disks, these sets capture the imaginations of all ages. All of the components are detachable and interchangeable for various reconfiguration. Above is an overall view in LEGO Digital Designer.
There are a number of smaller sets within the RetroSpace project: there is a Landing Platform and Decontamination Unit with Flying Disk, a Launch Pad with a Rocket Ship, a Living Quarters Module, a Cloaking Device Module, Tunnels, and a Ray Gun Defense Module.

All components of this LEGO model can open up to provide easy access to the module interiors. Modules are connected with pegs to allow for infinite reconfigurations.

The Ray Gun Defense Module features rotating and articulated extension-arm for precise target acquisition. It can also be aimed at the ground for lizard attacks.

A Cloaking Device Module surrounds the base with a veil of invisibility. (Located in back of top picture.) A nice and thoughtful touch! If you know how to turn on this device the whole space-station becomes invisible! 😀

Above is a picture of the Corridor System – door, window, tunnel, junction, turn – that can be greatly expanded by adding more units. Below is the teleporter unit for easy transportation.

Matthew’s LEGO model has some other concepts included as well, like a whole alien fraction, etc. You can check out further details at the CUUSOO project page: RetroSpace LEGO Model on CUUSOO. If you would like to support this project you can vote for it at the same link. You can also let Matthew know if you have any comments or suggestions.
And if you would like to learn more about CUUSOO and other great fan-created LEGO projects check here:
wow what talent
VIE, yes, I also thought that it was a well designed and well-thought out project! 🙂
I tried the link to Cuusoo and it was all in Japanese, i could not find a place to vote for this.
VIE, did you go to ? That is the link to the project. I’m not sure how or why it would show up Japanese for you. 😕
lol I just clicked on cuusoo oops … Thanks
nice! I want it if its for sale
If you like this project you need to vote for it at cuusoo.com. Once it reaches 10,000 votes, LEGO will make it into a set. 🙂
Excellent concept! Love the modular design! I’m just wondering about the colors, I like them but I can’t make out what the lighter color is. Is it tan, or sand green or a new color? Looks great! Good luck with your project!
Hi, TomTom. The light green color is “Color: 326 – Spring Yellowish Green”. The two tan colors are “Color: 310 – Metalized Gold” and “Color: 5 – Brick Yellow”. Thanks for the compliments and wishes, everyone 🙂 I’m glad you enjoy it.
Excellent color combinations! I knew it was something special!
Seriously cool! I also like the modular design! excellent idea! Are there any vehicles planned? I think it looks great, but I would add more to show the playability aspect. Like maybe a few minifigs and vehicles. You need to get the space fans behind you!
Thanks for the great suggestions! Since I’m still in the early stages of the project, one important consideration is whether to design new minifigs, or leverage existing accoutrements. Any thoughts? What kinds of vehicles would you like to see in this theme? Rovers, hover ships, baby saucers?
Great concept! I agree with the commenter above me though. Develop the story and add some characters. That always helps a lego product to get fans!
I certainly can’t wait to get back to developing the storyline and minifigs and to continue designing expansions for the theme. I will take your advice to heart and begin refining the personality of the theme. Are there any particulary story or character aspects that you would like to see in the RetroSpace theme?
Well, since the name of the theme is Retrospace, and you mention it is to bring back the scifi of the 50s, I would probably develop the story from that direction. I’m not old enough to give the best suggestions on this, but I’m pretty sure it would be popular with longtime lego fans, scifi fans and also younger lego fans because the sets do look really cool! It could basically be the next space sets, which lego seems to bring back regularly.
I’m eager to hear everyone’s feedback and ideas for the theme. Per supporter requests, I’ve already completed some initial work on an alien species, the transporter room, and a subterranean drill vehicle. Thank you all for your comments.
Looks like something out of Dan Dare.
Well done 🙂
Great post and Matthew is definitely deserving of some attention. He has made a host of amazing creations. In fact, I was going to say that you stole my thunder as I’m currently working on a post all about Matthew and his variety of creations, but since you only blogged about one, I still have plenty to talk about. 😉
Sarah, he-he, a little blogging competition? I’m sure Matthew wouldn’t mind the extra attention! 😀
LOL. I don’t think he does either. 😀
Kind of off topic, but would you like to write about the new MBA kits? I know you love MBA and castle, so I was wondering if you want to cover that. 🙂
I saw those last night and I am so excited! I would definitely like to write about it. I’m hoping to get the next CUUSOO blog to you today. *fingers crossed* Then I’ll work on the MBA kits level 3 and get that to you hopefully tomorrow.
As it is, I must confess that I’m quite behind on my MBA building. I’m working on Kit 3 now. There’s been so many other LEGO things going on that I just haven’t made the time, but I will now so I can be ready for the next level. lol! 😀
Sarah, looking forward to your posts! I’m also very excited about the new MBA, so I almost wrote about it last night, but then I restrained myself and thought to ask you. 😉
Don’t fall behind on your curriculum though! You may end up with bad grades! 😆
lol! I think this would be the first thing I’d get bad grades in. 😉 But I’ll catch up.
Sarah, I was happily blown away when I read this post and would love to read your article when you publish it. It’s exciting and flattering to know that you’re following my work. I’ll keep the creations coming as I have two new juicy projects on the way. One is an idea for a new LEGO game that I’m testing with friends and is an addictive smash hit. The other is aesthetic and oriented toward technical builders. Best Regards, Matt
You are very very welcome! I post as SilvaShado on CUUSOO and have the same avatar as here. I think I’ve supported and commented on most of your projects, You have one active imagination with the great ability to make your ideas out of LEGO.
I am very much looking forward to the board game. I love the board games, and I’ve been meaning to create a Ninjago expansion for Heroica, but there;s just been too many things to do that I keep putting it off. lol.