The LEGO Legends of Chima TV show premiered just a couple of days ago on Cartoon Network. The LEGO Legends of Chima TV show has been created by the same team who was working on the Ninjago story, so both Chima fans and Ninjago fans have been curious of how Legends of Chima will turn out. So let’s watch it and see what happens! 🙂

Please note that the videos may take a couple of seconds to start playing. Also, there will be a brief commercial at the beginning, but after that they should be playing fine. The videos are not yet available on YouTube, so this is the only way I could find to watch the episodes at this point. Enjoy! 😛
➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Episode 1 – The Legends of Chima
➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Episode 2 – The Great Story
So what do you think? How did you like the Legends of Chima so far? What did you like the most about it? And was there something you didn’t like? I liked how the Speedorz game was integrated into the story, but found the story-telling a bit disjointed. Like LEGO was trying to reveal too much of the story too fast – kind of like a person talking a hundred miles an hour. I would have been happy just to learn about the background of the tribes and their world before all the warring broke out. What are your thoughts? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
You can also check out the LEGO Legends of Chima section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions, or select from the following posts:
There is a fox in Chima?
But I don’t remember there is?
Well you might want to tell your answer to this, jerry
But I don’t see in film
Furty wasent in the episodes that’s why and not every chima minifigure appeared within the 2 episodes.
hey gorzan when will episode 3 be up?
When it airs and that will be around summer.
Any news on when episodes 3 and 4 are coming?
The short answer is no. 🙁
I have said this 2 or 3 times before but episode 3 and 4 and the rest of the episodes are suppodsly scheudled for a summer release.
coming in a few days!!!
well, because cartoon network sent me an email
Only you hade one sent to you? and if so take a picture of the email.
sorry,can’t because i do not have a camra
Then you have no Proof so until there is proof i wont beleve it.
Download Sniptool if you do not have it;)
Sorry I got wrong download Sniptool if you do not have it 😉
We waiting for Chima to show it’s episodes in Jan .. Was a big event at our house ..Friends over the whole nine yards…Now we are wanting more and are not sure when they will release them again..I know in the summer is what I hear ..Just wondering if they have a around about time , so we can make it a big event again .Will let advertise on t.v before hand or do we have to keep watching the internet …Please let me know …Thank you so much , Beth Lessley
Beth, yes, I’m sure LEGO and Cartoon Network will announce when the next episode is coming. It is kind of upsetting that they didn’t give us a specific date yet, but hopefully it will come soon. 😉
the fox will show in episode 3 and 4?
Jerry,We have no infomation on episode 3 or 4 so it is unknown.
Pictures of Furty,Skinnet,G’Loona and a unknown wolf in chima
New tribe in chima,they must have every animal in chima anyways there…
They look like beavers! 😀
Yup thats excatly what they are.
What is this “chi” stuff supposed to be?? Crystal meth? I’m a little leery of letting my kids watch this!
Read my later comment about chi.
Gasman, chi is internal energy or life-force according to ancient writings from Asia. The finding and control of chi (or ki) is still practiced today. There is nothing unnatural or dangerous about it. I practice martial arts where we learn to control and direct our chi to give us greater physical and mental strength and focus.
In Legends of Chima chi is portrayed as something you get from outside when a young animal come of age (from the chi-pool). Technically speaking this is incorrect, as chi is something every living thing already possess. But Chima is a kids’ show, not a philosophy class or martial arts training. So I guess LEGO decided to portray it the way they did. 😉
there are some pictures about some new animals. But they don’t show the next episode?That is strange
Well some charcters havent appeared but im sure by the end of season 1 all charcters will have appeared in the tv show.
I love the series, but it takes SOO long to make a single episode!!! X(
You do know there not making new episodes until summer because episode 1 and 2 were the pilot episodes like ninjago had and they probley already made the episodes but ushally after a pilot you have to wait a few months before episodes come back,so it doesnt take so long to make a episode.
The chi is a energy source. It gives people like inhumane abilities, like super-strength, speed, and agility. I’d love to have chi…
“I’d love to have chi… ” so would I! 🙂
They are making another episode and if it lucky we gonna see some new animals.
