(Written by Nathan K. – ntk743)
There has been a lot of questions and speculations about the future of LEGO Ninjago. Some of the burning questions include: Will Ninjago really end in 2013? When is the new season coming? What is the plot of the new season of Ninjago? 🙄
So I thought to contact LEGO directly and find out what is going on. Though my correspondence with LEGO I have learned that they are starting a brand new season this July 18th. (Of course you know that already from the Ninjago Season 3 Trailer posted last week.)

The LEGO representative I talked to was not aware of any Ninjago Season 3 sets, but that doesn’t matter – at least not now, when we are still enjoying the awesomeness of the current sets.
I also inquired if Ninjago is indeed ending in 2013 as LEGO’s North American Community Coordinator, Kevin Hinkle, has announced previously. I was told, “We do not have any confirmation that the Ninjago series will be discontinued in 2013.” That’s kind of contradictory, but at least it gives us hope that Ninjago will stick around for awhile! 🙂
Here is the new Ninjago theme-song “Born to be a Ninja” by The Fold:
2013 and beyond is still long ahead of us, so let’s enjoy this new season of Ninjago starting July 18th! Here’s a taste of what we can look forward to:
The peace at the Land of Ninjago after the destruction of the Great Devourer is short lived, as Lord Garmadon captured the Four Weapons of Spinjitzu, and is even more determined to rule all of Ninjago. Now he will make the four weapons into a Super Weapon which is capable of destroying the ninja and his brother, Sensei Wu! The ninja must train Lloyd in the ways of Spinjitzu to get him prepared for the final duel against his father, Lord Garmadon. Battling pirates is bad enough, but with Lord Garmadon as the new Serpentine leader they are a threat once again! Can Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay defeat Garmadon, the serpentine, and the terrifying pirates? Stay tuned to find out!
In addition, Cartoon Network is having reruns of the Ninjago Rise of the Snakes episodes from June 22-29, so you can catch all the old episodes this week. Be ready for some Ninjago action all week long! And if you missed the trailer for Season 3 you can watch it here: Ninjago Season 3 Trailer

By the way; this is my first post here, and I’m a KFOL (Kid-Fan-of-LEGO). Your comments and feedback are appreciated. Also, look forward to more LEGO news from me soon! 😀
And if you would like to see more news, videos, pictures and discussion on Ninjago, head over to the LEGO Ninjago section, or select from some of the recent posts below:
Nice post!!!
is the tv schedule of the old series episodes or not
p.s great idea contacting lego about it great job!
Cartoon Network is currently showing reruns. The TV schedule is for the reruns as you can see from the titles. Hope this helps! 😉
I think a lot of people just look at the picutres and the title 😉
I’m very well aware of that. LEGO fans are a visual bunch, and reading is not their forte. That is why I always include pictures/videos. 😉
However to rank well in search-engines (so new people can find us), articles have to be 500-1,000 words long. That is why I stress that for contributors and for myself as well. If we would be somewhere down the 50th page of Google, nobody would find us. Therefore long, well written articles are just as important as pictures. People may not read them, but search-engine robots do. 😆
Yeah. I like to read, of course, but pictures are always nice 😉 I didn’t know that search engines based the order (to a degree) on how many words. Or do you mean the frequency of the serched words? 😕 😉
Search engines look at a lot of things. It is a big subject to talk about and I don’t want to bore you with details, but yeah, longer articles are significantly better, focusing on one keyword (after all they are robots – you don’t want to confuse them) with a 4-5% appearance, and interlinked with other posts as well as external websites. Robots also look at your permalink, meta-data, first and last sentence, what is bolded, underlined, capitalized, look at all your pictures and videos… yeah, they are our most attentive readers. 😆
Contributors here don’t have to worry about that as I take care of all the SEO (Search Engine Optimization). That is why you see that I make some changes to articles, and that is why posting an article (even if well written) takes quite a bit of work; having to make them more readable to both robots and humans. 😉
I think I understand – search engines are very complicated 😉 😆
Admin, you have too much logic for me to understand….
have you seen ninjago season three episode one,two,and three on the computer because I have but it was very dificult
Yes, most of us have seen them. And yes, the quality is not the best, but at least it’s something. 😉
woah…. youve seen Ninjago season 3?????!!! lucky.
at the wharehouse u can buy :
Ninjago Masters Of Spinjitzu Season 2: Volume 1
the episodes are:
Rise Of The Snakes
Never Trust A Snake
Can Of Worms
and The Snake King
please tell me if u have season 2 volume 2 in your local
Wharehouse, Farmers, or Walmart but we don’t have Walmart, were only tiny old New Zealand
Thanks also!
