The LEGO Legends of Chima TV show premiered just a couple of days ago on Cartoon Network. The LEGO Legends of Chima TV show has been created by the same team who was working on the Ninjago story, so both Chima fans and Ninjago fans have been curious of how Legends of Chima will turn out. So let’s watch it and see what happens! 🙂

Please note that the videos may take a couple of seconds to start playing. Also, there will be a brief commercial at the beginning, but after that they should be playing fine. The videos are not yet available on YouTube, so this is the only way I could find to watch the episodes at this point. Enjoy! 😛
➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Episode 1 – The Legends of Chima
➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Episode 2 – The Great Story
So what do you think? How did you like the Legends of Chima so far? What did you like the most about it? And was there something you didn’t like? I liked how the Speedorz game was integrated into the story, but found the story-telling a bit disjointed. Like LEGO was trying to reveal too much of the story too fast – kind of like a person talking a hundred miles an hour. I would have been happy just to learn about the background of the tribes and their world before all the warring broke out. What are your thoughts? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
You can also check out the LEGO Legends of Chima section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions, or select from the following posts:
my computer won’t play the videos! oh well, i guess i don’t even care (i’m still hoping for another ninjago season)
Ninjoey, you can also try to watch them at the following link. THere are three ways given to watch them, so at least one of them should work:
Mine doesn’t either (although I used the link on Brickset and that one worked).
It is the same link. There are three versions at that link. I choose the one I found to be most stable, but it could also depend on your computer’s capabilities of which one it can play. 😉
My computer is blocking the videos with bsecure online. What do i do?
Lloyd, sorry to hear that. Unfortunately the videos are not on YouTube, so this is our only option. However at the same website I got the videos from, tere are two other versions. Hopefully one of them will play for you. See here:
Thanks, I watched the first one and most of the second one. However, it froze when i got to the part when Gorzan suprises the wolves running up the lion temple steps in his mecha 😥
Can’t wait to watch these. If smileys didn’t take up so much something (I forgot what it was) there’d be a hundred right here. But i’ll just do one 🙂
Check out post #2491 for new 2013 summer sets
LOTR has a Pirate Ship coming out PLUS the Council of the Elves, hopefully I’ll finally get my Arwen minifig
Also some a little bit better pix of the castle line that you can enlarge just a little bit more to make out some things I didnt see in teh 1st pic that came out.
Its unrelated to the main post, but It is interesting. I do like how it appears that Sauromon is in a small set. I am disappointed that there is no sign of a set with an Ent in it right now, however, the fact that there is a council of Elrond and a Gandalf the white figure almost makes up for it. For Star Wars I am pretty surprised that they seemed to have made a Max Rebo minifigure (while also being annoyed that they still have not made a Bith). Still bothered that they have now made 3 republic gunships (plus the drops ship), but still none of the area creatures. The castle sets I find interesting, as the shield logo matches the original Knights Kingdom logo instead of that of the castle theme. I hope we get more species than just humans as minfigues (more trolls/ goblins, elves, or more non-traditional, like centaurs, fauns, giants, etc.) but sadly, this does not seem to be the case. At least we get a dragon, but it looks like (and this may change later) its the same as the previous 2007 Castle dragon. Also, the new helmets for the new horses.
There is actually a Castle set that is not pictured in the catalog. It will be a Target Exclusive and it’s called… Dwarve’s Mine!!!
I remember reading about that, but I’m just not 100% sure if that rumor is true. Have you read any recent confirmation on this?
I remember reading about it in two places, and one of them at least had a set number, so I hope it’s not a rumor.
Okay, so it looks like we read the same thing. We shall see if it is true… 😉
I think Castle will stay away from fantasy creatures in this wave as otherwise it would get too close to LOTR. It is not a bad idea. Although I’m looking forward to when Castle gets back to the Fantasy sub-theme! 🙂
I looked closer at the dragon, to me it looks more like a CREATOR type dragon with the Fantasy Era Wings, but then again it’s very pixelated, the hind legs do look bigger though.
well the first episode was kind of the same as the second episode but they are pretty good still
Thanks for that, Micho, yeah, the pictures are a bit larger and I can’t wait to see more details! 😀
I was kind of disappointed, the style was very fast. I loved Lego Star Wars and Lego Ninjago. I found them appealing. I hope eps two is better.
