(Written by Geneva – gid617)
With Lord Garmadon good once again, and the Overlord beaten, it seemed there was nothing left for the ninja to do. But is that really true? A moderator on the official LEGO Message Boards, Keighlian, posted “An Important Ninjago Announcement“. Read it below! 😛

“Calling all Ninjago fans!
Gather round! Beckon all of your friends to gather round, too! We have important and exciting news! Not just any news. Not news about the weather or cats stuck up trees or the price of milk! No, this is news about Ninjago!
“But, what news? What news could be so important? Isn’t Ninjago being discontinued in 2013?!”, we hear you exclaim! Ah yes, young ninja, we sense you are eager to learn more and so shall the news be revealed…
Because our message boards fans are so awesome and because we know you love Ninjago more than anyone else in the entire world, nay universe, we are giving you guys this information first and exclusively! Check the Internet; see if anyone else is mentioning this! They won’t be right now because you’re hearing this from us first and you’re the first to know!
…Ninjago will continue into 2014!”
But even more interesting is the attached poster! It may seem like it is just Zane after his “brush” with the Great Devourer, but, if you look closely into his eyes, there seems to be something else lurking in the shadows! 🙄

What do you think this could mean? Could Ninjago really be returning? Will the ninja fight robots next? Is Zane’s father actually going to play a bigger part in a future series? Do you think there will be more sets? Or could this just mean we might get a few mini-movies? Can Ninjago co-exist with Chima? So much to think about! So many questions! What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comment section below! 😉
You might also want to check out the LEGO Ninjago section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions. Or select from below:
By the way its looks intersting how best friends become the worst ofenemies
Yes, that is an interesting twist. Pretty sad too. 😥
Yeah, that looks interesting. I’m definitly going to watch it, don’t get me wrong, I’m just saying it didn’t grab my attention as quickly as Ninjago did. Then again, I found out about both of them in a different way. Ninjago I found out because of a commercial during a Pokemon episode. Then I was bored one day at home when I was sick and saw Ninjago on and watched it and instanly loved it. Chima I discovered because of Ninjago and I can’t watch the episode right when I discovered it, unlike Ninjago. I’ll probably see the show and be like…

“Is anyone else blown away like I am?” (haha Ninjago reference :P)
I’m going to see Chima, the whole seasons! Bug nothing willreplace ninjago. Not even Chima!
Chima seems to me like an imatation of Thundercats 😐 Although I am extremly glad Ninjago will not be replaced by Chima.
B.T.W I first learned of Ninjago when the Mini movies appeared on a show I was watching, and so I got around to looking and watched the first episode; from there I was madly in love with Ninjago.
I found out about Ninjago when I got a Lego catalogue featuring Ninjago.
I first learned about Ninjago when I was in a LEGO store. I saw the four ninja and when I got home I searched it. Now it is my favorite LEGO theme.
Seems like most people found Ninjago from it’s show!
Yeah, I found it the same way Wolfgirl did. 😉
You did? I was just on a comercial brak when the Mini movie of Jay and Nya showed. 😆 Laughed my head off at that.
B.T.W: You don’t have to call me Wolfgirl, just call me Wolfy 😉
Yeah, I did. 😛 I saw the one with the “dragon masters,” where Cole officially wins but the other ninja say that they will beat him tomorrow when they initially agreed that whoever won was dragon master for a week or month (I sort of forget which one :oops).

Anyway, yeah. 😛
I thought it was interesting and watched it one day when I was at home sick and bored. 🙄
I discovered Ninjago from the lego club magazine, so i decided to watch the show… and the rest is history 😀
here here! (another Ninjago refrence. I’m on a roll! :P)
I found out about ninjago when i went to toys r us to buy Lego sets and i saw ninjago spinners they looked awesome but i wasent sure if i sould buy them so i dint and when i went home i went to Lego.com and saw ninjago and i loved it and it became my favrioute theme,now my favrioute along with chima.
