Today, the LEGO Group has announced the 2021 addition to its LEGO Modular Building Collection, with the unveiling of the #10278 LEGO Creator Police Station. Below is the press-release with the full description of the set, including pictures, price, availability, and more.

Hiding a wealth of features behind its impressive facade, the eye-catching new model consists of three floors and a modular structure that allows LEGO fans to fully explore the intricate interiors and increase the building’s height.

Designed as a centerpiece to a bustling LEGO neighborhood, the LEGO Police Station also comes complete with a donut shop brimming with sweet treats and a newspaper kiosk, as well as five minifigures including a 1940s-inspired police officer for ample storytelling possibilities.

Adding further architectural interest, the outside is decorated with brightly colored awnings and ornate cornicing. The LEGO Police Station is fully compatible with other products from the LEGO Modular Buildings Collection and makes a striking display piece alongside these, as well as on its own.

The feature-packed floors of the LEGO Police Station are filled with secret surprises and delights for true-crime fans. On building the set, it soon becomes apparent that a mystery donut thief is on the loose. Naturally, the LEGO Police Station is fully equipped to tackle even the most sugary-sweet of crimes, with an evidence locker, jail cell, interrogation room, and case-board with red lines connecting all the clues.

Inside, all levels are connected by a grand staircase and are stocked with uniquely designed pieces including a billboard, telephone, and a typewriter. The ultimate Easter eggs and clues to solving the mystery of the donut thief come in the form of a hidden escape route beneath the jail cell and a secret access route to the donut shop.

The #10278 LEGO Creator Corner Garage is released under the new 18+ line that was introduced this year, although younger builders would be perfectly fine building it as well. The model measures 37cm/14.5in high, 25cm/10in wide, and 25cm/10in deep with 2,923 pieces and five minifigures.
Chris McVeigh designer at the LEGO Group commented: “We’ve had a lot of fun designing the LEGO Police Station. An architectural gem and treasure trove of quirky features, it’s the perfect place to start building your LEGO streetscape, or a brilliant addition to an existing one.”
The #10278 LEGO Creator Police Station is the latest addition to the LEGO Modular Buildings Collection, which also includes the #10270 LEGO Creator Bookshop, the #10255 LEGO Creator Assembly Square, and #10264 LEGO Creator Corner Garage.

The #10278 LEGO Creator Police Station will be available to purchase at LEGO retail stores and the Online LEGO Shop from January 1st, 2021. Prices are as follows: 179.99 EU/199.99 US/299.99 AU/269.99 CAD. For more details and to check out the other LEGO Modular Buildings, visit the LEGO Creator Expert section of the Online LEGO Shop.

