Below is episode thirteen of LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes. This episode is called “THE DAY OF THE GREAT DEVOURER”. You can watch previous episodes by following the links below this episode. You can also read the summary of each episode here: NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – the Story…
Here we are at the last episode of the second season of LEGO NINJAGO! Despite all efforts made by Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane, Nya, Sensei Wu, and even Lord Garmadon and his son, Lloyd, the Great Devourer has been awakened and is destroying everything in its path! Will the heroes be able to stop this huge beast before it takes over the whole of Ninjago, including Ninjago City? Or will all be lost? Grab your popcorn and watch the show to find out what happens!
LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – Episode Thirteen
➡ Watch Episode 1 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 1
➡ Watch Episode 2 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 2
➡ Watch Episode 3 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 3
➡ Watch Episode 4 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 4
➡ Watch Episode 5 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 5
➡ Watch Episode 6 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 6
➡ Watch Episode 7 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 7
➡ Watch Episode 8 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 8
➡ Watch Episode 9 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 9
➡ Watch Episode 10 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 10
➡ Watch Episode 11 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 11
➡ Watch Episode 12 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 12
If you would like to see the whole selection of 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets and where they are available check here:
I have to go for a few minutes. brb! (be right back!)(i think)
i know what brb stands for 😉 😀 oh and im ganna go play rummikub or how ever its spelled with my brother might be back later 😉
yes i do.
ok i am here. i had church tonight. so what r we talking about i need some catching up to do.
i didnt go to church tonight yousally do though
oh why?
my parents wanted a break dont know y 😕
and lexi,
RAR!!!!! 😀
Rar……. LOL 😆
she is so funny!!!
I try. (accually i really don’t :lol:)
I wish you could see me with my brother at dinner it is like a party!!!!!! 😀 Nonstop jokes! I made a joke out of anything and everthing. which really gets on my parents nerves. Here is a song my brother taught me:
“I have a sone that gets people irrataed, gets people irratated, really, really irrataed, i know a song that gets people irrataed and it goes like this! (repeat)”
so what have u guys been talking about?
that is a commen question u ask, isn’t it? 😆
Well, yeah, we are always changing subjects and random topics. 😀
Hello? Awwwwww I am all alone again! 🙁
I am BAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On a different Laptop, but back! 😀
And eating lucky charms. 😀
Oh, and btw i am one of the pickies eaters you will ever meet! I am eating my lucky charms without milk and eating all of the cereal part first then the marchmellows after and i eat the marchmellows in a certain order. 😀
and that is just a simple bowl of lucky charms! 😆
Oh well I am going to watch U know what with u know who. 😀 will be off until some1 comes on
I am right here! i commented two minutes before you posted this!
and what are you watching and with who??? 😕
star trek with her dad. 😉 ( I read old posts all the time)
Never though i would hear my mom say
“i was trying to text!”
haha lol
Ha ha 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
Hahaha! I was reading funny jokes online because i was bored and i found one that i thought you all would like. 😀
Millionare Makes Proposal
“Once there was a millionaire, who collected live alligators. He kept them in the pool in back of his mansion. The millionaire also had a beautiful daughter who was single. One day he decides to throw a huge party, and during the party he announces, “My dear guests…I have a proposition to every man here. I will give one million dollars or my daughter to the man who can swim across this pool full of alligators and emerge unharmed!”
As soon as he finished his last word, there was the sound of a large SPLASH!! There was one guy in the pool swimming with all he could…the crowd cheered him on as he kept stroking. Finally, he made it to the other side unharmed. The millionaire was impressed.
He said, “My boy that was incredible! Fantastic! I didn’t think it could be done! Well I must keep my end of the bargain…which do you want, my daughter or the one million dollars?”
The guy says, “Listen, I don’t want your money! And I don’t want your daughter! I want the person who pushed me in that WATER!!!”
😆 😆 😆
He-he… 😆
he he that was funny 😆
he he now that is very funny 😆
funny store lexi 😆
hello and good night! lol that joke is funny 😀
Were i live its still bright at 8:30!
I eat food of the floor 😀
Were is everybody. I dont want to be outside in the dark 😥
Oh well, im going to sleep
Sorry, i was tired, so i went to sleep. my bus comes a litle after 8:00 (it is 7:27 for me right now). I am doing my math homework i forgot to do i am not even dressed yet and i have not eaten anything. We are doing surface Area. 😀
mornin guys..
i can do that!
you can do what???? 😕
find surface area
Im going to eat breakfast, goodbye
goodbye 🙁 see ya later 😀 oh and NRG PYTHOR are you homeschooled??? 😛 I AM!!!! 😛
hey…oh and im not home schooled.
I have i questio, do you think getting all the spinners is better then the Ultra sonic rader?
UPDATE: new post on the summer Ninjago spinners is now up with lots of pictures. See here: New LEGO Ninjago Spinners Enjoy! 😛
kay i will check it out now admin 😉 😛
admin i got the weapon pack that came with nrg kai and chokun yesterday! 😛
oh and btw admin REALLY COOL! 😛 😉 😀
I know, you mentioned that! So lucky!
AWESOME TIMES 99999999999999999999 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
oh i did 😕 guess i forgot 😳
does anybody here watch mythbusters ?
i only watch it at my grandparents house (they LOVE it) 😕 😀 😆
It is actually very funny. 🙂
I like it. Have u seen the 1 with super glue?
yeah its pretty funny 😆
no, but have you seen the one with the boom lift catapult
I do! The episodes are kind of long though. 🙁
gtg bye 😥
see ya green ninja 😥
OH MY GOSH THE AVENGERS COMES OUT IN THEATERS TOMORROW!!!!!! (its ganna be the best superhero movie EVER)
………………….oh and tomorrow is may the fourth be with you 😆 if you are a star wars fan you will get it (my joke) 😆 😛 😆
oh I get it. have you seen that lego video ? it is hilarious. 😆
I get the joke. it sounds like May the force be with you. 😆
um lexi i thought you said you didnt like star wars? how would you know what the joke meant? 😕 😀
well, i may not like star wars or watch it or read it or do anything like that, but i have heard that saying many times on commertials and other random places. Plus, you indirectly mentioned it was from star wars.
(well, my brother does have the LEGO star wars video game me and him used to play together all the time…)
what lego video??? 😕 the one on lego star if thats the one yes i have watched 😆 very funny 😆
yep that is the one 😆
Hi guys!