Well thank you!
RIP Ninjago.
AND BIONICLE!!!!!’ *breaks into tears*
Luca, you are in a somber mood today, aren’t you? 😕
Thanks 4 the gr8 post, man!
Pirates!? That could make for some interesting minifigs…
So basically Ninjago could end in 2023 or it might not. In other words, we’re back where we started! 😉
who knows! I think it could end in around the end of 2013. I would also say, start saving up money! 😆 🙄
Hmmm. . . whenever I try to save money it just, I don’t know, disappears? 😉
Ha ha
Yep, you just summed it up! 😆
You said 2023 its 2013 you (***)
(***) = censored by admin due to inappropriate content
Well that’s sure nice of you ninjago fan 100 (sarcastic). You have made mistakes before also.
No personal insults otherwise you will get under moderation. Treat others and you would want to be treated. This is a friendly community, not a place for trolling and insulting others. 😐
Wait, do you mean me or him?
The person I censored above. You are fine. 😉
That is good to know.
What does getting under moderation mean?
If someone is placed under moderation none of their comments will show up until I see them and approve/deny them manually. In addition, sometimes individual comments get under moderation automatically for various reasons (using a bad word, adding too many links, etc.) and is only related to a particular comment. Both types of moderations are there for the safety of our community. If someone is a real trouble-maker they can be denied access to the website altogether, but I never had to do that to anyone. Usually moderation gets the message accross. 😉
oh, thanks for explaining it to me. 🙂
Sorry…. 🙁
yeah, sorry about that 🙁
Good job Nathan! I really hope Ninjago will not end with only a season two. There are so many fans out there they must come up with a REALLY good reason why they shouldn’t continue. 🙄
I agree! 😉
Thanks you! 🙂
i do NOT like the new heme song (it stinks) 🙄 cant they do the weakend whip? it was way better
and i dont want ninjago to end 😥 its the best lego band ever besides star wars 😆 oh and im going to get some more minifigures today! 😀
Yeah, weekend whip was WAY better.
There is actually a longer version of the new theme-song with a bit more lyrics, but the video for this one is better. Anyway, the old one is still way better. I agree. 😕
To be honest, I don’t like the new version either. It sounds like a Weird Al song! 🙄
Can’t wait for the combo weapon!!!
One thing that I have noticed (and have said before) is that, with the exception of BIONICLE, LEGO does not really have their own story based themes last very long. Hasbro (though they have different generations of these themes) has Transformers, GI Joe, My Little Pony and a few other themes that they created which have all been around for decades. Although LEGO does have things like Technic and town/ city stuff, they do not really have a long living story theme (again, with the exception being BIONICLE). Ninjago may be a new exception, with the huge push for the CGI series, as LEGO really has not advertised another franchise quite in the same way. However, it is still to early to tell if it will break the trend, or end up like all the other LEGO playthemes not still in production.
All things have their time…
Admin, when is my Miners article getting posted???
Nace, I’m tryin to keep up with everyone’s posts, plus the ones I have to write. Yours is on the list, so I haven’t forgotten about it. Tomorrow there is going to be a post from a new contributor, Legoboy, then I need to write a review on some samples I got from a really great company called BrickStix, then there is an outstanding post from Geneva, you, legolotr, stewbrick901, and a couple of others. So yeah, I’m publishing as fast as I can, but there are only 7 days in a week. 😕
can’t you multi-post, like 2 or 3 per day.
Studless it takes anywhere between 1-4 hours to get a post ready for publication. I have to work and live my life as well. Running this website is just a hobby for me. It’s not like anybody pays me to do it. 😐
And people would have a hard time reading all the comments!
Yeah, that too! 🙄
Not to mention posting them 😉 🙂
Plus you have to leave time for viewers to see it: if admin did too many in a day, people wouldn’t be able to catch them all! 😉
That’s a good point as well! This way all posts have a 24 hour period being in first position in the first page, and another 24 hour period being in the second position on the first page. This is where most new people end up, so yeah, it is important to give all the post exposure, and also not to overwhelm readers and subscribers with too much stuff. It is better for all of us, after all, we still need time to play with LEGO, not just read about it! 😉
good point, the articles are pretty long anyway
(can’t keep up with TBB very well)
good reading material.