I found out of ninjago when i was flipimg throught channels then i was going to see another tv show after ninjago i saw it to wait for then next show and when i saw it i was surprised a Lego show was on & i was like cool
I’m going to miss that show 😥
BTW did you know that there is going to be a Mavel Superheros Lego videogame coming out in fall? Could that mean more sets?
Im not a superhero fan guy of like spiderman and the advengers and stuff but probley more sets on my guess.
I not a huge fan either, but it is still interesting. 🙂
You can find all about the new game in the LEGO Super Heroes section. Just wrote a post about it yesterday. 😉
Oh! I forgot to check latest news!
No one posting much,my guess why:Chima
I have to agree. It seems like Chima took over kids’ minds, just as LEGO predicted. Kids are fickle… adults too.
Yup chima is taking over kid’s mind just like ninjago did and it has taken over my mind chima is awesome!
Not mine! I will resist! 😀
😡 I will never EVER let another show take over my mind. NEVER!!! 😈 Muhahahahaha!!! 😆
,;, ,;,
Ninjago forever! I can like 2 shows at one time, but no show, no matter how good, can take the place of Ninjago!
Same with Wolfgirl, Lexi, and NRG Pythor! I will resist Chima and it’s addictiveness and stay loyal to the king of all LEGO animated shows! Ninjago FTW!
Come to think of it now; I’d rather be stuffed with pasta and shoved in a hot room then watch Chima 👿 😡
Admin is there seriously going to be another series? Oh wow!!! I read about it can’t wait!! 😀
LEGO only said they are continuing Ninjago at some point. They did not give any details if that means just more sets, or a new TV series. We just have to wait and see to find out. 😉
2014?????? there gonna release thise season early like they did before right? right???? RIGHT????????i will be in high school when that happens. cant wait that long!
I have no idea what will happen. ❓
I don’t think anybody except for LEGO does…
Are there going to be Chima episodes just like Ninjago? ❓
Yes. In two days I think.
Yes. 😉
They did call it a series PREVIEW, suggesting there is more to it. 😉
You know how Kimono Kai suggested that the reason nobody is posting is due to chima? I don’t think that is the reason because unless everybody is chatting on the old Legends of Chima posts, there are less post per day there then there are here by far! Nobody has even posted there today at all! I think it is not because of Chima (after tommorow it probably will be though), but because nobody knows what to talk about! There is no new news on Ninjago, and we can’t really talk about Chima much because we have yet to even see the first episode and there is nothing to talk about with the Chima sets eather. That will change after 8:30 p.m. tomorrow! (at least the second part. We still probably wont know anyhting about Ninjago sadly)
Lexi, yeah, that is actually a good point. There are only so many times we can repeat talking about the same stuff. After a while it gets stale and boring. But as you said; an hour of Chima goodness tomorrow should give us something to talk about! 🙄
I usually have good health. Unfortunately, I’ve been diagnosed with a severe case of writer’s block. 😛
But srsly I have serious writer’s block, so it may be quite some time before the next two chapters come up. Also extreme procrastination has been a severe factor to my writer’s block. And school.
My cousin had her wedding last Friday. I danced Gangnam Style at the reception 😛 😛
danceing gandgam style at a wedding. 😆
As for writers block, the way I get rid of it is by listening to music. I usually get some ideas from the song I am listening to. I try to relate it to the story I am writing at the time. It might not help you at all, but I am a very musical person, and music just helps me. (speaking of music, did you know I made district honor band? I am the second best mallet player in my whole district! (although my spelling could use some work. Bad spellers Untie!! 😆 I love that saying :P)
You did what???!!! At at a reception???!!! You are brave! We should really make a LEGO version of Gangnam style!
Oh stahp it you *blushes*
I literally was on my iPad mini for most of the reception, hoping to have the courage to go up to the DJ and ask him to play Gangnam Style. I didn’t but eventually it started playing. I literally walked up there, danced for about 30 seconds, and then literally walked back to my iPad mini. It’s like what you should do every day; well, I just danced Gangnam Style. Oh well, back to the Internet.