Coz, yeah, that was pretty much my impression too. It was really chaotic with way too much information squeezed into these first episodes. I’m not sure why LEGO felt the need to go so fast. Like the fact that Laval and Cragger were friends in the past never came accross as beleivable as LEGO spent about a minute showing scenes from their friendship. And all those characters, and going back and forth between the past and present… the end result is that I don’t care about any of the characters and I don’t find the story beleivable. Pretty much a whole season’s worth of episodes have been sqeezed into less then an hour. 😕
Do you feel as though Chima was rushed? I think the look was off. As in the post below, “disjointed” is the best word describe.
Rushed, like you mean they were making it too fast? Hm… I haven’t thought of that, but now that you mention it, it does look like that. Although that doesn’t make sense; their goal was to raise the bar even from Ninjago or at least make something at least as good. They had penty of time to work on this while Ninjago was going on. Also, it was done by the same team as the one that was working on Ninjago. At least that’s what LEGO says. And LEGO is definitely enthusiastic about Chima – it seems they think they did a great job. I don’t know… it is confusing to say the least. Perhaps future episodes will get better. 😕
I completely agree. I would much rather watch the ninjago episodes over again than watch this rubbish. It just doesn’t look like its going to get anyway. In ninjago they were always searching for something and in this it seems we’ll end up with crooler coming up with a million attempts to destoy the lions. which will easily get very old, very fast.
They would take away the main aspect I like about Ninjago; the storyline. It doesn’t repeat the same thing over and over like almost all cartoons nowadays. It would get old.
I think the word “disjointed” pretty much sums it up. Episode 1 was fine, but “The Great Story” jumped around way too much. Bad way to start the season. I don’t see myself watching more episodes.
But thanks for posting them! I’m glad I got to try it out.
Gabriel, yep… that’s the exact word I have been looking for; disjointed… 🙁
I liked the story although it would have been better if they had not put as much info in it. It makes me wonder what all the other episodes will be about. I thought the ledgend beasts would be just a myth until like the last episode and then there would be like an entire army or something. But over all I liked it although it still isn’t as good as Ninjago.
Bug, yeah, I thought of that too! Like they put so much info and so many stories into this one; the whole past history of Chima, the past of the characters, the myths, a battle, a tournament… these could have all been separate episodes. I also like the overall idea, but the execusion so far looks confusing.
oh yeah, i agree. ninjago! ninjago! (but chima is good)
So I watched the first episodes. Lots of rather minor issues, but they add up. The Cragger and some of the other crocodiles have tails. Although I personally like this feature in terms of design, I don’t like it when the show makes changes like this from the sets they are supposed to be based on (oddly enough, this isn’t consistent either, with many not having it). Some of the other visuals are not consistent either, with Laval’s father sometimes having a very detailed beard in the present, then in the next shot in the present, it is much smoother, and less defined one. The birds (non-humanoid ones) look nothing like anything LEGO has made and feel really out of place in the way they look. In the flash back with the characters went they were younger playing I would think that Cragger and Laval might have more supervision from members of their own tribe, considering they are next to the throne. Worriz felt much too eager to jump into the attack against the lions. I know that he had a dislike for the Lion tribe prior to this, but even with that and the slight embarrassment at the events, they didn’t seem like enough motivation to convince the rest of his tribe to destroy them.
The voices for many of them don’t feel right. I think that some of them are trying to sound like the an animal speaking, but when most of the lions and crocodiles sound “normal” it makes the Rhino, Bear, and Gorilla speech seem like they are trying to talk in a dumbed down manner. The ravens were portrayed too silly for the way they look. Even though I liked Lavel’s voice much better than some others, he has an issue that many characters in kids shows have, where they talk when they really don’t need to. Really didn’t like the bit with the skunk or when the Wolf “lost his clothes. Maybe this is just my aversion to stuff like that in general.