Just like ninjago.
For anyone who wants to know when new chima episodes come
The website i got it from is brickipedia.
it’s not brickipedia? it’s prnscr and i don’t see anything
It was on brickpedia i used prnscr to take a picture of it .
Hey admin are there those hero factory chima figures are when laval and cragger plug chi in them?
Yes and no. The large forms of the Chima characters are not separate entities. They are their own fully empowered selves when they insert CHI in their chest. 😉
Yes and in the show when cragger and laval inserted chi in there chest they hade they hero factory like figures above them.
does any of you guys like ninjago?
Yesss! I was Kimono Kai who posted here but i changed for now.
Is it true that the next ep is going to have a spider tribe and then the spider tribe will be part of the lego chima toys
We Havent heard of a spider tribe,the tribes we know of are Lion,Eagle,Gorilla,Skunk,Crocodile,Wolf,Raven,Fox,Rhino,Bear, and Beaver,so im not sure.
We do not even know if the beavers are real (I emaled LEGO and they said N,o there well be no beaver tribe). 🙁
Jamie, never heard of that one, and I also find it unlikely. ALthough with Chima you never know. 🙄
I like this more than ninjago
When will Equila be in this? I heard that he is in the eagle tribe.
Equila will be in a future episodes all chima charcters will and yes he is a eagle.
Well I don’t know anything. Who tells you that
episode 3 and 4 will be up in summer guys listen to gorzan it takes a while to make something like ninjago but much better shout out to gorzan
Thank you Laval.
Oh and it doesnt take a while to make it,the first 2 episodes were the pilot episodes.
Are you sure its chima?
u know that it’s allready on episode 4??
there are a lot of sites with episode 3 and 4 but the problem is that u have to download it and i prefer watching it online…
Yea lots of site have episode 3 and 4 but there not real if it is download only it ushally is a virus or fake besides only episodes 1 and 2 are out and if any sites where you can watch it online but have 3 and 4 pages it is a waiting page for when they come out no site has 3 or 4 out no chima wikipedia has info on them and lego hasent released them so in total there not out.
Kai, thanks for mentioning that. Especially for the protection of the kids who are looking for other episodes and may accidentally download a virus that can whipe out their computer or steal sensitive information. As you said; no further episodes are out as of yet.
Your welcome and yea it would protect pepole from downloading viruses.
If you chima fan’s want to buy boulder bowling,chi waterfall,target pratice and the chima starter set buy them now as aprrantly they will be retired soon as you will see here and brickshowtv has uploaded a video on this too.
WHAT!!!!! They only came out in january and yet they are retiring right away!!!! Shame on Lego Shame!!!! And my favurite theme too!!!!!!
but, that is only in USA and not in britan. (where i live!!!)
Hey its just a mistake I sent lego a message and this the reply
Dear LEGO® Fan,
Thanks for getting in touch with LEGO® Service.
I just checked the link you sent us, it seems to be a mistake in the american version of our website, I will pass your comments to our web team so they can amend it as soon as possible.
Let me confirm you again that we are NOT retiring the Chima products from the market any soon. ;-D
Hey its just a mistake I sent lego a message and this the reply
Dear LEGO® Fan,
Thanks for getting in touch with LEGO® Service.
I just checked the link you sent us, it seems to be a mistake in the american version of our website, I will pass your comments to our web team so they can amend it as soon as possible.
Let me confirm you again that we are NOT retiring the Chima products from the market any soon. 😀
Hm… thanks for chekcing on that. Yeah, it was strange! 😐
Well its good it was glitch.
I was Mad!!!! 😡 But it was only a mistake. 😀
yea since it was a mistake pepole dont have to worry.
Chima is not closing down its having loads more seasons about more than ninjago I would say
Who said chima was closing down,I never said that either did anyone else? I said that 3 chima sets were being discontinued but it was a glitch on the lego website and i know it will have more seasons but i think ninjago will have more ninjago has had 2 and is coming back for a 3rd and chima has had there pilot but no atucal season but will later
Yes you did
I said “If you chima fan’s want to buy boulder bowling,chi waterfall,target pratice and the chima starter set buy them now as aprrantly they will be retired soon as you will see here and brickshowtv has uploaded a video on this too”no it is closing down i said 3 sets are retiring but it was glitch and your the only person who read the post wrong then.