I was a flower girl at my aunts wedding once. I got near the end and i couldn’t get the flowers out of the basket, so i just dumped the basket at the end. Everyone found it hilarious. It is kinda funny watching it back. Ok, how did we get to talking about weddings? We really DON’T have anything Chima or Ninjago related to talk about, do we? 😐
Actually, there is a few LEGO parodies of Gangnam style, they just aren’t very good. At least all of the one’s i’ve found so far aren’t. 🙁
There is so many parodies for Gangnan Style. My favorite is Minecraft style!
Also, Congradulations for making the district honor band Lexi!
Thanks! And my favorite is also Minecraft style! There is another one I like too (it’s not my favorite), but it has bad words in it so I’m not going to post it here.
I have seen some of those too, but I haven’t seen a really good one worth posting here. I’m sure it will come though. LEGO fans are a creative bunch. 😉
There was one called Rewind YouTube Style which I thought was cool. I dont think there was swearing in it though 🙂
i think the same! ive been trying to write LEGO related lyrics, but have come up with diddley squat (nothing). If anyone has any ideas please tell me, cause i think if i post a cool LEGO gangnam style on my chanel, i can get some good youtube views
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 25 DAYS!!!!!! 😛 😀 hi everyone! wow, i am so close to being a TFOL 😀
And then you will be a TFOL like me!!!!!!! 🙂
LOL! We should give you a TFOL badge of honor! 🙂
And the power of TFOLishness will run through your veins forever!!!!!!
I woln’t become a TFOL until February 19, 2014. D:
what exactly is a TFOL? is it a good thing?
TFOL = Teenage Fan of LEGO 😉
I try to squeeze out some ideas that will satisfy your minds. BUT I CAINT. I JUST CAINT. Writer’s block, Y U EXIST!
Anything about Ninjago will satisfy my mind. 😀
hey every body my friends and i are making a youtube channel it will be called HARDCORE PRODUCTIONZ XD mabye xd. I need lots of attention so please see it, it might come this saturday our first video and if you are wondering who i am im the one in the long black hair please see it if it comes out
What are your videos about?
gameplays funny humor stuff and parodys
Gameplays are awesome!!
our first one is on black ops 2 zombies
and im going to try to get left for dead 2 so i can do a lets play. HUNTER IS MY FAVORITE ZOMBIE
Ive never played black ops 2, but I want to
Parodys are my favorite thing to watch. 🙁 unfortuantly I’m not allowed to watched viedos on the computer anymore.
Sadness… 🙁
I didn’t realize this was part of a deleted comment.

Darn it!!! 😡 :neutrel:
* 😐
yeah our first parody will be about minecraft
its really fun im playing with my friends at my house
I watched a LOC episode and it was not as good as Ninjago. 🙂
i agree! chima stinks! NINJAGO RULES!
What is it you hate about chima the show?minfigures?speedorz?or have you not even given it a chance because of ninjago?If it is because of ninjago then your like all those ninjago fans who still hate chima because it was going to replace ninjago,but since it isnt replacing ninjago more then half of the ninjago fans now like chima including most ninjago fans here so give it a chance if you havent 😐
I have given it a try. I don’t hate it. I am merely stating that I think the Ninjago storyline is better. 😐
Yea i was to jay mouth of lighting sorry if you though i was talking to you skales.
our first parody song is you’ll find us chasing the sun the lyrics you’ll find me griefing your stuff ( braking or taking )
What’s the name of the video?
Ok guys totally awesome thing! I am ganna try to learn how to do the Misty Moantians on the tin whistle! (the song is from the. Hobbit) (and no, a tin whistle doesn’t look like a little whistle) isn’t that cool? I love that song, and I want to learn it do bad! Wish me luck 😀 ( so I can do it)
That’s awesome! I love that song! It is so beautiful! Good luck learning it! 🙂
hehe, thanks 🙂
I have a question, does anyone still use spinners?