Wow! A lot of people are starting to write articles!
Nace, yeah, right now there is quite a bit. Most people are one-time guest-authors though, not regular contributors, so the backlog should clear out soon. I think your post will be published by this weekend. I really want to post it, as it is important, so it should be up soon. 😉
Yea, those Miners sets are pretty cool!
I think i’ll stay on your crew! ha ha 😉
New crew members are always welcome. 😉
How many “crew members” would you say you have 😉 ?
How about you, me, all the other contributors, and all of our minifigs combined. 😉
😆 That’s a lot! 😉
Lego city miners, I think. 😉
Oh, I see.
I really like the new theme song, it’s just not the same as the Weekend whip. I CAN’T WAIT!!! And also, there has been TONS of rumors that Jay proposes to Nya in the last episode, what do you think, Admin?
Cecilia, I don’t believe any of that Jay and Nya getting married, getting pregnant stories. It is not appropriate for a kids’ show. Period.
so its lego – anything can happen……….
Guys heres a link to watch Season 3 Episode 1
Its epic!
and Admin could you not delete this comment i just want to let the Ninjago fans watch Season 3 early 🙂
is it in english?
Yes but the quality is kinda bad but atleast you get to watch it early 🙂
It actually has most of the trailer in it – although not all of it! 😉
Yes. It is uploaded by someone from Canada. 😉
I thought the guy was in singapore 😕
For some reason I remember Canada, but I could be wrong. 😉
I don’t know, I just saw that the uploader said in a comment directly under the video (at least that’s where it was when I saw it):
Guys! Episode 15 is not coming until Thursday(Singapore) and i try to upload by Thursday 9pm(Singapore)
Does that mean he gets in from singapore 😕 😉
It could be that the person is in Singapore, or have access to a TV channel in Singapore. Hard to say. But it doesn’t matter. All we want is the episodes! And I really hope someone will upload a better quality sometime soon! 😉
I hope so too! 😉 And hopefully we git a better quality 15th episode too 😉
Whoa, where in all of ninjago did you find that?! AWESOME!!!
I just searched up on youtube Ninjago Season 3 Episode 1 and poof it poped up as a new video
After watchign this i thought that other ninjago fans should see this so i just post the link here for all ninjago fans 😀
The guy who uploaded the episode is from another country i think in Canada or somewhere
Can Admin post the episodes?
I can’t believe that episode is out!
I could, and planning to, but no good quality is available yet.
I agree, I won’t watch it until there is.
i dont really like born to be a ninja. no offense to the weekend whip. i prefer the first original song.
Seems like a lot of people are saying that. I didn’t even watch it (I don’t like rock), so I can’t really say which I like better 😉
i dont want to listen to rock either.
You know gid617, I think I liked both! It’s hard to decide!
I changed my user name!
Sorry, it didn’t work. But I fixed it.
That sounds better. 😉 I was wondering if you had been buisy writing directories lately! 😆
Yeah, I haven’t been on in a while.
i hope they don’t discontinue lego ninjago ill miss it 🙁
Me too!
i wonder what sets they will make in the future????????? and if they even will???? well iv been waiting for the new sets to come out where i am and they just came out last week!!!!! sadly still no ultra sonic radir correct me if i spelt that wrong
Ultra Sonic RaidEr. What do you mean no USR anyways? Do you mean in your local store or something? 😕
Guess I should have put it like this: Ultra Sonic RaIdEr. (of course you did get the I, just not in the right place 😉 )
Well I wish Lego told me, but they didn’t! I don’t think they even have any plans of sets! 🙄
If they are going to make any then they should already have the plans. But of course, they aren’t going to tell us! 😉
Probably a Dark bounty with the pirate stuff. It seems pretty different from the original bounty, after all 😉
hey cecilia were have u been?
Oh, busy. You know how it is.
Cant wait for everything in the uk. Lotr isnt out yet, monster fighters JUST came out, and no new ninjago! Why does lego hate the uk? The uk IS closer to lego base in denmark! Must have the minera. I want the 20 pound set, which has two boulders. Already have the power miner crystal sweeper, sooooo….
