Finally we have a chance to see the LEGO Ninjago 2012 summer sets, thanks to LEGO-fans who have taken pictures and videos at the recent toy-fair in Nurnberg, Germany! (Images courtesy of
Below is an overall picture of the LEGO Ninjago display at the German toy-fair with the Ninjago summer sets (click image for larger view):
And here is a display of the LEGO Ninjago minifigures. Just look at those amazing snake-generals! And yes, there is the long-awaited Green Ninja! 😀
Below find close-ups of the LEGO Ninjago summer sets. You can click on each of the images for a larger view. I really like the whole set-up with the background mountains and caves. I wish the sets would include those! 😉
➡ #9448 LEGO NINJAGO Samurai Mech – In my opinion, besides the #2507 LEGO Ninjago Fire Temple, this is the best LEGO Ninjago set! That mech is just incredible! This set also features a small snake-catapult to launch the 2 snakes that appear in the set. Includes 3 minifigures: Samurai X, Bytar and Snike. Estimated price: $39.99

➡ #9449 LEGO NINJAGO Ultra Sonic Raider – The Ninja’s cool new toy! It also has some really interesting moving parts! (Check out the video below.) Set includes Ultra Sonic Raider, Fangpyre fang-blade with red anti-venom capsule, 4 golden weapons and 5 regular weapons. Includes 6 minifigures: Cole ZX, Jay ZX, Kai ZX, Zane ZX, Pythor and Spitta. Estimated price: $69.99
➡ #9450 LEGO NINJAGO Epic Dragon Battle – That is one awesome-crazy 4-headed dragon! Set features Ultra Dragon, The Great Devourer (the green snake from the picture with the samurai robot), snake-prison, Hypnobrai fang-blade with blue anti-venom capsule, 4 golden weapons and 7 regular weapons. Includes 7 minifigures: Lloyd ZX, NRG Jay, Sensei Wu, Lord Garmadon, Acidicus, Skalidor and Chokun. Estimated price: $119.99
➡ #9447 LEGO NINJAGO Lasha’s Bite Cycle – This is the small green vehicle at the bottom of the first image. Besides the Bite Cycle the set also features a blacksmith-forge, Venomari fang-blade with green anti-venom capsule, golden weapon and 5 regular weapons. Includes 2 minifigures: Cole ZX and Lasha. Estimated price: $24.99
And finally, here is a video of all the upcoming LEGO Ninjago summer sets:
So far 2012 has been an excellent year for Ninjago! It seems like LEGO has gone all out to dazzle Ninjago fans with some amazing sets! What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. 😉
Here are some other posts on LEGO Ninjago you may be interested in:
LOL, you guys I have a news for the Lego Ninjago Spinball game. I have found the code, the code is ‘Eyes’
awesome entered it in and got a secret hypnobrai costume
Isn’t that great.
its all right
what spinball game?
UPDATE: I just added a new post with video reviews of the summer Ninjago sets. See here: LEGO NINJAGO Summer Sets Videos
Hey Guys this has a better picture and views of all new Ninjago Lego sets so here.
Here is the link :
Guys just seen episode 13 and the great devourer is HUGE!!! It ate pythor……. 🙁 sadly it did eat sensi wu but when garmadon killed the great devouerer sensi was alive still so I guess pythor got his destiny………. 🙁 oh and the dragons of the ninjas came back and they combined in one 1 body 2 wings 4 heads!!!! And garmadon STOLE the 4 weapons so I hope you guys seen episode 13 and have fun with the winter or spring sets that ate out 🙂
i have all the codes here they are: peakyride,oldminer,tanningsprawl,sesamesurprise,irongauntlets,
cheetahsmile,cladtitanium,ninjagojazz,skidjumping,eyes,and pointyillusion
DO NOT PUT SPACES BETWEEN THE WORDS IN EACH CODE OR IT WONT WORK these codes unlock secret levels,money,items,and powerups in spinjitzu spinball
All of the secret codes are good except pointyillusion.
what does it do?
no it gives you a hypnobrai outfit whats so bad about that the
level unlocking is boring on the rest of the codes!!