Hey. reading shakespeare in class. 🙁
Part 11 Pythor`s Return
(In the Hypnorbrai tomb)
Fangtom: Me and Fangdam 2 Sssnappa and 7 Fang-Sssuei want to rejoin with you
Skales: Yesss you may
Rattla: Now we jussst need the 2 more tribesss
Mezmo:He`sss right
(In ninjago city)
Jay:I am so happy that The Great Devouer is dead now
Kai:It`s Pythor he`s returned
Cole: And now he`s got four arms aw wait it`s just them fake sticky ones
Nya: But whats that in his hand
Sensei Wu: It`s a earthbreaker
Pythor: It`s time (use it )
Lloyd: Oh no this isn`t good
Pythor: HA HA HA HA!
Who likes my stories???
not that bad 😉
but you should try making the parts longer so that people do not have to go through pages and pages of previous comments to find the beginning.
i do because it has Pythor 😀
it was ok 😕
hey guys the nrg masks are the same as the zx masks (if you were wondering) 😉
hey guys i have 13 ninjago spinners with minifigures and 2 booster packs 😛
Hey. I am here. I was reading jokes online! 😀
hey lexi…… 😛
im hungry 🙁 wonder what im having for dinner??? hope pizza 😛 probably not though 🙁 but maybe 😛
i stink at getting jokes (like understanding them) 🙁 😆
you are like Zane from season 1
who is like zane??
just asked my mom what we were having and she said chicken still good 😛 (but not as good as pizza)
well i have to do a page of math 🙁 bbl 😀
I don’t like Chicken. 😆
No, really. 😀
your are not the only one that I know.;)
I meant 😉
what you dont like chicken!?!?!?!?!?
no, I like it, but some of my friends do not
just found a funny online joke
John Smith lived in Staten Island, New York and worked in Manhattan. He had to take the ferryboat home every night. One evening, he got down to the ferry and found there was a wait for the next boat, so John decided to stop at a nearby tavern. Before long he was feeling no pain.
When he got back to the ferry slip, the ferryboat was just eight feet from the dock. Smith, afraid of missing this one and being late for dinner, took a running leap and landed right on the deck of the boat.
“How did you like that jump, buddy?” said a proud John to a deck hand.
“It was great,” said the sailor. “But why didn’t you wait? We were just pulling in!”
ha ha 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
Cool i have one also! 😀
A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his neighbor came out of the house and went straight to the mailbox. She opened it, looked inside, slammed it shut, and stormed back into her house. A little later she came out of her house again, went to the mailbox, again opened it, and slammed it shut again. Angrily, back into the house she went. As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here she came again. She marched to the mailbox, opened it and then slammed it closed harder than ever. Puzzled by her actions, the man asked her,
“Is something wrong?”
To which she replied, “There certainly is! My stupid computer keeps telling me I have mail!”
drat. realized right after i pressed submit it had the word ‘supid’ in it. 🙁
oh well 😉 🙄
i havnt youssed the roll face in a while guess i will do it now: 🙄
well its dinner time see ya guys and girls later
it was meant for when you said you did not get jokes.
ooooooh i get what you mean
Said that twice. also im going to go look at other posts! might be back
Going to bed now (I am so sorry I have not been on) it has been a busy 2 days. I will probably talk Sunday night #1i have church #2 I will be spinning the night with a friend tomorrow and have to wake up early. I might be on Sat. Night. Anyway will see u then! 😀
good morning everybody. i will be on more today because i have no school! P.S. did anybody see the pic of the snake train it is awsome 😀
Yeah. the snake train looked really cool. 😀
I have school. I am in science and my teacher is talking about mean, median, mode, range, and outliers. BBOORRIINNGG!!!!!!! 🙄 I learned those things in elementry! 🙄 🙁
🙄 🙄 🙄 😆 😆 😆
What? You are here!
duh 🙄
Are you at school? im not 😀
Im pythor and i know it!… Snakes look at my tail.. Snakes look at my tail, I slither! When I slither down the street this is what i see, the ninja…..
wow 🙄 🙄 ………………….were you the one who did: im sensei wu and i no it?????
guys i wont be on when its 6:00 cause im ganna be going to see the new movie called the AVENGERS (its a super hero movie) it will be EPIC AND AWESOME cant wait……oh and i wont be on for the rest of the day(maybe i will later tonight)

I AM EXCITED!!! (not that you wont be here)(it is for a different reason!!!!!!)
😀 😀 😀 😀
hey but im on right now
Have a great time! Let us know how you like the Avengers! 😉
IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (best super hero movie EVER!!!!!!!!!)
Im sure it was! Sooo happy its the weekend :D. But i have MSP next week 😥
YEAH, I LOVE IT!!!!! Hawkeye is my favorite. Next comes Capt. America and Iron man!
I love the Avengers!
ha my favorite is hawkeye 😛 …………I LOVE THE AVENGERS!!!!!!!
My favorite is Hawkeye too!! I LOVE THE AVENGERS!!!!!! (Also)
yeah hawkeye is AWESOME 😀 ………………..but i hate how he is bad at first 🙁
Yeah, I know! I think they did a terrible job with lego Hawkeye. Especially his hair and face.
Im back! Wow where is everybody? It seems as if there are less people
I noticed you all say “rar” alot. Do you mean rawr [as in dino rawr] or something else?
It’s something started by Lexi. What it supposed to mean nobody knows. Not even Lexi. 🙄
Haha it just something you say when you don’t know what to say/type.
I am really random and will sometimes just say it for no reason! 😆
Ha! Cool! (I like it when people do that, it makes me lol!)
I am in science class and we have a sub. and she said once we are done our work we can do anything we want on our Laptops. 😀
c00l lexi
Just saw the Avengers for the second time. I LOVE IT!!!
Hello World! { if i leave i went to do something :D}. Admin, how come you dont do any posts on herofactory?
Pythor, I may do a post on the upcoming Hero Factory sets. I just don’t know much about HF and it doesn’t interest me, so I don’t feel inspired to write. 🙁
ok thats fine, i sort of like it.
it dosent fit in with regular lego bricks that much. Except when i put a battel droid on body piece so his head sticks out 😀
I don’t fully understand HeroFactory. What is it?
its like bionicals (spelled that wrong) but they like are sorta like police i guess 😕 and they fight bad guys (i dont understand it that much either 😕 oh and theres a AWESOME game on called hero factory breakout. its fun to play 😉 😕 😆 😛 😀 😎 🙂
Hmm. Ok, thanx!
yeah 😉
I have seen every TV episode of hero factory.