I’m visiting my grandparents in Taiwan since it’s my summer vacation in South Carolina. They have NO NEW STUFF in Taiwan.
I went on Lego .com (English) I see New sets, flip on to Lego.com (China) Nothing.>:O
Admin, i plan on writing a post on the lego batman 2, so how do i contact you and send it? And what should i write it on, cos i only have an ipad.
NRG Jay, you can email your post to admin@theBrickBlogger.com. It should be 500-1,000 words long and include good pictures and/or video. Pictures/videos can be yours or use someone else’s. However if you are using other people’s work always provide links to them so they can be credited properly. Just write the post in a simple word processor and attach the pictures or provide links to them. You can make notes in the post where the pictures/videos go. Have fun writing! 😉
It looks like you don’t have any lack of contributors admin! 😉
Well, LEGO is a huge topic, so there is a lot to talk about. 😉
Lol, the brickblogger is an excellent blog admin. I have told.. 5…8…10 a total of 12 friends about it, and 11 of them LOVE IT!! The other one has gone off LEGO. Guess what I said when I heard that?
Anyway, I email from gmail, so how do i embed videos? Shud i just put a link to the video?
Thanks, Jay! Yes, just add the link to the video. That’s fine. I can embed it for you. 😉
IT STOPPED RAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it rained nonstop all day yesterday!
Don’t keep your hopes high. I read that more rain is coming today. 🙄
We don’t get rain here until tomorrow 😉
yeah i know admin. 🙄 but atleast its not raining
The storm knocked out my internet connection for two hours! Just got it back up. 🙁
What’s even worse than when your internet is knocked straight out is when it blinks on and off! 😉
Oh! I never had to experience that, thanksfully! Our service here is excellent, with only maybe one outage per year due to weather. And I think it is the end of the world! 🙄
Bilinking on and off is really annoying. You’ve just got what you want and then poof! the power goes off. Finnally you just give up in despair! 😉
Thanks Admin!
it seems to be raining alot. Where i live im pretty sure [ dark clouds] it gonna rain
… oh ya, YES! June 26! One more day closer to season 3! 😀
1:00 – one hour closer to season three 😉 😆
Thanks everyone for coming to my blog! Check back daily and make sure you subscribe to keep up with ninja news
so the sun is out! i didnt see any sun yesterday! 😯 STUPID TROPICAL STORM DEBBIE! (and later i am ganna help my neighbor since the wind knocked a tree down on his fence 😯 it was very close to his house
ninjago season 3 episode 1 is on youtube now
Roro, yes, we know that. Unfortunately the quality is poor, so we will wait until a better one shows up before posting it here. But I think most of us watched the low quality one on YouTube already. Something is better than nothing. 😉
I disagree, I would prefer better quality ( patiently waiting 😉 )
Studless, thank’s for your patience. I’m looking. 😉
The quility isn’t too bad but it’s not good.
Hmm. . . Isn’t that a bit contradictiory? 😉 But after all, it’s pretty good except for the photographer’s reflection in the screen 🙁 !
Yeah, that’s what I didn’t like about it either; that reflection. Otherwise it is not bad. 🙂
Looks like there’s still a reflection in episode 15. . . 🙁
Yeah, it is not so bad, I had no problem watching it myself. Still, it would be best to find something better quality. Last time I posted a video like that it almost caused a riot, so I rather wait. 🙄
man its been raining where i am for like a month it sucks 🙁
it rained all day yesterday and finally stopped today
I heard that stinks, but its good it stopped 🙂
im getting the epic dragon battle
Ooh lucky! Do u live in USA by any chance, cos they arent out in uk until august. 🙁
I do but I’m on vacation.
Has anyone heard the new ninjago song born to be a Ninja?
Uhm. It is in the post you just commented on. 😕
me too
admin theres a good picture on brickepeadia of lloyd zx’s package 😉
I know. Geneva or I may use it in a future post. 😉
Yeah, I actually have several good pictures of Lloyd’s spinner now, and I think I’m going to do a post about it 😉
I see!! 🙂 That should be one of the sets for season 3!
What should?
Thanks Admin for finding pictures!
If any one liked the song Born to be a Ninja (Which I think no one did) this is where you can get it: https://music.apple.com/us/album/born-to-be-a-ninja-single/523634908
I really like that song!