I do. I like playing with them. They are fun when you have a friend around to play with. I rarely use the cards; just stick some weapons in their hands and spin away. 😀
I don’t use the cards either just spin and laugh then my character loses 😆
Yeah, I do the same! 🙄
I wonder how you could add spinners into a moc. It seems hard
i really want the creaters of ninjago to make more episodes i still like ninjago a lot but i just keep watching the same ones over again but i still like it and the picture up there does say we will be back so i am very excited YAHWEE
😛 🙂 😀 XD O_O ha ha ha i love that last face O_O O_O
It would be complicated, but using angular pieces could make it work [or you could make the entire thing upside down
] . That would be very useful for adding spinning elements to a creation. I would try it if I had a spinner.
Does anyone have an idea how the season i going to start like perdict how they think the story is gonna begin
I think it will be like the book.
Sorry about being off topic but, Ravens won the superbowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! 49ers almost did though..
Yeah, if was a close game. Anyways, recently I have been working on a MOC! It’s a tripod from War Of The Worlds. Just wanted to let you all know what I’m doing right now 😉
IM 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 I AM SO HAPPY! 😀
Now your beginning your teen years how we grow up (by age) so fast
I’m going to comment in the future ninjago plot line now.
YES! i always am playing with my 6 year old brother with them! he is actually very good with them 🙂
ment to say “so” not “do” at the end
dunno yet we didnt get to make it
you said it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I watched it, too. Ninjago has a better storyline. 🙁 Firefox just got all weird on me. It turned it into my desktop page. Just figured it out, though. If you want to, you can go to my site about Ninjago, LOC, LOTR, and the Hobbit: http://brickinspiring.wordpress.com/
why not 🙁
aw, to bad 🙁
Well, I am fairly screwed. I accidentally replaced my main story file with something else I didn’t finish.
You mean realm combination and corruption? You can get the ones you already posted off of Fanfiction. A good idea to back up your stories is to put them as a Document X (or whatever it is called) on FanFiction, but not upload it. That way, it is saved, you can edit it, and just post it easily right away! 😛

OH. MY. GOSH. 😯 😯
OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT’S SNOWING!!!!!! (I have never seen snow before in my life)
LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW!!!! (so i don’t have to go to school! That would be Awesome, but it’s not snowing enough here to do that. Plus we live right across from the school. Oh, well, nice try)
SNOW!!!!!!!! 😛

>:D AWESOME LEXI! 😀 im going to TN to see snow and whatever in a weak or 2 😀
People’s responce to my first comment about snow:
People from the South: You saw SNOW?!?! AWESOME!!!!
People from the North: How could you have never seem snow before?
You live in the south?! I do also!
gameplay that is
I am bored… My math teacher is helping someone so I can’t start my homework until she tells me what it is after she is done helping that person and I have nothing to do. 🙁
Speaking of math, I was selected to go to a local math tournament. Out of the 130 people of my grade, 16 were selected and I was one of them! But, since I am such a derp, I FORGOT TO GO TO THE FIRST MEETING LAST THURSDAY. I missed out on a lot, and I really regret not waking up earlier now ;(
On the other hand, I cured my own writer’s block, or WBD (writer’s block disease)! A new chapter is in the works, this time a lot of stuff is going to be revealed! (hopefully this won’t be like Karma and slap me in the face in later chapters)
I expect to release it in a couple of days (1 or 2 maybe)
and i might get left 4 dead 2 tomorrow
is everyone staying on here and not leaving to the LOC episodes? please dont leave here! we are ninjago fans! not LOC! 😀 one more thing, I GOT KAI’S FIRE MECH THING YESTERDAY! 😀
comments are here now…..
Jay, nice to have you. Yeah, it is up to Ninjago fans to keep the story alive. How do you like your fire-mech?