Stop being rude
How about i being rude,im replying to what you said and i said you must of the read the post wrong?
no ninjago is currently having it’s third season there was the skeletons then the snake and now the samurai
Well the 2 episodes or 4 episodes were a pilot or a preview or special or whatever you want to call it,it isnt considred a season,rise of the snakes was considred season 1 and the countination as being season 2.
oh ok i didn’t know…Sorry
Its ok,you did not know.
legend of chima
A funky flower?! lego could do better but i think it was pretty good
(i still dont like eris)
cool where is episode 3? plus when is it coming out???
episode 3 isnt out it comes out in the summer
Can’t wait till they make more.
3 months later they gona show episode 3
rest in peace,everybody who reads this comment take a moment of silence for zak
THAT MOVIE WAS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Admin what would you says better chima or ninjago I would say chima but I like ninjago but I don’t have mush chima but unfortunately ninjago is closing down
Ninjago is not closing down,it would be called discontinued,but ninjago isnt being discontinued it is coming back in 2014.
Yes that’s true but when it comes out I will be about 10 and I won’t like ninjago anymore unfortunately
I agree… kids grow up very fast and their tastes change fast too. For them 2 years is a lot of time. LEGO usually does best when they bring back old favorites about 20 years later when those kids grow up and want to introduce their own children to some of their favorite toys from their childhood. I’m really curious to see how LEGO will do with a new wave of Ninjago after such a long pause. They basiclaly have to cater to a brand new group of kids – the ones who were still small when the previous waves came out. We shall see… 🙄
Yeah I wish I was 9 forever sometimes
im turning ten this year and when ninjago returns 2014 i wont like it anymore so its less than a year till like october
click on my wepsite at the corner
ive saw the whole seris of chima
Doubt it,only 2 episodes have come out.
my dad made the eposde.
and sheep come from cows we are not that stupid
That picture might be fake we don’t know it’s a guess you know
It is not a guess a lego mod announced on the lego message boards that ninjago will be back in 2014 and put a link to that picture and its been out for some time so im surprised you dont know.
Yes actually that was not me it was my little bro who likes ninjago and says that he somehow got a hold of my laptop I knew that
Oh ok
Admin for a weird reason why did they not make spinners in ninjago s3
That a very good question. Personally I really like the spinners and it is also a great way to get some of the unique minifigures for fairly cheap. I’m not sure why LEGO decided to omit spinners from this last wave. 😕
I think there was no spinners because when they made the sets ninjago was planned to end so they though more pepole would go and buy the sets before ninjago is gone but if they had spinners pepole would buy spinners more but the spinners are fun.
hey admin what date are the new episodes coming out on?
Luke, there is only one announced for the future. That will air on the 16th of this month. What will happen after that we don’t know at this point, but stay tuned. 🙄
this show is so awesome
i cant wait until episode 3 is out
my dad has mad the whole seiries and ive saw it
ive got proof on eposde 5 lavals dad will die
Sure… Now where is this proof you were talking about? Firstly where douse your dad work?
Post all the episodes on the website as a comment
Yeah right
Serious wait summer sets lagravis comes out why would they make him die what is the point making him in the summer when he dies hey do show me proof tell us what happens in 3 4 and 5 please thanks
Its ok longtooth he is lying and even if a charcter dies in the tv show they still made that charcter in a set i mean look at samukai and pythor but i doubt he will die besides if he telling the truth he did not say how he dies he just said lagravis dies.
What how do you know if he’s lieing!!
How so you know he’s lieing
Well no one trusts him or her and besides would you trust someone who drives up to you and offers you candy,its like why would you trust someone who just tells you something only staff would know.