Sorry, my computer was not very good. It does work.
yes there is more than one
does anyone know if on the venomari general you have to put the big fangs on top of his head or if theyre part of his head
I’m pretty sure they are part of his head. Meaning; they are part of the mold and not separate.
awesome. yesterday i found out that theyre playing episode 8 on cartoon network tonight at seven its called once bit twice shy
admin do you play the spinball game?
No I don’t. I’m not so much of an online gamer. I’m online for work all the time, so to be online for fun too wouldn’t be fun at all. 🙁
If you would like to write a post about the game however you are very welcome. 😉
admin how many snake people do you have
Quite a few. What I’m really looking foward though is getting the generals! 😀
I’ve got Skales and Fangdom!
me two I can’t wait for the other two!
I have all the staves and am going to get all the generals and fang blades.
i have lashaa with the headthing, rattla without the head thing cause i found it outside school building,and rattla without the head thing too because i found him sitting outside the school building also i also have the hypno brai and fangpyre staffs also
LOL! Sounds like your school is full of snakes! 😛
yeah theres a lot of kids that have them apparently because i found those two
That includes Pythor.
oh and i also built a hypnobrai fang blade which is gold which is weird because theyre called the SILVER fangblades
That’s ok. Could you tell me the building steps?
what do you mean
So sorry to disturb.
building steps for what umar?
That silver fangblades.
when is episode 8
Dear Admin,
What is Pythor want? Who is the green ninja?
green ninja = lloyd garmadon
thanks ngr zane. your best.
Yesterday, I brought a snake, Corn Snake. I called it Pythor!
You guys, I have reach the Ninjago City, but the worese is that game cannot save anyone’s profile!
That is soo annoying!
So sorry.
umar what clan are you in in spinball
HOW??? My computer only lets me go to the end of the mountains AND it wont let me do anymore than fifty missons!!!
I think fire clan.
im in lightning clan
episode 8 will be on again tommorrow it will be on cartoon network at six or sixthirty
episode 8 is on cartoon network tonight at 6:30
or 2 or 3
admin how do you make all the smiley faces and what do they mean and do you watch ninjago
You can learn how to make the smileys under the How to Comment? section in the top gray bars. Of course I watch Ninjago! 😀
Hey guys, I made the 4 Silver/Gold Fangblades!
wow!!! I can only make one 😉
Cool I made 3 but the orange & black people I did not make it well i got a Gold flat peace from zane’s snow thing that he rides and i use that but other then that i got the green fang blade and the fangpyire fang blade and thats it
hey skales how did you make the four fangblades?
If you have 4 Lego Star Wars lightsabers, take off the handles, get extra snake staff studs and put them on the bottom. Then get 2 golden claws and 2 silver claws and attach them to the tops.
The Hypnobrais’ and Venomaris’ staffs are gold, and the Constrictais’ and Fangpyre’s are silver.
If you don’t have Lego lightsabers, you can by 4 at:
Sorry, I mean Fang Blades not staffs.
Actually, all of the fang blades are silver. One of my friends and I made all of the fang blades, but the blade part is smaller than it should be.
When I say they are gold, I mean THE ONES YOU BUY, not in the movie.
I know what you mean by blade looking kind of small.
In order to make them more like they are in the movie, I changed the gray handles to black handles.
Admin, why in set 9443 Rattlecopter does it come with the Constrictai staff and not the Fangpyre staff?
admin i got to see ep 10 the green ninja and i saw kai as the green ninja
but he said lloyd should be the green ninja
Yeah, it appears to be something like that. 🙂
but, Lloyd has short leg.
lloyd grows and in all of nothing lloyd saves KAI JAY WU ZANE CLOE NYA LORD GARMADON in his green ninja form oh yeah the suit fits him 🙂
the samurai mech looks great, buying for christmas
No, I think you should get 9450 Epic Dragon Battle.
I like the ultra sonic raider.