OH, I LOVE IT! it is so cool! it was a short but fun build and i love Kimono Kai! 😀 and it was my first ninjago lego set.:P i have tons of spinners though……..anyway, i love the set! NOW I WANT ALL OF THEM! 😀
I will be doing my story on the weekend! Just letting u all know 😉
Glad you like it! It is a fun set, and the mech is really cool! Yeah, it is easy to get addicted and wanting them all! 🙄
i hate lego! i cant decide what sets i want to get! 😀 (i am kidding) I LOVE LEGO!
I just got kai’s fire mech to yestrady! and some chima sets at the lego store
2014? REALLY? Couldn’t it come earlier? PLEASE!!!!!
no……it cant 😥
So today I got a simple Chims set to see if it was good. The set I got was Razcals glider and so far, I think the sets are very good! First, the minifigure has alot of good details ,and there are no stickers! Overall, I think the sets are the best thing for the theme 😀
sorry guys didnt get a chance to do any videos 🙁 but we will 🙂
Enjoy, because I had severe writer’s block before this
Nobody? Not even Lexi? Okay……
(just end it now)
I will view your story 😉
Sorry, I was really busy over the weekend. I actually have it so that when you update, it sends me an e-mail. I saw the e-mail at one point, but I never had time to read it. Notice I haven’t even gone on TBB since last Friday! I actually am not going to come on after 4:00 tomorrow till Saturday at least. I am going on a band trip!!!!!! 😀
Sorry I haven’t been on, I had a really busy weekend. 😛
I get to miss school on Friday!!!! 2 day school week for me!
I actually am going on both sections, Chima and Ninjago. Of Course, Ninjago is better than Chima in my opinion, but I like Chima too, so I’m going on both. I actually have 2 tabs open for them both. 😀
I like them both too! BTW, what Chima post are you commenting in?
The TV show one. I commented earlier, but it didn’t show up! I don’t know why… 😕
That’s happened to me too 🙁
Sorry everyone for not doing my story. School takes slot of time away. Plus I was scared last night because I saw a pic of SmileDog.
Knock knock
Knock, knock?
Who’s there?
i thought this places was epmty nice to know somes here
Me too 🙁
Check the brick show and see his thing bout this it cool 🙂
what the heck where did my comment go 😡
its way at the top wha
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBD-QPsShG4 give us a short plot of ninjago 2014!!! it says there team lead by sensei wu is unstoppable..unless they have to face one of there own which means zane might malfacation during this robot invasion
Could be.
Very interesting! I think I should do an article about this. Thanks for sharing! 😀
No problem and i think you should write an article.
I have an idea- what if the doomsday devices were overpowered clones of the ninjas, referring to the ninja-like shape in the teaser. Seems as if the 2014 plot is building up to be pretty big.
OMG, guys, I’ve just got my free Minecraft giftcode!
>> Minecraftgiftcodes.me <<
I hope Ninjago comes back. Keep you’re fingers crossed people.
I hope so too. Ilikeminecraft/Ninjago, you know they make you do that to advertise.
Me to I love ninjago but chima is pretty cool to. Maybe both chima and ninjago can co- exist together if lego agrees to it.
I SAW SNOW YESTERDAY! i was in Gatlenburg (huge ski place, snowboard etc. etc. anyway, it was freezing! but i whent on the snow tubes and it was so fun! right now i am driving through TN to chattanooga and there is a Toys R Us there so i will try to find Barrel Escape there 😀 then i will only need Goblin King Attack and i will have all the Hobbit sets! so awesome! anyway, just decided to check in so bye!
Snow???!!! That sounds like lotsa fun! Good luck finishing your Hobbit collection! ;D
hey guys i think that were gonna make our first video tomorrow saturday any way please watch it
Well actually if you look at it closer it looks like an Egyptian Pharaoh when you look at it to the side so maybe the ninja will face mummies instead of robots.