It wasn’t bad, but I liked Weekend Whip more.
True oh and just letting you know i changed my user from NINJA…GO
Well, now you can get it!
Hey admin,
I have a question about my website!
1. Is this the only way you allow others to view my website
Nathan, you can also link your name to your website in the comments. Also, I recommend that you change or add your name to your comments, as right now I don’t think anybody realises that you are in fact the author of this post. I would change it to something like Nathan or Nathan K. NINJA…GO! Or something like that. 😉
There you like my new user admin!
Hey admin,
I’m wondering if u could subscribe to my blog? To keep up with my posts and then you could tell me how I’m doing!
That’s all right. Should I change or add your user name to your post? 🙂
Ya that would be great!
Hey gid617,
Have you checked out my ninjago website? If you have can you tell me how i’m doing? 🙂
Yeah, I checked it out. You’re doing a good job, what you mainly need are some longer articles (like the one you wrote here 😉 ) I also think a background picture that you can see better would look nice 😉 I don’t have my own website or anything, so I am by no means an expert! 😉
Could you subscribe? and would you like to write for it?
I’ll think about subscribing, and as far as writing for it, I think I could probably do that occasionally 😉 We’ll see 😆
Great and I would love for you to write! What were you saying about the background?
Oh, the backgound picture on your website (one of the ninjago posters) looks a little strange since you can just see the edges. Of course I understand that it might be hard to fix, but there must be some way to get around that 😉
Easy I can fix that! I have about three crew members (counting myself ;-)) and I would love for you to join that crew!
When you do want to write just let me know!
OK 😉
BTW, if you would like a list of all the ninjago sets, I made one (haven’t updated it for a while) so I could add the newer sets and send it to you if you’d like 😉
guys i was at the dentist and cartoon network was on and…….I SAW THE NINJAGO COMMERCIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (twice) i was soooooooo hyper
Awesome!!! I saw it at Target a couple days ago, I CAN’T WAAAAAIIIT!!!!!
i want to see more season three i watched the first ep on youtube it was epic but I’m not giving any spoilers for the people who have not watched it i can’t wait for more if u find the second ep on youtube plz post in the comments plz
The second episode should (hopefully) come out tonight. at least that’s what the guy who posted the last one said 😉
That would be sweet! 😀
Yeah! 😉 I’ll be looking for it; the moment I find it I’ll post it here! 😉
If the uploader is really in Singapore then it should be. . . 9 am tommorrow. Hmm. . . it seemed like he said he would upload in by nine today. So far I haven’t found anything. . . 🙁
Hopefully it will be soon? All we can do is wait. Something I’m not so good at… 🙄
Me neither. 😉 Hopefully it will be uploaded today – but that would be tomorrow in Singapore – or maybe just late tonight 😕 Maybe he isn’t in Singapore anyways. . . Hmmm. . . Yeah, all we can do is wait 😉
i also got the samurai mech it is epic 🙂 🙂 🙂 really it cost 50 dollars but it was worth it!!!!
I rally want that set! You are so lucky!
Ya! It’s really cool!
50 dollars!! I dont live in us, but that isnt retail!
I want to get the Samarai Mech too. The price is actualy realy good for the size! When i bought the Ultra Sonic Raider for 79.99, it ended up being a bit smaller then i thought. 😀
Yeah, it’s pretty big. My brother got it and I was impressed – the main probalem I could see with it was the fact that you can’t put lloyd in the cockpit area and also a chair on top for Sensei Wu looks a bit odd! 😉
Just wondering admin, do you still like my Lord of the Rings post?
Sure, it is on the schedule! In fact, I will likely post it this weekend! 😉
Great!! Please let me know if you need me! And are you still going to advertise for my blog on that post?
Sure, I can mention your blog at the end of your post like we did last time, and your name will link there as well.
Wonderful! So probably Saturday or Sunday? And I’ll start on my third article! 🙂
I like the old theme song better
me too 😀
Haha! I’m finally contributing! Here is the trailer for Episode 15. The youtuber said he was put the full episode up tomorrow.
AWESOME! Can’t wait until we get the full episode! 😉
Was that Lloyd doing his true potential in the video ?