My favorite bit I think had to be the flash back in the second episode, as may stories with this kind of set up never address origins. I would have loved for it to suggest that it occurred after something happened to humans (while not explicitly saying what happened to them). As a whole, I do like that that the affiliations and good/ bad distinction is much more complex than in most LEGO themes. Cragger has a fairly good motivation to act the way he does, even without his sister. He also showed certain levels of regret for doing “bad” things. The Ravens are more mercenaries, doing what they are paid to do, and don’t seem to care which side wins as long as they profit from it. This is part of the reason I dislike that the wolves turn against the lions for no real reason. Part of me would liked to have seen more of the relationship with the other tribes with each other, but I suppose there are other episodes this can be explained in.
Jacob, thanks for sharing your thoughs. I pretty much have the same feelings about the show so far. I also found the voices quite odd. The reason I didn’t mention this before is that I wasn’t sure if it has to do with watching the episodes online, and perhaps on TV they sound better. I never had this issue with the Ninjago episodes, where all the characters had beleivable and consistent voices. I kept thinking when the rhino was talking that gosh, that voice is just so odd. Same with some of the other characters.
Of course adults are not the target audience, and kids might enjoy it, but even compared to Ninjago the voice-over and the graphics seems to be off. I thought there were spending more money and effort on this then Ninjago, and it was done by the same team, so I’m not sure why the end result is worse. 😕
Honestly I found the voices absolutely horrid. In Ninjago, the voice actors were enjoyable, expressive, and believable. Here, they’re just…. Ugh. I can’t even begin the express how stupid and unrealistic they sound. I couldn’t even finish the first episode, they got on my nerves so much. Perhaps the main problem in the Lion Prince guy.He was CONSTANTLY talking to himself, others, and even inanimate objects! Plus he sounds so much like a teenager stereotype presented to a little boy audience, which he is. What kind of teenagers even play hide and seek? What teenagers make a rhyme about sticking bananas on people’s tails? In Ninjago, the teen ninja really felt like teen ninja, at least to me. It felt like the show was trying to appeal to a wide range of audience. As a girl who likes LEGO, I appreciated this greatly. But as I started watching Chima, I could feel what kind of audience they were going for. Six year old boys. That’s just about it.
Anyway, I’m sorry for ranting, but Chima has really disappointed me so far. The only redeeming quality is that the graphics and backgrounds are better than Ninjago. That’s all. Not even the animation has improved. Usually before I judge a show, I watch a few episodes before making a final judgement, but the Lion Prince’s voice is just so annoying, I don’t think I could survive.
Thanks for sharing! Thoughtful review! 🙂
Well, it was pretty much just ranting, but I’m glad I could submit a good review. XD Thanks!
I think that the voices are better than ninjago (and I am not a 6 year old boy!!)
Yeah I found his voice very annoying also. But since their currently is no Ninjago I will try to watch a few more episodes.
I probably will too, though like I said, I don’t know if I’ll survive. 😛
Personally, I’m willing to give a slight pass to the hide and seek bit, just because they are still “animals”, and games like that are done to help improve actual real world skill in some younger (well, not fully mature) animals. Not saying that it was critical to leave it in there, but, since it is an “alien” world devoid of proper “people” I can let a few things that would normally bother me slide.
Yes, I guess that makes sense. The game could really improve hunting skills, since they are animals… but the way they went about doing it…. I don’t know, it just made me sigh.
The episode was great! Except, I feel it WAS rushed, but otherwise, great storyline, great animation. Overall, a great episode for LEGO.
Guys, Ninjago’s first episode (pilot) wasn’t the best thing in the world either.
he’s got a point, we need to give it a try
he’s got a point, people should give this a try ps. did i already say that?
Thanks for the episodes Admin. They are really cool.
You are welcome, Cragger! 😉
Do you have the 1 hr special? I missed it and I’m so angry! 🙁
Hm… I’m not sure what you mean. The one hour special is embeded right into this post. You can watch it any time right here. Just hit the play button. 😉
Oops, didn’t see that!