Sort of get it now :D. Do you Pythor?
Pythor, the traffic is the same, but the chatterboxes are taking a break. 😆
I KNOW 😡 (abought his lego minifig) 😡
No… i didnt
kay………………. 😉
no im homeschooled 😛
i was watching shake it up
I did, it is really AWESOME!!!!! and lexi, I just emphasized it.
by the way, that was about the train and not the math.
wait i dont see the word supid but it has a “t” after “s”
yeah, but then the comment becomes under moderation. I would never insult anyone here (that would be mean), so i just take the t out so it isn’t under moderation. I just forgot to take the t out of the word, since it was copied and pasted. 😀
Hello, im back 😀
hey pythor…
where is everybody?
im on………………… 😛
That is just awesome funny! 😆
FINNALY IM DONE!!!!!!!! (doing math)
hooray! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
i know right HOORAY!!!!!!! 😆 😆
woo-hoo! 😆
hi lexi, I know that you are on because I just saw you comment.
yeah. I am reading Jokes!!!! 😀
I was, but I remembered that I had to take a test.
For some odd reason, my English textbook smells like fried chicken
weird, but true. 😕
kind of funny actually :mrgreen;
I meant
Is anyone still on, if not then oh well.
I have to go bye 😥
I might be back tonight.
i msoooooooooo bsy guys i will try to be here during my free time!
YOU CANT SAY SUPID[ you know what]HERE? Also im back!
Yeah, sorry about that! I don’t really consider stupid a bad word, but there was a kid here who kept going around insulting everyone and calling them stupid. He is under moderation now and haven’t really been back, but I kept the word under moderation just to be safe. Personal attacks are simply not okay. I may take the word off the moderation list at some point. In the meantime we can just do what Lexi does. 😉
the nrg ninja are so cool……… i already have NRG KAI still nead jay cole and zane
I am back as usual.
Haha i AM having pizza for dinner! I just came home from my band concert it went really well. the 8th grader’s second song was AWESOME!!!!! (i am in 7th) My band did pretty well, too! They might post the preformance on youtube and i am keeping an eye out for it! 😀
Interesting fact:
An average person laughs about 15 times a day.
Odviously i am above adverage. 😆
no offense but yah, you are above average. 😀
What do you mean, no offense? That is not even close to being offensive! Laughing is a good thing! plus, it is good for your health! 😉
sorry. where I live, that sort of thing is found offensive
In my house, laughing is EXTREAMLY commen. I laugh literally about, i dont know, 200 times a day (including just little chuckles, like just a quick ‘ha’) 😆
yah, we laugh a lot, but some people find it offensive if other people say that they laugh to much. 😕
Hello people who are not on and people who are on and people that have sadly never heard of this website.
You sound like an orator! Are you going to give a speech? 😀
surprisingly no. 😆
I wish I was but I am not.
JK 😆
does JK mean joke? 😕
it means just kidding
and Lexi………………………………………………RAR!!!!!!!
Oh, HI!!!!!!! 😀
Rar is something you say when you do not know what to say!
(Oh, and there is no exclimation points. It is just Rar :shock:)
I just emphasized it 😉
no kidding. 😆 😆
somebody made their own Ed and Edna walker ninjago spinner.
do tou know where to see a picture of it? I would love to see that!
p.s. my little brother is getting me a ninjago spinner for my birthday! 😀
He said earlier he wanted to play ninjago and i said we cant because we dont have any spinners and he said he will just wait till christmas and i said why not just get me them for my birthday and then we could play it together and he said that was a good idea. 😀,r:18,s:75,i:284&biw=1366&bih=667 just trust me on this
found a shorter one.
By the way, about the spinners for your birthday thing, suggest the NRG Kai and chokun dual pack.
my little brother is 7. i will be lucky if he doesn’t bring home some random thing instead of ninjago spinners!
the second one was blocked for me. 🙁
I was just about to say that’s an ugly looking link! 🙄
But Ed and Edna are cool! Would love to see them in a spinner set! 😀
I know, but I found a shorter one, even though it is blocked on some computers.
I know I have said this about a million times but I am saying it another time. I love the Brick Blogger!!!!!!!
and I you agree with me, reply.
I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do too
x 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
i do too i love the brickblogger O ya 😆
UPDATE: There is some sort of Ninjago snake train in the making. Don’t ask me how it fits into the story, but it is from AFOLCON which is going on right now in the UK. Again; that’s all I know. 😉
wow, I litterally just saw that online. 80
It’s like the Snake Bus! 😀
It is still pretty neat.
THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Admin, were did you get the pic of the snake train?
It was linked to from a discussion at Eurobricks. 😉
cool admin
I love Ninjago !!!!!!!! it is AWESOME times 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.99999999999999999999999999
I do not know how to say that.
here try this!
to the
999999999999999999999999999999th power! 😀
Nice math!
I am NOT about to try and figure thit out. It is a math equation i would never ever attemt. 😀
don’t bother. Well I get on, and then leave. Cya I’m off to bed.
Good night! 😀
wonder is “” is a real email! Probally is. that would be funny to randomly email that guy/girl and say Good Night! 😆
nice joke
I have to go but I will see you tomorrow.
Okay. Have a great night! 😀
they say of the great devouror part one got a copyright claim and now noone can watch it
Where did you hear that? 😕
Do you mean just on the computer or everywhere (the TV and computer)?
It’s on the first part on Episode 13. If you try to play it it says there was a copyright claim against the video, so it was taken down. It is funny that they haven’t taken down the second part. Anyway, I just have to find a new one to replace it. 🙁
mornin guys 😛 i mist alot last night 🙁 i slept in a tent me and my brother made last night in my room 😆 MY BACK HURRRRTTTSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
oh and lexi the ninjago spinners are AWESOME!!! 😉 i have 13 spinners and 2 booster packs
i play with my 6 year old brother every day in ninjago (I win alot more than he does) 😆 he gets angry when i win yousally.i spelled that wrong
Oh, i didn’t notice episode 13 was not working because youtube is blocked on my computer anyway so all i see on the place where the video should be is “Blocked Request. Streaming Media sites are blocked” 🙁
o so that why because i was going to wich it yesterday and it said “there was a copyright claim against the video” so i was thinking why 😕
Zane, okay I got that fixed. I found one video that is in one part, so it is better anyway. Hope this one won’t be taken down. If it is, just let me know. Thanks again for reporting that! 🙂
but why i can not wiche it admin?