Good point
Do I mean
Admin can you tell me when ep 3 comes out 15th or 27th of march
It’s the 16th as we discussed in a recent post. 😉
Where did you find this out admin because acording to cartoon network’s website there isnt any new chima episodes coming besides the oringal chima episodes aired on a wednesday the 16th is a saturday.
I’m sorry about that. Got mixed up on my dates. (Blame it on having a bad cold.) It is on the 27th. Please read this post where LEGO makes the announcement:
Ah that makes more sense.
Sorry, I got mixed up on my dates. It is the 27th when the new episodes start. Please read here:
Hey admin can you post up the special event on this website thanks:)
Sure, if I find it! 😀
Chima special event
I agree. They shouldn’t of made the entire story out in to episodes. But, can’t wait to see what they come up with for episode 3! It’s going to be awesome!
Chima is so cool!!!!We all should all be in peace and harmony just like Laval said:) Have a fun time watching chima everyoneCHI YEAH!!!:)!:)!:)!!
i cant wait to see episode 3!!!!!!!!!
Hey admin when will the special event be posted up
On this website I live in the the uk so the only
Way I can watch it is on YouTube
If someone uploads them to YouTube or that other site where we watched the episodes before, I will post it here as well. I can’t just upload it myself as it can get me in legal trouble. So with doubtful videos like that i always use someone else’s videos. 😉
what knd of legal trouble? do you mean lego getting angry at you
or something
kind i mean sorry
admin on my uk time its 9pm but on thi time its 5pm and i thought the times were the sme but there different thats why i thought it had been past it
Copyright. You can’t just upload other people’s or companies’ videos. It is not a question of LEGO getting angry. This is a serious legal matter. We could have our entire website shut down, pay tens of thousands in legal fees, or go to jail, or both. LEGO is actually a very lenient company and doesn’t really bother people for uploading their videos. I guess they view it as good advertisement for their products. However in the case of Chima and Ninjago, they are also owned by Cartoon Network. Their lawyers are not so lenient. So many people’s YouTube account has been shut down for uploading Ninjago episodes. I have to replace them pretty much every month. I think after some years after the show they will get more relaxed, but definitely right after a show airs on Cartoon Network, the legal department will be standing by to deal with copyright pirates. We have a good relationship with LEGO and I’m not going to jeopardize that over a video. 😐
What other website?
admin can you post the special event it now ten minutes past it so can you plz upload i havent watched it plz plz plz
It hasn’t even been shown yet, and as I said, we have to wait until somebody uploads it. 😕
admin would you be able to put episode 3 on the site plese just like the other ones please because I live in the uk
don’t worry i live in the uk admin said she will put it up but somebody has to upload it first so don’t worry
I have watched episode 4 only 6 mins of it and I have proof I watched it
Because lagravis longtooth and leonidas have gone to see a rhinos show and find out they are a very odd tribe because they fight when they are happy lagravis says what a odd tribe to longtooth and while that’s happening that flower that crooler uses on cragger she and him planned a attack on the lions and laval and Eric’s were on a road trip to see some places they drove in the royal fighter and it was lavals first time driving it
And he almost crashed a couple of times and lagravis was driving in lennox lion attack vehicle and Eric’s and laval crashed so gorzan a gorilla mech (forgot what the set of the gorilla mech things called) had to pull them to safety and they had to clean the royal fighter before lagravis found out because laval had not got permission to use it and they were sweeping the great hall and that’s when they had the idea to have a road trip !!!
Eris I mean
adiam lied for when eposde 3 comes out
Uhm. Episode 3 came out yesterday, just as it was advertised by Cartoon Network and LEGO for quite some time now. Please go to the LEGO Chima section for updates.
when is eposde 3 out
Do you think this is OK for a 5 year old?
Colleen, as far as I can tell Chima would be fine for a 5-year-old. It is definitely one of the better quality shows on Cartoon Network. Ultimately I would say it is up to the parents to decide.
I’ve watched episode 4 6 mins of it here is the link not very good quality
That’s pretty cool. Thanks for sharing! 😀
your welcome happy to help!!