Me to, I like the Ultra Sonic Raider cause it has a great things.
i saw the korean episode 10 and kai sneaks the green ninja outfit out of sensei wu’s cabinet and puts on it! the others are on the deck training and nya turns on the large headlight thing and [i’m guessing] she asks the others where kai is. the others search, and find him in the green ninja outfit.
i’m asking my parents for that for christmas 😀
but i’m buying the samurai mech with giftcards i’ll most likely receive
hey guys i saw loyd is the green ninja the 4 ninjas put their golden weapons together and then this green magic appears and sensei wu tells the guys he is the green ninja and when the ninjas are in trouble he enbarraces him self then Lord Garmadon brings the skeleton army
Hey guys, do you think you can stop spoiling it for aother people. Thanks. 🙂
hey admin can you send in a part on this website about lego 2012
summer hero factory
Hm… I forgot about Hero Factory. I just don’t know enough about that line. 😳
me to admin there not that cool any more:-(
Admin, on Brickipedia it said that the Ultra Sonic Raider is going to be out in April! That’s strange. 😕
Kai, yep, that’s pretty strange! We shall see! 😀
I have to say, that Epic Dragon Battle looks pretty cool.
I want the epic dragon battle and the smaurai mech
I just want all of them! the Green Ninja Spinner, and the NRG Ninja’s Spinners, Ultra Sonic Raider, and Epic Dragon Battle!!!!! OoOoOoOoOo!!!!!!!!!!! Ima Ninjago Fanatic!!!!
I can’t wait for the new lego sets especially the one with pythor!!
Hey admin do you have a lego room cuz I do full of legos legos. LOL. 🙂
I wish I would have a whole LEGO room! Right now basically I have LEGO taking over my room, and it kinda makes it to the living-room too, and so many other places – I don’t even want to think about it! 8)
Well I can’t admit my lego room is all mine because I have a little sister that goes in it while I’m at school!! 🙁
It annoys me! Do you have a little brother or sister that messes up your creations?
yes she messed up my nrg ninjas and the green ninja ps she put them in the dump
yeah, sometimes when my friend nate is over at my house, he breaks an MOC or two.
i perfectly aligned all the pillars on those ruins D:
but i don’t blame him, he’s not a lego fan.
Anyone watching new lego ninjago? I am right now:-))
Admin do you think kai’s right about lord Garmadon being trustworthy :-/
Sorry I meant untrustworthy.
It is hard to figure out Garmadon. On the one hand he is so devilish, on the other hand he does say or do some nice things once in a while. 🙄
If you saw the end of episode 9 Garmadon kicked sensei Wu in to the portal.And he said I’m back Ninjago Muhahaha!!
hello admin
I heard about ultmate green ninja.
i don’t get it really admin because on one he’s devilish and on
another he’s nice it confusing me
I think in Episode 11, Garmadon’s position became more clear as he explained it himself; even when he genuinely tries to be good, evil is running thru his veins due to the bite of the Great Devourer, so he can’t help himself but do some mischief. I hope something or someone will cure him. 🙁
some thing will i know it
LOL let’s do the whip. Jump up kick back whip around and spin and then we jump back do it again Ninjago! Ninja come on come on come on and do the weekend whip the whip Ninjago! Ninja come on come on come on and do the weekend whip jump up kick back flip around and SPIN!!! Thank you!
and then we jump back to it again NINJAGO NINJAGO now thats a catchy song
Now i want all of them
can’t wat for the episode tonight
Lloyd looks good in the green Ninja costume (Ninja have all 4 fang blades!)
warning warning pythor on ninja ship they wont have them for long
you notist that lloid’s full name is lloid gormory gormodon
Ya I know Lloyd’s full name.
Tonight’s ninjago episode was awlsome my faverite part was when Lloyd put on the green Ninja suit!!!! 🙂
Hey, Admin which of the summer sets you most like? Mine is Ultra Sonic Raider.
Umar, my favorite is Samurai X, but I like the Ultra Sonic Raider too! 🙂
in England its the diamond jubilee i live in England
my favorite person is acidius
my favorite is spitta.
im happy that theyre finally making gold lightsaber handles
Admin lloyd zx(green ninja) his element is earth chech out on
ninjago rise of the snakes summer spinners ITS REAL!!
his lloyd garmadon booster pack said his element was lightning
Well duh didn’t you guys see Zane’s dream Lloyd’s eyes were on fire.
And his hand was on fire.