It kind of looked like it, but it sure does seem pretty early for him to unlock his true potential. I mean, he doesn’t even know spinjitzu yet! 😉
Maybe he does know spinjitzu. . . 😉 “Spinjitzu! I just did Spinjitzu for the first time!!”
Who knows gid, Lloyd’s already unlocked his Spinjitzu, and Sensei Wu tells him that he has the power to balance all the elements, and combine it into one element! That sounds pretty cool!
Yeah! Lloyd is getting better all the time! 😉
Finnally! Episode 15! 😉
Nice job !
This is exciting!
Hang on what on earth is happening? When is season 3 out? Whats this episode 15 bussnise? I haven’t been on for ages so I’ve lost tarck of whats happpening.
Season three starts in the US 18 July. That’s a little more than two weeks 😉 But it seems like it starts eariler in some country(ies), so we’ve already got not-so-good quality videos of the first two episodes. 😉
I was born to be a ninjaaaaaa… born to be a ninja… I was born to be a ninjaaaaa!
That is such a good song! I love The Fold
In general!
u were???????????
so excited about season 3
Me too! It looks amazing!
yeah! I want to find out more about the island of Darkness 😉
Admin, could I post this really cool article about the Four Fang Blades? I have a whole lot in my head. ❓
Skales, sure you can, just remember the rules; minimum 500 words, pictures and/or videos included. Pictures/videos can be yours or the work of others as long as you link to them. Write the post in simple Word format, attach pictures (or just include links in the article), and make a note in the article where pictures go. That’s about it. 😉
Okay, so I just got my July-August Lego
Magazine and I had a picture of Lloyd
Fighting Lord Garmadon! It said something
about the new season of Ninjago being the
Season of the final showdown between good
And evil. By the way, I want everyone to know
that I’m a guy version of Samuari X 🙂
Yep, read that too! This seems to confirm to me that this is going to be the final season planned by LEGO.
It does kind of seem like that 🙁 I still haven’t got mine though. . .
Isherwood tall or short????
*Is he* 😉
Stupid autocorrect
Who is Isherwood? 😕
Is he. Autocorrect on my iPad
It’s sad. Ninjago is the greatest thing since
Bionicle. On the very small plus side my
Wallet MIGHT get a break.
Admin, change of plan. At the time I posted the question about the Four Silver Fang Blades article, I had nothing going on, but now I’m loaded with stuff I need to do. I might “put it down on paper” later, but I’m too busy right now. 😐
Skales, that’s fine. There is never any pressure to contribute. I have plenty of material to post. 😉
I was thinking about doing an article of Ninjago’s villain history. Garmadon; Skeleton Army. I’d first do a file on the main villain, Garmadon, then on his army, the skeletons. Could work with every series.
That’s actually a really good idea. In fact nobody wrote an article on either the good guys or the bad guys of Ninjago yet. 😉
Here we go you guys Episode 16
AND! The Trailer for Episode 17
Sweet! I hope a better version will be coming up soon! 😀
Me too!
😀 WooHoo! Hopefully Ninjago stays. Ending it this early while its EXTREMELY popular would be very confusing. 🙂
ive already seen ninjago season three episode 1-3 but I havent herd born to be a ninja at the begining of the episodes
Yeah, that was surprizing. I was also expecting “Born to be a Ninja” as the theme song, but obviously it isn’t. 😕
Here’s the long-awaited (one week 🙂 ) episode 17
I hate that song but it’s sooooooooo catchy 😆 🙄
I understand :rool:
I mean 🙄
Admin, why do you think there is episodes 14-17 on youtube? Isn’t that wrong to post them already?
Cecilia, some countries have been airing the episodes on a different schedule and are ahead of us. There is nothing wrong with this. They are not like stolen or something. 🙄
But is it illegal or something? Oh and how do you attach the videos so that you can just click on them and watch them?
If something is so bad quality (somebody taking a video of their televison screen) I don’t think they would get in trouble. If the quality is good, then yeah, the producers can request YouTube to take down the video. I had to replace the first Ninjago series videos several times as YouTube was going after certain users (on the request of a law-firm) and taking them down. But I always found new ones. 😉
BTW, this is why it is a good idea to NOT use your own videos for material that may be copyrighted. The law-firm can demand the YouTube uploader to take down the video, but they are not going to go after you (the website owner) as you are just linking to or embedding someone else’s video. If you would be using your own video, pictures or other materials however that may have copyright issues, they can shut down your entire website. So just be careful. 😐
You can just add a link from your website so readers can watch the video you are referring to, or if you want readers to watch it on your website, you can embed it. Please note that some people don’t allow embeding their videos, but it would be obvious as you would get a message if it is not allowed.