Wait a sec… the one hour special is divided into a few parts? I didn,t get that
Just two, as you see in the videos above. 😉
OK, because I was really confused.
if not for cragger stupid sister nothing would have happened also how many episodes are there going to be admin?
PS also i think thwe lotr sets look radical but seriously june 2013? why
PPS although the castle props will be cool weve had so much castle that all the sets sound the same
PPPS but seriously the star wars looks awesome!
Hm… not sure about how many episodes are planned for Chima. It should be announced soon though. 😉
My mom watched it with us on teletoon. She wasn’t too impressed lol. Unless the story turns out to be even better in the future episodes I’m not going to be a huge fan.
And here comes the flood of comments! 😆
Thanks, Micho for the info and pictures of the new 2013 summer sets. I can’t wait for it to come out.
It aired in Canada on Teletoon tonight.
My son didn’t want to watch it… He saw a commercial for it the other day and said he doesn’t like it. Only Ninjago!
I’ll watch after he goes to bed. I guess if it isn’t that good it saves us from a whole new series he’ll be begging to collect.
I’m hoping for more Ninjago too.
Lol! Sir Punch A Lot is a funny name for a dummy.
Funny, I do not see this post in the Chima section. 😐
Meoletta, it is definitely there, as I put it there. You likely just need to refresh the Chima section page. 😉
It still does not show up there on my internet explorer, Firefox, or Google Chrome browsers, but it does on inprivate browsing. [I got the same results on two different computers.] I suppose it does not really matter for now. 😐
Hm… good to know. Thanks for sharing that! I know thre are some limitations with this format and I have been checking every day to see if they show up on YouTube. Once they do I will replace them. YouTube is a much better platform for videos.
No, the videos work fine on my computer: it is the Entire Post which is Not There in the Chima Section of this website on most of my browsers. It does not show up Here. ➡
Oh, I see what yo mean. You just need to clear refresh the page. Just hit CTRL+F5 and that should do it. See, your computer saves webpages so they load faster on your computer next time you visit them. However this also means that sometimes you don’t see the latest version of that page. 😉
I was sure that would work, but alas, it did not. Thank you for trying to help, but I suppose the root of the problem must be my computers. It is likely to be resolved when I finally get my own computer which I need not share with nine other people [maybe that is the problem…]. Someday.
does anyone know when the next episode is???????????
poor Lego, 🙁 they thought it would be awesome (i think it is) and people think is sucks. maybe the next one will be good! so what i want to say is TRY THE NEXT EPISODE! I KNOW ITS NOT AS AWESOME AS NINJAGO BUT GIVE IT A CHANCE! thats all
Yes, I also hope that future episodes will get better. I think part of the disappointment is that we are all comparing Chima to Ninjago and our expectations are very high. But many people didn’t like Ninjago either until the later shows. So we shall see. Giving the show a chance is a fair proposal. 😉
whoa! i didn’t even put that smiley face on there and! whoa
i like your name!
I liked some aspects of it, but it seemed both a little overblown and thinly spread. Several nice ideas, but too much cliche, and too much dialogue that belongs in a third or fourth-rate American TV series. I would have preferred more noble voices and more Shakespearean-style dialogue. People seem to think that people talk like high-school flicks today. Honestly!
Yeah, the jokes are for the kids – they usually enjoy stuff like that. 😉
I Loved it! most pepole think the voices are odd for the charcters but i think that all charcters voices are fine,but i think most pepole are bothered by razar’s,cragger’s and laval’s voices. razar he is a theif and sounds like a raven but a younger one and he is the prince of the raven’s so he would be younger then the rest of his tribe so his higher voice makes sense. craggers and lavals voices suit them to because again there prince’s(well cragger is king until or if crominus and crunket get out)but he is still at prince age and cragger and laval liked playing kid games like hide and seek so there younger voices make sense.