Now that i look even closer it looks like a evil copy of Zane but it has kendo armor instead of ZX armor. I think Zane’s father wanted to create a brother for Zane and he turned out evil.
What in his eye
Looks like some evil ninja but it could also be Zane’s evil robot brother never know?!
yes or Zane is in the nutraul zone and can pick good or the robots because in his robot eye it has like a spy gadget and/or I think Kia will be evil because it looks like he is in the robot eye and cole is in the good won
I’m glad there are no ninjago sets in the summer this year. It gives me a bunch of time to catch up getting all the new stone army sets.
O my goodness! Are you serious? I love ninjago, it would be AWSOME if my boys came back. But forget chima, thay stink!
Nuh uh chima and ninjago are both cool!!
im finally back
um lost again
Do u like ninjago or chima
Ninjago. No competition at all.
I heard that Zane’s cousin Cylan is evil! This could’ve been true maybe it’s a rummer.
I think Zane’s cousin Cylan has something to do with this.
Hey,I’m new.I just found out about this blog a few days ago,and let me tell you something.I feel like a total idoit for not knowing about it sooner.My parents think it’s a little unhealthy to be(in their words)”obessesd with a boy show.” Who says a girl can’t watch guys kick butt? Anyway,when I first saw that episode,I thought I saw something in Zane’s eye but I wasn’t sure.But now that I know I’m not crazy/paranoid,I’ll go watch that episode and see for myself.
That is like me and my family! I’m the only one who watches and plays with LEGO and Ninjago! Meh, oh well. NINJAGO FOREVER
I heard a timer that the robots where sent out by lot harm ado when he was evil
What I said was that I heard a rumer that the robots where sent out by lord Garmadon when he was evil
Hey hey!
it’s zanes brother
it’s zanes brother in the eye
His brothers name is Ace just wait and see
Isn’t Ace is from The Atlantis theme?
Hey guys, finally back after so long.
I know the complete story there will be evil nindroids Zane has a nindroid brother named Ace. Garmadon becomes the purple ninja and yep I could sit here and tell you the rest if you want me to just ask. I know everything mwahahaha
Please tell, I have been a LEGO fan since I was born, and I loved LEGO Ninjago ever since it was created!
i lov ninjagoooooo ninjagooooo come on guys sing with me
Ninjagooooooo! Ninjagoooooooo!
Ninjago I Love Ninjago
I think it is Zane’s brother . When Zane was in the house when he got his memory back there were two blue prints there
i cant wait to see whats going to happen but a girl ninja would be nice
Heck yeah there should be a girl ninja! It isnt just a boys’ club!
i want nya to be a big role im her biggest fan and im soooo happy she is coming back ! cant wait and ninjago isnt just guys cause im a girl and im the biggest girl ninjago fan and ive been a lego fan since i was born too from baby legoes to micro friends ninjago etc but i honestly hate chima
I tried watching Chima but it didn’t explain very much from what I could tell. Ninjago FOREVER!!!!!!!! Ninja go!!!!
No you aren’t I am
BIGGEST FAN OF LEGO NINJAGO THERE IS For more lego ninja go while your waiting, try reading some fanfiction at fanfiction.com and search up M-and-Company. Read the ninja of water. Also try TombRaiderNinja and read War, Love, and the Casualties Inbetween. Both are great!
I think I should write a book about Ninjago on Wattpad… Should I do it!? I need feedback!
DO IT!!!!!!! Add me in it! Haha! but seriously do it.
Ninjago is epic
!http://brickultra.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ninja-2.jpg Look at this pic. No Zane dose not have a brother named Ace. But he has an admirer named Pixal. Watch the new 2014 trailer! You all are gonna love it! FYI, I alreay saw the picture. There is an evil nindroid in Zane’s eye. And Dr.J may have a big part in this. I am like the Lego Ninjago queen! If you all have more questions about the new season, ask me and i’ll answer. I’m here all the time.
FYI, The pic in my post is one of the lego ninjago sets that will come this December 20th or in 2014.