Admin when do you think the new sets come out? :-/
Different markets are different, but they should start to appear mid-summer or so. 😉
Good I’m just so excited for the new lego ninjago sets my favorite one is the samurai mech.
Admin witch set is your favorite?
Samurai X. 😀
admin how can you change the picture on the side of your writing
Go to and set up an avatar for yourself. Just follow the directions. It is very easy. Your avatar will automatically show up here once you set it up. Hope this helps. 😉
i hope they have lloyd NRG. I also hope that if lego universe comes out again it will have the new ninjago stuff
i think lloyd should have a girl friend he is the green ninja in all
zane’s a robot…cole’s a dancer… jay’s a love bird and……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………KAI IS WILL NEVER KNOW
kai a blacksmith.
more like a bad backsmith
jay is not a love bird!
Kai is the one who discovered the identity of the green Ninja.
Last night’s episode was soooooooo cool!!! The great devourer has been unleashed 🙁
Pythor is so evil.
no he’s not he’s pure evil he’s a @#$%&
Admin in the set with pythor do you think that pythor’s staff will come with him?
it does not 🙁 but… i have his staff all ready have it oh well
You have Pythor’s staff!
Ezeket meg is lehet venni hol létszi küldjétek ide mindet
Pythor is the strongest general
I will have enough money to buy the Epic Dragon Battle on June 3, 2012 even though it doesn’t come out until August.
I don’t have cartoon network, so I have to search the Korean episodes, look at the description to find the air date of the English one, and come here on the day for my usual dose of ninjago goodness!
same here i know korean though
there are some episodes that are not korean on youtube
my friend hates ninjago should i do some spinjitzu or the great Devourer on him just want to ask you ninjago friends
LOL! You can try spinjitsu first and if he still hates Ninjago you can unleash TGD! 😆
ok thanks admin and how old are you
thanks again he lived threw spinjitsu so i used tgd now he’s gone 🙂
ya know my cousin works for lego and he told me that the sets come out on july 1st 2012 the day before my birthday i am gettin samurai mech epic dragon battle and ultra sonic raider
I don’t know about you guys but I was a little shocked when I found out that Zane was a robot!!
Ryan that’s some good news if your cousin could he could keep us all updated on LEGO ninjago that would be awesome!!!!!
yup he told me that they are preety cool thx i like jay to
i live with my cousin
OMG!!! can’t wait till these are out, I’m trying to collect the 5 generals, the ninjas dragons heads and since the ultimate dragon fight has all four, i can finally make my ultimate creation
Im a huge ninjago fan! The sets i own are:
Venomari shrine
Kais blade cycle
Jays storm fighter
Coles tread assault
Fangpyre truck (comes with zanes ice sprayer)
Kendo kais training set
Kendo zane
Kendo cole booster pack
Jay zx booster pack
Kendo jay booster pack (exlusive to, old offer-spend £50 for a free kendo jay booster pack, nine weapons, minifig, crown and holographic card)
And thats just the season 2!
List of my season 2 minifigs
Kai ZX x 2
Jay ZX x 3
Zane ZX (did have 2…)
Cole ZX
Fang suei
Kendo Kai
Kendo Jay
Kendo Zane
Kendo Cole
Will get more from the other waves of ninjago coming out!!!1
Oh and Samurai X, loitering around my school!!
How can I forget, Lloyd Garmadon!!
What do you mean??? 😕 😕 😕
Adding to the list of my series 2 ninjago minifgs! Forot lloyd from the list!
Wow that is a lot of sets i only have the destiny bounty and the venomari shrine from series 2 and from series 1 i have:
the fire temple
the monster truck
all the dragons
jay ZX, Kendo jay, Jay DX, Jay
Cole DX and Cole
Zane ZX, Zane DX, kendo Zane
Kai DX and Kai
Nya and Samurai spinner
I spy a fellow Ninjago fan!!!
Training outpost
Ice dragon
Skull Truck
Battle Arena(Cole DX vs Bonezai
Starter set (Jay vs Frakjaw)
Chopov spinner
Garmadon’s Dark Fortress
Mountain Shrine (soon)
Sensei Wu spinner (soon)
Will catch up on series 1 minifigs soon!!
ninjago does not suck ninjago is awsome and cause you said that
admin probally won’t let you on this website
Lloyd, it’s all right. I don’t mind critics, as long as their comments are civilized. 😉
Why are you even on this blog then?
ninjago is better!