Gorzan, I’m glad you liked it and you make some good points. Hopefully as the series continues LEGO fans will warm up to the story. 😉
I can say I liked it as much as ninjago, but I can live, an maybe enjoy it more as it goes on… Hope hope hope, right?
mine did work and will you post more videos
Hm; in terms of animation design it is absolutely fantastic, but I see a lot of plot holes. Not a really good way to start off the series. I don’t really see myself watching any more episodes. Anyway, back to Ninjago!
Even if pepole dont like the show the sets are amazing,they resemble the animal from there tribe and the speedorz are really cool and the minifigures have really awesome printing and head molds,so i think pepole should buy some sets or speedorz.I think Chima is really getting up there in popularity so lego is happy there right by my guess.
Hmm, not bad but I agree with Admin that they were trying to tell it to fast.
I hate “the brickbloger
That is really mean to post here. 😡 😮 👿
Don’t feed the troll. 😉
Well he did say thebrickbloger not The Brick Blogger :] Plus You actually know of trolling? Then i guess you know of memes and rage comics captions etc….
Yeah, of course!
Then why are you here? 😐
Well, at least you don’t hate the brick blogger 🙂
That was directed to Philips not you Admin. It just got put down at the bottum.
And for those that think I am a klutz I said that because he spelled it bloger. I know what he meant.
Philips ur just ……… Weird. Plan old weird. No way else to describe u
I wonder if the viewers like it as much as ninjago.
Ack! I just noticed on the inside cover of the shop at home LEGO catalog that it says these episodes make up a special “1 hour series preview.” It all makes sense! No wonder they seemed disjointed: it’s a mash up of a bunch of footage from the show (in a mildly linear format)! My hope has been restored. I think this series may turn out alright after all.
Gabriel, that is an interesting thought. Kind of like a long trailer, huh? I didn’t take it to mean that’s what they mean by preview, but you could be right. We shall see… 😉
Hey admin, you will be replacing these videos with youtube ones soon right? I can only watch Youtube embedded videos on my computer…
Yes, I would love to, however so far nobody posted them. The legal department has been hunting down Ninjago episodes quite severely so I think people are just afraid to post them as their account will get shut down. That is why I don’t post them either and prefer to use third-party uploads. 😕
Well this is certainly the most unique science fiction I have known. Animals will turn into LEGO minifigures after lightning causes blue water which mutates them. 😆
Yea, mutating reminds me of the teenage mutant ninja turtles 🙂
My 3 favrioute lego themes , 🙂
I have the ultimate speedorz tournament, so far the sets and series are intresting. So intresting, I want to get all of the speedorz sets
I think the sets are the best part of this theme. Especially the minifigs 🙂
Yea the sets are really awesome i got a whole bunch of them in my book shelf.
I just got Ring of Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
Interesting plot twist, Cragger isn’t really evil. Crooler is the bad person in this…
I know, right? Maybe later Crooler gets corrupted even further by the Chi and the bad guys help the good guys stop her? Weird, right?
Yeah, I thought the Chima special was pretty awesome. I really wish that the Gator-Raider (The Sonic-Raider like tank being driven by King Crominus) was going to be a set, but sadly, it is not on the Summer Sets List. 🙁 By the way Admin, you misread my earlier comment about the leg decals. I was not saying that I hate the figures because they have leg decals; I was saying that I hate Rizzo because he DOES NOT HAVE a leg decal. His leg is just plain black with no tallons or armor like the other ravens. I think Cragger’s figure will be wearing the crown piece in the summer set, The Lion Chi Temple. And as for people complaining about the lack of wolves, the summer set, Worriz’s Mobile Attack Lair comes with all four wolves and several wolf vehicles. The bear, the rhino, and the skunk are all just going to be Speedorz sets in July and September, so not sets or more than one variation of each of these three animals. 🙁 But at least they’ll have figures! 😀 That’s all the info I got for now, Chima Go!!! 😀
I was thinking, what will Lego do after summer? If they added another tribe, it would be confusing for me!