Nya, it is working now. 😉
of course i saw it 😕
here it is methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanyl.
ps. that is only the first line.
sorry, that was meant for my post.
who wants me to post the longest word in the English language? 😀
Oh, i saw that word before! It was in a dictonary with the 5 longest words in the English language. I forget what it is but it is 45 letters long and is a disease. Oh, and HI!!!!!! I am in science. 🙁
Actually that is not the longest word. the longest word has 1,909 letters in it.
Well, the dictonary i found it in was from 1st grade… so it is outdated. 😀
probably. 😉
Oh and I am working on science too
I would post the rest of it, but it would take all day.
You could copy and paste it! 😉
Oh, and what does the word mean?
it is the name of a formula, and I can not paste it because it is in my dictionary.
here is a website with the word
Yeah, that would have taken a LONG time. Good idea using a website link! Luckily, it isn’t blocked! 😀
yes, that is lucky. 😀
I will NEVER be able to pronounce that word.
hey guys…………………………………………. 😛
Hey! 😀
I am bored. My social studies teacher is reading travel stories from this random person in a book called “What in the World?”
Poor kiddo! 😥
I have to go but I will be back later. hopefull 😀
kay see ya green ninja
Jay, you have the weapons pack, right? Good.Is chockuns mini snake clear?
Yep, those snakes are deliciously translucent! 😛
yes its AWESOME!!!1
oh and chokun is spelled like that 😉
haha. Did you get the weapons pack at target?
yes i did
you mighh find it at your target
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
guess what, Guess What, GUESS WHAT, GUESS WHAT, GGUUEESSSS WWHHAATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finally got the Zane: Ninja of Ice Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am almost done reading it (i am a really fast reader. both good and bad at the same time)
😀 😀 😀
good for you 😉 ………………
(from hungry howies) 
Cool. i had leftover pizza from last night for breakfast and dinner.
(that is not sad i am just in a sad mood).
I am sad. I am probally going to post 😥 instead of 😀 after every post for the next few days.
Aww whats up Lexi? ( And yep im back and i gotta a lot of stuff to catch up on while my computer was broken -__-. But im back now and hopefully here to stay :D!) I hope you feel better :3!
My Grandma died. 😥 😥 😥
Oh, and Welcome back! 😀
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that! That is very-very sad. Please accept my condolences and please talk to your parents if you get too sad. First it was Nya’s grandma, now it’s yours… 😥
yeah. 😥
my mom was cleaning out her house and found a bunch of really old pokemon cards! 😀 Still sad.
Oh im sorry to hear that lexi. ive been in that situation too not fun 🙁 but if you need help or someone to talk to were here for ya :D!
i know. it is so Unexpected about it but what happn to your grandma lexi and my grandma have canser so i am sad and I’m so sorry to hear that lexi 😥
I know how you feel Lexi. I lost my Grandfather awhile ago, and I lost my great Grandmother 2 or 3 years later.
Oh, dear! Why are you sad? It is Friday night, with a whole weekend ahead of us! 😕
haha i found a funny joke (i may be sad but i still look for a good joke! :D)
it is called Niagra Falls
A group of tourists visit the Niagara Falls and are accompanied by a guide.
The guide says “I welcome you all to the Niagara Falls. These are the world’s largest waterfalls and the sound intensity of the waterfall is so high that the sound of even 20 supersonic planes passing by can’t be heard!”
“Now, may I request that the ladies in the back keep quiet so that we can hear the falls!” 😀
Thats Hilarious XD!!!
LOL! 😀
Ha ha 😆
Here is another joke about how Hurricanes are like chrismas. I found the #1 reason hilarious!
Top Ten Reasons Hurricane Season is Like Christmas
10. Decorating the house (boarding up windows)
9. Dragging out boxes that haven’t been used since last season (campinggear, flashlights)
8. Last minute shopping in crowded stores
7. Regular TV shows pre-empted for “specials”
6. Family coming to stay with you
5. Family and friends from out-of-state calling
4. Buying food you don’t normally buy … and in large quantities
3. Days off from work
2. Candles
And the number one reason Hurricane Season is like Christmas …
1. At some point you know you’re going to have a tree in your house!
hey guys im back…………….
Yeah, it is funny, but not really. Not when you live in Florida. We had lots of trees coming thru houses in our neighborhood. I know how devastating a hurricane can be. 🙁
I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never had a tree through my house but i have experienced some of the really major hurricanes! I lived at the bottom of florida (about 2 hours from the keys) all my life untill last year! (don’t ask me which side of florida i lived on both. we moved from east side to the west side when i was in 4th grade.) I was in that hurricane that got stronger as it passed over flordia. In fact, i lived on the east coast during the hurricane. We got hit bad. my dad drove us around during the EYE. My mom was really mad at my dad for doing that. 😆
at least you are ok.
sup man
not a lot. bed in a bit
night guys 😀 ………………see ya tomorrow
Why don’t they out the Ninjago movies in theater too? Lots of kids like Ninjago so maybe ill be as big as the other movie Avatar. Ninjago is awesome! Why not?! 😉
Hey admin, wasnt there going to be a contest?
Taryn, I was planning to do a contest, but there are so many rules and laws running a contest for kids that I just can’t wrap my brain around right now. I will look into this further at some point as it would be fun. But not right now. Sorry about that. 🙁
Few hours left to vote on my poll!
mornin taryn
oh and admin i know how it feals when a hurricane hits (since i live in florida) I HATE HURRICANES!!!!!!! 👿 🙁
taryn i voted 😉
just got dun doing the dishes……………………UUUUUUUUG
Yeah, pretty scary! I have lived thru one, and I never want to experience one again. 🙁
i tottaly agree 🙁
Same here. 😯
I hate hurricanes. 😡
I think the Ninjago season was awesome! Maybe some more battles with the Devourer…but otherwise I think it was great!
hello everybody and good morning to all of you ninjago fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 🙂
its not the mornin 😕 ……………….well i guess it is 😆
I hope that I did not miss every one again :cry:. if so then oh well
im on……. 😛
got to go sadly 😥
sorry I missed you jay, but I was folding laundry
I guess I missed everyone AGAIN!!!!!!! I have got to go on here at better times. 😀
I met a friend yeaterday who is named the same name as me and moved from the same city on the east coast of florida that i lived in when i was little! (i like playing with kids younger than me more than kids my agefor some unusual reason :???:) 😀
Oh, and her name is not Lexi. That is not my accual name. I just like the name Lexi! 😀
Random funny fact: i have really long legs, earning me the nickname (my brother gave me) Lady Long Legs. 😡 😆 😀
wait youre names not lexi? 😕
wwwweeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllll im on guys 😀
Haha its amazing how stuff like that can happen huh lexi. And pssh nothing wrong with talking to younguns
hey kai
Hey jay how was the avengers?