With you there, Gamer24!!!
Same here!!
Series 1 minifigures
Kai, Kai DX
Zane, Zane DX
Cole, Cole DX
Chopov x 2
Bonezai x 2
Lord Garmadon x 2 (both 2 armed)
Sensei Wu
i have lizaru spinner and mezmo booster pack i reviewed then on youtube here is a link Hhd(
You have them or you saw them?
i have them
hey admin do you work for lego? i am unpaitiont to know
if you do please replay
from season 1 i have the spinjitzu dojo, the skull cycle,2 ninja ambushes, 2 mountain shrines, the cole dx vs bonezai arena, 2 ninja trajning outposts, the blacksmith’s shop, Nukal’s ATV, the zane dx spinner pack, the nya spinner pack, the wyplash spinner pack, the kruncha spinner pack, the sensei wu with the black suit and his spinner, and lord garmadon with his golden bolt
from season 2 i have the venomari shrine, the jay zx booster pack, 2 lloyd garmadon booster packs, the kendo cole booster pack, the Cole zx vs rattla starter set, the hypnobrai staff, the fangpyre staff, the lasha spinner set, the Fang-suei spinner set, and the kendo kai training set
I have all the staffs, and already have Fangtom and Skales. Really want epic dragon battle, so i can get the other three generals to gve them their staffs- pythor can just fight with his hands or use my extra fangpyre staff- the red venom looks like the purple venom in the real Anacondrak staff!
guys i just like pokemon better anyway a thew days ago was my birth- day and i got venomari shrine it was cool i like how the snakes jump up p.s. i dont think ninjago sucks =)
why do you like pokemon better well i do collect pokemon cards and i do have rare one’s but altogether its a card game
Why did you say ninjago sucks 🙁 🙁 ninjago dose not suck!!!!!!!! If your going to say negative stuff about ninjago your on the wrong site P.S. don’t let the door let the door hit you on the way out of this website.
Oh sorry about what I said I didn’t see your 2nd post until just now sorry again.
I have Destiny’s bounty kai’s blade cycle Cole’s tread assault jay’s storm fighter rattle copter fangpyre truck skull monster truck skull Motor bike ice dragon kai’s black Smith shop and that’s all I have for now.
Tonight’s episode is going to be awesome!!!!!!!!:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
THE NINJA WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
admin the summer sets of ninjago 2012 are going to come out in mid summer of late summer?
My contact at LEGO just told me the other day that the new Ninjago sets are scheduled to be released on June 1st. 😉
sorry i mean or late summer
these are the characters i have from season 1:Kai x3,Kai dx x3,Nya,Sensei wu(white suit)sensei wu(black suit),Bonezai x3,Lord Garmadon,Chopov, Cole dx,Cole x2,jay,Zane x2,Zane dx,Nukal x2,Kruncha x2,Wyplash,and Krazi. 😀
these are the characters i have from season 2:Lasha,Rattlax2,Snappa,
Fang Suei, Zane zx,Jay zx,Cole zx, Kendo Kai,Kendo Cole,Lloyd Garmadonx2,Kai zx,green snakex3,Blue snake,and gold snakex3
The last episode will be on Friday At 6:30pm on cartoon network, and again at 10:30pm or 9:30pm on the same channel
hey in the last episode does zanes dragon die
subject delta, Actully zanes dragon does’nt die. But you could see it in a differet way. 🙂 🙂
admin, can you post the summer spinner pictures. 🙂
no i didnt get to see the last episode on wednesday but i was looking up ninjago pictures on google and it had a picture of zane with i think his dragon behind him but it was laying down or something and it looked dead
subject delta, not to be a spoiler for the last episode but the four-headed dragon had zanes dragon on it and well the dragon was trying to help for the ninja to deafeet the great devouror and the dragon got knocked out of the sky but the dragon got back up. 🙂 🙂
Don’t worry; the dragons (or should I call them dragon since they merged) are just fine. 😉