Some updates: The gorilla tribe has 5 gorilla’s and 4 names revealed Gorzan as we know and Grizzam,G’Loona and Gardo|New wolf:Windra||New tribe:the fox tribe 1st member known is Furty|summer speedorz sets have there charcters revealed(Skinnet,Lagravis,Gorzan,Grizzam,Furty,Crug,Rawzom,Eris)
Hm… very interesting! Thanks for sharing that! I’m looking forward to the gorillas and especially the fox! 😀
I say that the humanoid animals are kind of ugly! No offense. 😕
I think the episodes are cool though. . .
So that was it? Wow, so short!
Admin, please look back to our earlier discussion as i can’t watch videos on the link you gave me. I think they should have had it start with them playing and being friends without the flashbacks and then let episode 2 start with the brooding cragger and the mind-control plant given by crooler. Other than that, I love the show. Gorzan is my favorit! 🙂
Yeah, I’m aware that the videos sometimes get stuck. Unfortunately the website I’m streaming them from is not as good as YouTube. I had no problem watching them, but I think when traffic is high, and a lot of people try to watch them at the same time, they can get stuck. If that happens you can just come back later to finish watching. 😉
Please go to this link to see in high quality the new lion temple –awesome!!!!!!!!
youtube users, please post chima episodes 1 and 2 im desperate to know the end of episode 2!
It is not as cool as it the show though
I hope it is not to expensive!
Isn’t anyone else out of school yet? Its 3:55
Come on! soooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored here 😐 its 426 and nobody’s even out of school?
Oh man. Foxes are my number 1 favorite animals EVER and I hope so bad that they are good.
Depends because the Rhinos,Bears and Skunks dont have side’s yet but will and if the skunk fight wolves they are good leaving the rhino and wolves for a good and bad side so i think foxes will be bad.
Sadly, I think so too. But didn’t we decide the bears are good and rhinos are bad?
The bears are good and the rhino’s are bad
Well you and others may have decided that but i havent.
Who are the foxes do you mean wolfes?
There is at least one fox that will come later in the Chima story. 😉
It would be cool if they combined
What I was trying to say was It would be cool if Ninjago was combined with lego Chima.
Uhh is any one here? 🙁
Admin, the quality is really bad and it’s kinda hard to watch.
Hm… I’m not sure why they won’t play better for you. They play just fine for me, and the quality is also excellent. I do know that sometimes thye play a bit choppy when a lot of people try to watch them at once. But other than that they should be fine. Again; if someone uploads them to YouTube I will replace them, as YouTube is more reliable, but for now these are the best available. 😉
Yeah, the quality is still bad. 🙁
Admin, if you get any info on Furty or others, can you please make a post about it?
Absolutely! Can’t wait myself! 😀
Admin is tere going to be more
When do new episodes come on? Im confused lol
yes i’m wondering that too???
This Chima page doesn’t like me. 😆
If you want to, you can visit my blog about Legends of Chima, Ninjago, LOTR, and the Hobbit.
I know this isn’t much, but you might want to see this:
I mean:
Wow now we have pictures of Laval,Cragger,Gorzan and Razar just missing Eris and Worriz,I think Gorzan looks like a ninja turtle in that picture because his head is turtle shaped and it looks like he has a shell.
Heh. 🙂
Umm, for some reason my previous comments didn’t come up! 🙁
Oh, never mind.
– i mean teriffic
What r u talking about
I forgot about episode 3! Was it ever uploaded?
No new episodes aired.
The episode wont load
Try again. I just tried myself and first it didn’t load, but then I reloaded the page and it was working fine. These videos are a lot more glitchy then YouTube, and can stop playing for whatever reason. But they do load eventually. You can also watch them directly at:
There are three choices to play, streaming from different websites. I choose the one that played best for me (the DailyMotion version), but for you one of the other ones might work better. 🙂
awsome dude i love the quitlty and stuff!
This is really good. These videos are probaly the best online right now. Who is everyones favorite two people. Mine are laval and eris
I like Craggar and Razcal
I like Gorzan and Longtooth
A picture of Gorzan’s Gorilla Striker Here is the picture in case it wont work on brickpedia because for me brickpedia takes forever to load pictures,not sure if it is only me or to everyone.