AWESOMELY EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(the movie)
oh and the movie was HILARIOUS!!!!! 😆 😆 😆
Haha cool :p i may be seeing it this weekend with my friends.
cool ( i wont give spoilers 😉 )
Haha you better not i hate spoilers >=D
(spoilers) 😉
yaaaa i like playing with kids my age 😀 (or a little older 😀 or a little younger 🙂 )
and i HATE tropical storms to!!!! 😡 🙁 😡 😥
man my stomach is KILLING me 🙁
New poll on my blog!
taryn i vored………………….and i just bought that ninjago game a couple days ago
ooooooooooowwwwww my brother just came up to me and kicked me in the nose (i dont know y) (its was bleading) 😡 😡 😡 👿 👿 👿
i meant voted 😳
They should make a city of oroborus set.
THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…………oh and where is everyone?????
I was out playing with my new friend for 5 hours (not kidding)
We were outside most of the time. Well, THAT is going on my p.e. Excersise Log! (something we have to turn i for P.e. every 6 weeks that we record our excersise every day) 😀
Sup lexi…
……well…………..Rar 😆
WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I am here. 😀
I am not going to put 😥 after my comments anymore.
Now that would be totally awesome! 😀
what would be tottally awesome admin???? 😕 😛
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH the city of whatever its called lego set
i will be up late again tonight (really big boxing match) 😀
Hello! I was reading the comments on season 3 what is to come page. There is some ‘interesting’ theories going on over there such as Lloyd replacing and Kicking out Jay and Jay and Nya geting married and then later cheating on Jay. 😕 😕
man i keap missing you
weird i dought that will happen 😕 😕
I am here! 😀
haha i was looking at my computers digital clock and at first i thought it said 1:00 instead of 11:00 and i was like “WHAT?????” and then i took a closer look and said “Ohhhhh… Oops! :oops:” 😆
i keep coming on 30 minutes after you last posted 🙁 well i will be on and off 😉 😀
I keep posting about 5-10 min. after you! 😥
and then you are gone for another 20-30! I will be on for a while yet! 😀
Arrrrgggg i keep typing LD instead of 😀 because it is hard to see the keyboard in darkness! 😀
LOL………………………………………… 😆
Yeah, I have a sense that those stories were made up by adults trolling the Ninjago websites. 👿
guss what, i am in the new house now and tusday i am going to sleep in hear 😆 YES
Great! I am moving to a new house soon. Not far away or anything, we were just renting a house and now we are buying a house! 😀
and by the way i maybe can not see and post on for 3 or 4 days so if you did not see me than you know that i am moving to the new house and i have a test on tusday so maybe i not going to see the for like 6 days sorry 🙁
PS: sarah, please whan you going to post a store than you can post but please post agane whan you see me so i can see your cool store ok 😉
Well i think this is good bye so bye bye untell 5 days 🙁
Bye for a long time! 😥 😥 🙁
Have a great time! 😀
special good-bye present! (
yep good bye everyone 🙁
mornin guys 😀 …………………nya story is spelled like that 😉 ………………by guys 🙁 (gotta go to church) 😛
i got cole’s tread assult yesterday and twisted tempo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆
awesome neo
Does anyone recognize me?
no not at all
so uuuuuuuum who are you??????? 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕
Ok, I am suddenly getting e-mails from this website again. For a while, I wasn’t getting any, even though I was subscribed!
hey cecilia …………………
Looks like your email server fixed itself? 😉
yep and i am so happy about it 😆
Did anyone see the Avengers yet? IT IS AWESOMELY EPICLY GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE!!!
YES I DID ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!………………..IT WAS AWESOME!!!
soooooo in my top 5 movies now wars episode 2 wars episode 6 wars episode 3
#4.the avengers
and i cant think of #5 eh well as you can see i LOVE star wars 😆
im abought to go swimming so by guys 😀 (for now 😉 )
Haha that movie was pretty awesome ^_^! Just saw it today.
yeah it was AWESOME
Oh, nice to have another SW fan here! 😀
well star wars is AWESOME 😀 (not in lexi’s opinion 😆 😆 )
Hm… I haven’t seen it yet, but so far everyone says it is great! 😀
IT WAS INCREDIBLY AWESOMELY EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆
All right, all right, I believe you! 😀
No kidding! We all get it already! 😆
I’M NRG PWR LLOYD ZX!!!!!! Or at least I used to be.
I wasn’t on all day today. I was really busy! breakfast, store (for mothers day present and food for school lunch), Lunch, brother’s basketball game, dinner, and now here! 😀 (yet suprisingly the comments only went up about 30 from last night! :???:)
Oh, dear! Thanks for reminding me about Mother’s Day! I almost forgot! 😳
I got my mom a new wallet! (she wanted and needed one)
It has a calculater on it! My dad was talking to my mom on the phone and my dad said “I don’t have a calculator!”
and i was thinking “yea you do!” haha 😆
oh kay……… 😕
i was talking to nrg lloyd
Ok. my mom is coming home monday or tuesdaybnight and me and my brother are going to do a suprise welcome home thing. My dad doen’t know we are going to do it. We will prepare it while he is going to pick my mom up from the airport (which is an hour and a half drive away). We have the plans of a GIANT welcome home banner and making Brownies. Does anyone have any more ideas? I want to make it really AWESOME for her!
hey lexi 😀 sure have missed you today 🙁
Hey! Do you have any idea’s of what i could do/make? 😀
look below hope you like the idea 😀 ……..its okay if ya dont
Sorry i didn’t see your post when i posted that. 😳
thats really cool lexi………….hhhhhm i guess make some lego thing that says welcome home mom our something like that 😉
that is a AWESOME idea! 😀
We have plenty of Legos! (just not Ninjago legos 😥 YET.)