Ok, thank you! 🙂 I am not allowed to watch them until they come out, because my parent don’t think its ok to put them on youtube when they didn’t come out yet. Which is ok! I CAN’T WAIT!!
Only five minutes left! I bet we are all waiting and watching! Have fun!
UPDATE: Ninjago Episode 14 – Darkness Shall Rise is now posted! Check it out here: Ninjago Episode 14 – Darkness Shall Rise Enjoy! 😉
What about Season 4 of NinjaGo TV show?
Come on! Let’s save ninjago!Sign a signature at making a season 4 if you haven’t already!!!
Yeah! Let’s save NINJAGO!!
how old are the ninja, first of all and second of all, please make another season with lloyd and throw in a girl named Ally to be his sister and let her be the pink ninja please that would make me happy what with all the deaths in my family. thanks because my nickname is Ally so please and thank you
i love ninjago its my fav show 🙂
i love ninjago its my fav show 🙂 in the whole world
i am waching the final battle go garmadon!!!!!
i hope that the overlord wins go evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you leave a sickish coment a waste of time go good
no good won
It had a happy ending! But they’re replacing with the stupid Legend of Chima. It’s about a bunch of weirdos with lion-heads. Anybody remember Thundercats? Yeah, they stopped making episodes. Which is exactly what I hope happens to Legend of Chima. GO NINJAGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is sickish a waste of time go good
Lego Ninjago is coming back in 2014! Look it up!
John, please note that publish date of this post as well as the comments. This is an old article. If you would like to check on the latest Ninjago news please check the LEGO Ninjago section, or hit LATEST NEWS at the top navigation bar. 😉
Well its quite confusing.According to the Prophecy it only told till the final battle.sure the Overlord was in the Prophecy but in tthe end defeated!!Lord garmadon is now just Garmadon Now he’s good.Good side won,What evil is left???There is no season 4 So beat it
HOW DARE YOU!?!?! Ninjago is the Best Show Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You all must know me lord garmadon and yous might think that ninjago stops at season 3 but no there is a season 4 called retern of the dark lord and I heard that I am going to turn evil again, I think it sounds exciting besides the fact that lloyd and I have to realise that he will have to distroy me for good this time by killing me.
How do you change your picture
You mean your avatar? Go to gravatar.com to set it up. It is very easy. Your avatar will magically appear here once you set it up (just make sure you use the same email address). Also, all your past avatars will also change to the updated one. 😉
We’re did you watch the final battle how did you iv been trying to find it for weeks
To find the final battle go in youtube and look up lego ninjago season 3 eposode 26 the ultimate spinjitzu master.P.S. there is part 1&2 but you have to search for them seperatley.
Actually, we have it uploaded right here in the Ninjago section, and in one part: http://thebrickblogger.com/2012/11/ninjago-episode-26-rise-of-the-spinjitzu-master/
All of the Ninjago episodes are uploaded, by the way. Again; they are all in the Ninjago section of TBB. 😉
Hi I used gravitar but its not working
Actualy it is yay!!!!!
Yeah, it takes a few minutes until your gravatar shows up. Love those glowing eyes!
Thanks, but you know that Im not actualy garmadon, I am a girl that just thinks he is awsome.P.S.I feel like I’m his #1 fan.
Actualuy I don’t know if I am garmadonor not but I think I am.
Have a look at this image and tell me if I should change mu avatar to it.
The time got mixed up its actualy 11:00am
How do I fix the time?
Have a look at this. http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&client=ms-android-alcatel&tbo=d&v=141278776&biw=800&bih=212&q=lego+ninjago+2014&oq=lego+ninjago+2014&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.0.0l5.2430.22535.0.25838.…1ac.1.b9c-xnHeKDE
What final battle season 3?!?
If you want to watch the final battle thwm watch this. http://thebrickblogger.com/2012/11/ninjago-episode-26-rise-of-the-spinjitzu-master/
Don’t people talk any more
What are the plans for the 2013 season. Lord garmadon, any ideas?