That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing! BTW, I have the same issue with Brickipedia. I dread going to that website!
No problem and yea it is wierd because it used to work fine.
cool whens the next episode?
Summer,Sadly 🙁
Apprantly episode 3 was shown at the toys r us speedorz tournament on January 26,I wasent there but suppodly it was shown but has not aired on tv so i do not know if it is true.
Hm… very interesting! Hope it will shopw up on TV, or at least online somewhere. Would love to see what happends next! 😀
I want to see the next episode
when do they show the next episodes
I’m waiting like a month
No,You’ll have to wait more then a month this was supposed to be the pilot episodes meaning we will have to wait and new episodes return for summer 2013 im guessing in june so we have a long time to wait.
oh my
I have to wait
june is like 3 months later
Brickipedia has lots of new pictures we got a picture of all 6 ultrabuilts from a ok distance i guess,also this confirms foxes in chima,pictures of the new minifigures furty(whose gender is unkown),skinnet( we should all know he is a boy)Gardo(The grey gorilla who is a boy)G’loona(a gorilla that is the same color as the red-brownish gorilla’s on tv almost not exact and she is a female and has short legs meaning no speedorz for her and since she isnt the same one on tv because they have diffrent printing and the one’s on tv have regular legs)Gorzan(We all know him but we have a picture of him in minifigure)Grizzam(The white gorilla who is male)Windra(The new white wolf who happens to be female) My favrioute of these new minifigures would be Grizzam.
Thanks for sharing! In the first wave my favorite were the wolves, and in this second wave I love the fox and the gorillas. Haven’t picked my favorite gorilla yet as I would like to see better photos, but all the animals look great! so far my least favorite ones are the lions… the faces are nice, but I don’t get it why they have to have such a weird pointy mane. Everybody else looks pretty normal. 😕
hey Gorzan, why do you like that gorilla
Well he seems cool to me but he isnt my favrioute it has changed with the new gorilla’s but i choose my favrioute charcteer from a series by how they look and personality i ushally like hot-head type charcters since i myself am a hot head which makes sense why i like kai and gorzan his personality is the opsite he is relaxed.
Hey Gorzan, are you sure that episode 3 gonna shows in June?
hey Gorzan, are you sure that episode 3 gonna shows in june
Well from what i know brickpedia has said that it will and seeing when a season or pilot ends it takes a few months until the next season.
because i’m from VietNam
wow, you’re smart
Thank you.
thank you
Your welcome.
Can you speak VietNamese
No i only speak english.
New high quailty pictures of Gorzan,Furty,Gardo and Skinnet,they look cool no high quailty pictures of windra,g’loona or grizzam yet though oh and gardo’s picture says grizzam in the link but it is wrong so dont get confused. gorzan gardo skinnet furty
how old are you
I like laval and longtooth, how about you
I like Grizzam and Longtooth.
pppppppppppplllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssseeeeeeeee do episode 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Admin will put up episode 3 when it airs.
Brickpedia now has high quailty pictures of the new 2013 sets and speedorz sets they all look awesome!
I’m 10
Me to I’m only 10
Best show ever I want to see the next one
Gorzan said it will show in June
I can’t wait:)
hey gorzan, do you know that longtooth back pain
Yes i know longtooth has back pain.
wow, this film is good
where is episode 3
Is it show in June
Yes episode 3 will air in june.
He’s look realy funny. You have to wacth
And Leonidas, he’s look kind of stupid
I think it should show sooner
I like the bird fighters the best
Bird Fighters? Do you mean eagles and ravens?
who is like longtooth
A lion.
Hi Admin how do I post this on Youtube??
You can download it to your computer and then upload it to YouTube. 😉
Thanks Admin!!
how do download Admin?? (I am not stupid!)
You can use the method explained by Fikko here:
It should work just fine. The software is free. If for some reason that doesn’t work, I also use a similiar plugin that works with FireFox. Both are extremely simple to use.
Great it worked!!!