you dont have to have ninjago legos just youse bricks and what not 😉 😀
i dont know y i am saying this but when i propose to whoever i propose to i will make out of legos like it will say “will you marry me” 😆 (i dont know y i said that) 😆 😕
LOL! That’s cute! Actually someone contacted me a while back who was making a LEGO mosaic picture for his girlfriend and needed some help. I forgot if it was for their engagement, for her birthday, or some other event, but it was a photo of the two of them made into a LEGO mosaic. 😀
THAT’S AWESOME!!!!!!!!! 😆
I know i was just saying i don’t have ninjago legos (YET)
I am starting to doupt that the release date of the new Ninjago season is November 18th. The reason is because it is a sunday! Ninjago is on Wensdays! 😕
yeah thats what i was thinking 😕
Hm… maybe it will be like last year, that the first two episodes get shown earlier as a teaser, then the rest will be on regular shcedule? 🙂
Unfortunatly, i didn’t find out about ninjago till they accually started the series, so i didn’t know they did that! 😀
Might not make a lego thing that says welcome home becuase i already am making a HUGE ( about 20 ft.) banner, but using legos is a really great idea! I will have to tell my brother about that one! He can probally come up with some crazy thing. plus he is really good at making things out of lego! he has made multiple lego spinners! and they word extrodinarily well! 😀
cool 😀 20ft long!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! 😛
so uuuuuuuuuuuum……………………………………….
😆 😆 😆
are you like still on??????????????
i guess youre gone well im ganna watch the second part of episode 8 now be back in like 12 minutes
Sorry! I have to go. I will be back on in an hour or less! (most likely 30 minutes). 😉
see ya lexi
Okay i am back! 😀
I ate a hot dog! 😀
That’s really sweet! 😀
what that she ate a hot dog? 😕 😆
Yeah. I was a bun sized hot dog! (although we didn’t have any buns! 😆 I used a piece of butterbread but it was WAY to small!)
Morning, Jay! 😀
I ment GOOD Morning! Oops! 😳
Check out this! it reminded me of ninjago!
my dad sats everything reminds me of ninjago! 😆
Yeah, I’m a ninja! Did you see me do that? 🙄
lol 😆 🙄 😆 🙄
I am tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁 🙁
I was up doing homework and a project (due tommorow) since 11:15. I was doing homework/project work for 3 and a half hours!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night /Morning to everyone! I am going to bed i am suprised i haven’t compleatly messed up my spelling! 😯
Good Night everyone! ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz………..z.
HOW DO YOU STAY UP SO LATE LEXI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
I was doing a school project (plus my parents though i was asleep. The time i get on my computer at night is most of the time in my room when my mom thinks i am going to sleep/ already sleeping. I have been doing that since the beginning of October, before i even knew about Ninjago. I once stayed up till 6:oo a.m. and slept till 7:00 a.m. and my mother didn’t even notice i was tired! (i always am tired in the morning even if i get 12 hours of sleep!) 😀
Oh, and i had to do this Language Arts reading thingy and the thingy i had to read and answer questions to was called “A HOUSEWIFELY GHOST”. When i read it (becuase i had to) I freaked out and was really freaked out for the rest of the night (before i went to bed 15 min. later). I get freaked out really easily. I had nightmares for a week after watching Jurrasic Park and a nightmare after watching Indiana Jones! I utterally HATE horror movies or any scary movies at all. (haha that makes me sound so much like a girl. 😆 Which i am ;))
i know i got nightmares from indiana jones 🙁
I don’t remeber which one but i had nightmare of the part where the spikes were about to crush Indiana Jones, but he escapes and then quickly grabs his hat at the last second. (that is part of the movie not my nightmare. ;))
i got it in the 4th movie 🙁 when that guy got pulled down that ant hole (and a ton others)
jurassic park creeped me out………………..
I am going to see the Avengers, (You know, only the greatest movie on earth,) again today!!!
luckyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT MOVIE WAS AWESOME!!!! 😀 I WENT TO SEEE IT IN 3D IT WAS AWESOME AND FREAKY 😀 😆 (in 3D)
im dun with school for today 😀
I am still IN school right now. But hey, my sub. gave us permission to use the computer for whatever we want to once we are done our work, which i am. 😀
Ya know, someone will post a comment and there will sometimes be like, 15 replies to that comment and by the end of those replies the topic will be compleatly different that what it was originally posted as! 😆
i had fried chicken for lunch 😀 (my brother and mom are not that happy right now 🙁 ) (i dont know y 😕 )
afternoon guys 😀
I guess that just prooves that it doesn’t really matter what order the comments are in. 😆
huh? 😕 😆
just got dun watching episode 9 of ninjago
Well, I can tell you one thing. You stand before a demon, or should I say, a WEAPON, without mercy! I’m no ninja.
huh? 😕 were you talking to me? 😕
No… I… I must awaken… him… the DEMON KING!!!
Waaaaaa it is blocked on my Computer! 🙁 😡
What is?
Why is my saying and victory up there?
I’m adding another site to my other site.
i youst to think the nrg ninja were lame…………….NOW THERE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
im getting new minifigures!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cool taryn
hi guys! i am back! will be on 4 awhile.
Hello! I just got on too. My mom’s bible group brought us dinner and TWO WHOLE BAGS OF CHIPS AND A WHOLE BOX OF COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Whoops!!!! did not mean to say that twice! I thought it didn’t work at first! 😳 😳 😳
its ok lexi
oh, hi! I am on my mom’s laptop so i can watch the youtube video Lord Ghirahim posted! 😀
YES! My fame just rises.
what bible group? I’m just curious
when did u get here? i am not trying to be mean. just wondering. 😀
Everybody! Ok so i went to toys-r-us to look at the new spinners and i see under the realated tab… The summer sets!
I can comment now that there are less comments
Im sooooooooooooooooooooooo[to the googelth power] excited 😀
Cool? Thats all you say?! Im so excited i cant sit still!
fine! AWESOME!!!! 😆
still not enough! 😀
Where is everybody? This is my only time im not busy? 😥
Go to You Tube and watch Vezon Wants His Money. Vezon is from bionicle[ just to let you know].