I’m not sure if it is going to take long to post the 90min vid on youtube
It is not about time, it is about copyright. Uploading a copyrigted video on YouTube will get your account shut down. You can also get into legal trouble.
episode3 is gonna be awsome
Is Lexi still gonna be on? I miss her ;-;
She pops in once in a while. Last time was a couple of weeks ago. 🙂
how do i wach eposde 3
thanks admin
when dose eposde 4 come out
As far as I know Episode 4 won’t be out until the summer. 🙁
Hi there! I love LEGO Legends Of Chima. I have watched episode 1, 2, 3, and you wont believe it! I watched episode 4! I’m telling the truth! But, that’s the only episodes I have watched…
BUT, I have been sketching pictures of Laval, and Cragger and I have drawn a picture of the Legend beast. The legend best actually, looks pretty cool!
And I also did a drawing of my own LEGO Legends Of Chima character! His name is, Spinks.
how did you get episode 4?
Tell me the site or video in which you saw it on. PLEASE!!!
Hi there. I love Lego so much. I also have been writing a book about Lego Legends Of Chima. its called: The LEGO legends of Chima design book. 🙂
What channel is Lego legends of chima on and I love chima searise
Jake, Legends of Chima plays on Cartoon Network. 🙂
how did you see episode 4
when will the Lego Chima series continue or was it cancelled.
Brayden, the Chima series will continue in the summer. 😉
Does anyone know where Chima comes from? What country? Thanks 🙂
Emmy, Chima is a licensed name by LEGO. It doesn’t come from any country. It is a world of talking animmals made up by LEGO. 🙂
actually,chima is a country!!!!
On which planet? 🙄
LOL! I assure you there is no country called Chima. At least not on this planet. The closest would be China as far as the name is concerned. Of course you spell and pronounce that completely differently. However there is a town named Chima in Colombia according to Wikipedia. 😉
chima sounds like china
Please note that although Chima and China are SPELLED similarly, they are PRONOUNCED very different. Chima is pronounced with an “e” instead of an “i”. Kind of like how you would pronounce “ching-ching”! 😀
how can i wach eposde 4
Episode 4 haven’t been released yet. There is a very low quality version on YouTube showing the first few minutes, but that’s about it. Episode 4 should be officially released this summer. 😉
does episode 4 and 5 come out together or not
hi I am new and I love chima
I am new and would like to find out when episode 4 comes out
Episode 4 is coming out in the summer. 😉
you have a very nice website Admin
I would like to enter in your conversation
Sam, please note that this is a blog, not chat. People just leave comments whenever they have time. 😉
does episode 4 and 5 come out together or do they come out seperatly
At thsi point we don’t know for sure, but in all likeliness it will be a weekly show like Ninjago, with a new episode coming out once a week. But we shall see. 🙄
thanks admin
what do lego ninjago and lego chima have in common
what month does episode 4 come out in
episode 4 part 1 is out on youtube but not part 2 do you have anything to say about that
Yes, there has been a low-quality version uploaded of the first section of part 4. Just like with Ninjago, episodes are often played earlier in Asia then in the USA.
when is four coming out?
In the summer. No date has been announced as of yet.
Where can I download the first and second Episode from? the typical ninjago and stuff had a “watch on youtube” so I could download them but these dont
I suppose you can download them from right here if you have a video-downloading software or plugin. I don’t see why it wouldnt’ work. 😉
Where Did You See Episode 4?
Where Did You See Episode 4
episode 4 will only be out in the summer
Hmm I watched the Korean release of ep. 4 (it’s on YT already). I think we can see the English version very soon!
actually episode 4 is out its called “The joyride”. and episode 5 I don’t know when that is coming out.
Omg what happens to Eris? I confused!!!! Oh yeah, and about the kiwi thing…. it’s birds, not fruit!!!!!!
Wait! Lego Chima Episode 5 is called “Market Day” I think it comes out on 7/17 and Episode 6 is called “Attack on eagle spire” and it comes out on 7/24. that’s the only news I got! bye 😀
Nice! Thanks for sharing that! 😀
No Problem, if i get more news ill tell 😀 oh and those are actually wrong dates “Market Day” comes out on 7/17 and “Attack on eagle spire” comes out on 7/31.