…………………… 😆 mornin
Just watched Thor. Thought I’d just throw that on out there.
Hello! Where is everybody? 😥
Can someone please tell me when the ultra sonic raider is on Toys-r-us?
…or when its in stores!
I have no idea. I think it is in June, though. That is when the spinners are coming out. 😉
They’d better come out soon! I can’t wait!
there in stores now pythor
(most stores) 😉 😛
well there selling on
Cool! I can’t wait until the new Spider-man movie! It looks great! There better be lego sets of it!
there will be. I saw a sneak peek somewhere.
AWESOME! 😀 …………………………….
y do you bow down to me pythor? 😕 😆
(I was wondering that to….)
Hello! Jay, i bow down to u because u r amazing! 😀
oooooooooooh ok 😆
The lord of the rings sets are also avaliable on toys-r-us!
every time i come on there is nobody. 😥
that is because everyone comments in the middle. (it is because the comments are weird at times)
I know, I wish people would post down here more, but, no big deal!
(Hint, hint) Come on people, post down here!!! PLEASE!
Oh, forget it. Never mind!
hey cecilia 😛
Hello. Cecilia, your right more people should post.
Come post down here… we have cookies!
OMG! I just saw a star wars T-shirt that said: Join the dark side. We have cookies. !!!What a coincidence!!!
sorry guys i woulve posted down here but my computer was not working
I saw that T-shirt before! (the one with the dark side and cookies.)
There was also someone in my class who sang the spongebob song “FUN” except using planton’s version. She changed the last part a little. It went like this: “N is for no survival—-cause we got some fresh cookies, COOKIES! 😆 😆 😆
IT WAS HILARIOUS!!!!! (u would just have to be there :D)
HA!! Cooool!
Hello! Did you see my comment up above about my stories? 😀
Yes i did! P.S. i was serious about the cookies
What do you mean, ‘serious’? Seriousness is not allowed on this website!!! You have to be utterly ridiculous at all times!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!! Sorry, I’m really tired, but not tired, at the same time. Which makes me ‘slitely stoopid.’ 😛
I saw a phone background that said that. The background after that one said: Welcome to the Dark Side. (Are you surprised we lied about the cookies?)
Very funny! 😈
did someone say cookies? 😆
LOL! Way too funny! I should use that line in my next post! 😆
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Finaly soon i will be seeing it! I will most likly have to wait 2 weeks because my local stores always get legos late 😥
Dude, who is Ghirahim?
No problem, Lexi. Deleted the second one. It sometimes happens. 😉
ok got a brain teaser:
i go in dry,come out wet,
the longer i’m in, the stronger i get.
what am i?
i dont know timber 😕 ……………… guys (going to wlmart to get jay zx booster pack)
I HATE WALMART 😡 👿 IT DIDNT HAVE THE JAY ZX BOOSTER PACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👿 😡 👿 😡
It’s a tea bag! 😀
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh i get it
My mom is coming home tonight! I made black brownies! 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀
My dad said no giant banner. 🙁
I am excited!
cool lexi………………………hope she likews it
sorry i spelled stuff wrong 😳 (holding baby sister) (thats y i spelled stuff wrong)
Sooooooooo um hello
night guys…………………………………. 😀
Haha hi! awww, your leaving? 🙁
I was laughing because we posted at the same time, when the last post before then was 30 min, ago! 😆
My mom just came home. she liked the brownies! They were good! 😀
Maybe you can make a little banner? 🙄
i am soooooooooooooooooo tired
oh and good mornin guys 😀
Hey. Uggggggg i hate Social studies. I hate Lanuage arts too, but i don’t like Social Studies more. 😡 🙁
hey lexi (i HATE language arts to!!! 😡 😆 )
just played ninjago with my 4 year old sister……that was her first time
So how did she like it? 😉
Ugggggg… I am soooo bored. I am in Language Arts (usually i would be in 3rd block/period (there are 4 blocks/periods in the school day here) but the scedule was changed for testing. ya know, like the FCAT’s. admin and Jay and possibly others live in florida (like i did) so i though that would be a good example ;)) 😀
I take OAA’s
uuuuuuuum i guess she liked it (she beat me 2 times 😳 )
uuuuug i dont feel well 🙁
LOL! She must be a samurai! 😀
HOW DID YA KNOW ADMIN 😆 (she was samurai) 😆
Well, it was pretty obvious! 🙄
what was obvious admin? 😕
I am wondering… HOW IN THE HECK ARE YOU PEOPLE BUYING NRG NINJA’S ALREADY???!!! I want some. 🙁 (sniff,sniff)
off of toys r us
i will have nrg jay and kai
COOL! I will remember that!
Jay, your smart right? Good! Do you think all the spinners are better than the Rader?[ which includes Pythor] Im looking for the best minifigs.
DUH!!!!!!! THE SPINNERS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys nrg pythor wanted me to say that he wont be commenting on this page anymore so his computer doesnt crash 😉 (youre welcome pythor 😉 😀 )
wait he wont comment that much
I want to see the Avengers again. 🙁 CUZ’ IT’S AWESOME!!!!!
“Shakespeare in the park? Doth Mother know, you weareth her drapes?” – Iron man/Tony Stark
(I love that quote!)
That your sis is a samurai. 😉
oooooooooooooooooooh 😆
well she was samurai x when we played 😆
We are watching the Parent Trap in school during the 4th block. I finished all my homework before i even got home! 😀
Now i can be on tonight without taking breaks to compleate homework! haha but since i am a little tired i might not come on anyway…
might. most likely i am still coming on. 😉
Oh, the Parent Trap! Watched it so many times! 😀
that movie is ok 😕
IM BUYING NRG JAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my dad just found a family of wrens in my garage! (the babies were soooooooooooo cute 😆 )
we have a nest under our front padio that birds are in. plus there are goose babies at our clubhouse lake! 😀
I see them every time my bus takes us home! 😀
Baby wrens are VERY CUTE! We also had a nest a few weeks ago. It is really fun to watch them! 😀
My favorite quote from the Avengers;
“Shakespeare in the park? Doth Mother knoweth, you weareth her drapes?” – Iron man/Tony Stark
Uggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had enough of shakespeare’s ‘Old English’. Cool quote, thouh! Translation: “Does Mother know, you’re wearing her drapes? Most of the time Shakespheare is sooooooooooooooo much more confusing. 😕
Yeah, he lived in very different times. Reading Shakespheare is almost like reading a foreign language! But some people are really into it. 😉
Iron man said that quote in the Avengers! Tony Stark is HILARIOUS!!
HEY–LLOO!!!!!! 😀
I made two homemade mother’s day cards! I even put aa hallmark logo and a bar code on the back! There was a funny one from the dog (you would have to see the picture) and a serious poem (too long. also, i am too lazy to type the whole thing. -_- ) from me (and possibly will be signed by my brothers becuase they most likely arn’t going to make her a card. They are not really card makeing people. haha lol ‘card making people’, that is funny. :lol:)
Lexi, Ninja of Card Making, and leader of the Card Making People. 😆
haha i like that! 😀
haha my new name is even funnier. it doesn’t make sense! 😀
wow that is so true. I am listening to a song that is saying “every rose has it’s thorns” and “every night has it’s Dawns” Those have a much deeper meaning. I like things that have really deep meaning! Don’t know why. 😕
haha now the radio is playing Dynamite again. 😆
hey lexi i throw my hands up in the air some times saying aaaaaao im a lego 😆
I have a new gravatar and name! Do you like my new stuff or old stuff better? Because if you say the old stuff was better, I’ll change them back. Or into something else.
I can’t see your gravatar. Is it pixiley? 😉 😆
Dont ask me why i cant see it. most gravatars don’t show up for me (mine does 😀 and a few others do.)
who were you before you changed? 😕
Oh, that’s interesting that you cna’t see some of them! Jay’s new gravatar is a very tiny blue ninja. 😉
I can only see mine, Kai’s, and everyone’s who doesn’t have a gravatar. The ones i cant see look like a tiny page (smaller than the gravatar box, about 1/4th the size of the original box). On the tiny page are 3 shapes, a small green circle, a blue right triangle, and a purple right triangle. 😀
it’s really weird… 😕
😆 😀
Lexi, you must have gotten a super-special computer with its own mind! 😀
I wonder if it also changes any of the posts or comments. That would be funny! 🙄
Naw, it doesn’t alter comments. 😀
and that would be funny, but also sort of upsetting becuase i dont know what they accually said. 😐
Oh, and this is my school laptop. eveyone is all grades (6th-8th) gets their own laptop. That is about 1,100 laptops! 😀
My school is REALLY new. it is only a couple (2) years old! It doen’t show up on my either of my parent’s GPS’s they got a few (3) years ago! 😀
Oh, before I changed, it was a picture of NRG Jay’s head. I’m thinking of changing my name to “Jay-the best ninja (even in a sweatshirt)” and changing my gravatar to Jay from episode 9.
I was just thinking, what is Lloyd the ninja of? Snakes? Grass? Limes? Mold? Tell me your thoughts on this.
I was wondering about that. 😕 I really have no idea. I found my brothers Lego Magizene and i saw the lego Ninjago section. There wan’t a comic 🙁 But at least ninjago was still there! I thought they might not show it since the season is over and has been for almost 4 weeks (will be 4 weeks tommorow) 😀
Spinach. Definitely spinach! 😆
So Lloyd will eventually run around shooting spinach out of his hands? What would his golden weapon be, the spear of spinach?
Yeah, he will have a spinach-shooting minigun. 😉
Hee, hee.
Wow. It’s late. It is exactly 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 17 seconds past when I was supposed to go to sleep. Okay, so maybe it’s not exactly that much time, but it’s close!
same here! (my bedtime is 9:00 p.m. as well. plus i have to get up early to fo to a orthodontist apointment) I am in my room with my school laptop even though my other laptop works. My school laptop is just smaller therefore less bulky when in my bed. 😀
Okay… somwthing is wrong with my internet…
There isnt a refresh button… or a bottom toolbar… it is like it is on full screen. 😕
Wow. It accually was on full screen! 😆
must of pressed some button that made it do that while i was asleep! 😀
Lexi, you must have hit CTRL + F11 at the same time. 😉
haha that is odd. I wonder how i did that?
Once i shut down my computer in my sleep. 😆
not very good because it takes my computer 20 min. to welcome me. 😡 😀
WAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😥 😥 😥
I have to keep my extendors on till June 20th!!!!!! but if that isn’t bad enough, i am going to florida that month and wont be back till july, so they had to move th appiontment to july 11th!!!!!!! 😡 🙁 😡 🙁
(the dates on and around my birthday is a jinx and has been for the past 3 years!!)(no, seriously!) 🙁
Ouch! So sorry to hear that! 🙁
mornin guys……………….. 😛
It doesn’t hurt at all anymore, it is just hard to eat becuase the food gets stuck. It is the most ANNOYING thing EVER!! (besides siblings 😉 :lol:)
hi everyone, I am back
so what have I missed. 😀
yeah that is what I thought. the reason I did not reply so soon is because I was reading old posts to catch up on things.
😆 😆 😆 😀 😀
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😛
Haha i can just imagine Jay saying that! 😆
I’ve been made of plastic my whole life,
Saying aaaao, I’m a Lego.
I was made to stand, stand, stand, stand.
I have a blueprint
And a plan, plan, plan, plan.
I’m obviously Lego brand, brand, brand, brand.
I can’t hold up my hands, hands, hands, hands.
My life goes on and on and on,
It just goes on and on and on!
Oh! I am so sorry! You reminded me of my stories! I have been so occupied lately that i totaly forgot! 😳 😳
With mother’s day, school projects, my new friend i hang out with every day since i met her (excluding monday)(met on friday), and a few other things. 😀
Or are you saying on my website? cause i cant upload stories unless people post them! for some reason, it seems Sarah has not only stopped making her stories, but doesn’t comment at all! 😕 🙁
I really liked her stories!!!!! 😥
My next story will be called “Error 101”
IMPORTANT FACT about my story (that u may not have noticed).
The ninja DO have their golden weapons. don’t ask me why they haven’t used their vehicles, i will get to that later. 😉 😀
When i write this next story it is going to be a little different than my usual plot theme! 😀
Click on my name to see my new website! Hey, why is barely anybody talking about ninjago now?
Reason: everybody who is talking about the Ninjago TV series is in the ‘Season 3: What will it bring?’ Section. The people talking about spinners are probably in the most recent spinner section. 😉
(spelled the word probably right for once! I used to spell it probally) 😀
Not me, i have only this page bookmarked!