What do you think? How do you like the new LEGO Modular Building? Are you excited about it? Does it meet your expectations? And are you planning to add it to your own LEGO city? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below!
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Finally something purple! I like this a lot!
There were rumors that the Old Light Purple would return. (Now we only miss Bright Reddish Orange and Medium Green…)
But this looks more like Lavender…
Good multipurpose building. And I like that they are continuing the thief story from the detectives office and brick bank.
Yeah, there was some nefarious cookie smuggling operation in the Detective’s Office, right?
It takes a special kind of willful ignorance to build a police station in 2020.
The police station is an interesting choice in the current political climate, but i like the playful aspect of it. The donut shop is great too.
you know that here in west Europe it isn’t really a problem.
It’s an interesting choice. I am guessing they made this decision well before the current political climate involving police. I like that it pokes gentle fun at stereotypes of police and donuts. It stays light-hearted, has a cute story with our donut thief, and is an attractive building. If you don’t want a police station, it wouldn’t take much to change the building to retail, offices, or apartments. I like those little trees outside the front of the building too. While I don’t need a police station in our calm, law-abiding lego town, I’d still like to get this building. I’m thinking it would be super easy to convert to a post-office, which I would very much like to have. The only work police might have in my little world is enforcing leash laws and helping lost children find their parents (we won’t talk about the world my grandsons create with their lego buildings :)).
Yeah, they probably didn’t have a replacement modular finalized enough for release.
I don’t see why they should replace this? the US isn’t the whole world and in western Europe this isn’t really a problem at all. and for Lego Europe is still the biggest market.
It honestly isn’t a problem for most (ok at least many) people in the US either. Children here still grow up admiring police officers, and I dare say the majority of us view our police officers as brave men and women who do a great job in our community, notwithstanding some bad apples in some major cities. I doubt LEGO have faced many sales problems in the US with this set, and it’s probably popular in Western Europe. Of course, if you don’t want a police station, by all means please feel free to skip purchasing this set.
The post office conversion is a great idea! It looks very much like an old post office. Only the interior would have to be redone. Thanks for the suggestion.
I wonder why they kept the walls between the donut shop and the police station low like that. Should the walls go all the way up? Or is this another playfeature?
Remember that LEGO is an international company. The comments about “the current political situation” seem very USA-centric. Not everything is about the USA.
I really like the purple too and I got a little chuckle when I saw that the police station had a donut shop next door. That does seem fun!
A lot of countries are having problems related to the police lately, not only the USA. I’m from Brazil and the police is most definitely very violent and controversial around here. There is also France trying to stop people from filming police action. There was also a lot of police brutality and repression in Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Hong Kong and Nicaragua this year. And I must have forgotten a bunch of other places…
Oh, Yeah! Now we’re talking! This will go great with my detective office. This is definitely the set to get. I may not get it right away but I will get it within the next year. Good job Lego!😁.
Sorry, I put my comment in the wrong place. So here it is again:
I don’t quite get that newspaper stand. There is no attendant and there is no entry for an attendant. Is it somehow connected to the jail cell? And where is that crack on the back wall leads? It seems to be under the floor of the lobby. I think there is a bigger donut smuggling operation going on here than what’s seen in the pictures. And why is that police woman winking?
Possibly it’s just a marketing thing to show that the two female heads have dual printings. I guess all five heads are commonly available in many other sets, though…
Did you guys notice the new modular collection logo on the box? I thought that was a nice touch.
I like the set a lot. The colors are great, I like the split into three buildings, and the old style police HQ is better than the modern police stations they do in city. I just wish it included a classic police car.
Is the big sign stickers? I thought modulars don’t normally have stickers. I hope they are printed.
The exterior is nicely done. On the interior, I don’t like the pattern of the tile floor in the lobby. But this is an easy change. And I’m not convinced about that sideways built steps. They look too smooth.
Anyway, looking forward to this. It will be a good project for modding.
Where did you see the floor pattern? I don’t see it on the pictures here or on brickset.
There are extra images at the brother’s brick they show the floors from above so you can see the inside better.
They appear to be printed…
My concern is that the green part of the building is set so far back it will look weird next to the other modulars, Don’t you guys think?
Now that you mention it, yes, that could be an issue. It seems like it’s sitting back 15 or 16 studs. That’s the deepest we have seen. And most modulars don’t look good when their side is exposed.
Remember the Diner. It has a big gap on its left. So is the Parisian. So it’s not that unusual to have an exposed side. I have seen many folks use those as corner buildings because of that. Or you can cover the exposed wall with a big sign or graffiti. Real cities have that too.
Maybe there’s a plan ahead for another deep building at the left side on the 2022 modular…
I’m not crazy about the police station either.
I love the building though. I like the post office idea.
I think mine is going to be a fancy department store.
Hey, Kay. I think the reason why the police woman is winking is because maybe she the one who uses the camera. If you remember, the detective office had a similar story except there were cookies and people had to hide them because they were to fat (the people) and it was band from Lego city but, someone was baking cookies at sneaking them to people. I guess the detectives had to find out who was doing that.
This has a really classy façade. I like the giant printed donuts too, those are new aren’t they? I have mixed feelings on the use of gears for bushes and wolf heads on the top (at least I think that’s what they are). Clever uses, but they don’t seem to work quite perfectly.
I think it’s this part, but the particular printings are new.
Yes, it’s that part. I need a bunch of those!
Yes, I figure it’s that part. Upon reflection, I don’t suppose the giant donut print will really be that useful, but it’s fun anyways. 😀
This set has a lot of potentials for customization. That’s probably what I like about it the most.
I wonder what’s under the roof of the narrow sand green building. That, and the inside of the news stand does not show.
Studying the pictures some more, it seems that the only way to get to the second-floor apartment is via a ladder. That seems a little weird if this is just a regular apartment.
The emergency entrance!
Hey, you all! I saw that there are going to be 12 minifigs in the next collectible series. They look okay, I guess, but not my favorite series. Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know. The picture is on Instagram.
Yeah, the reduction of minifigs has been rumored for a while, already. No official reveal yet, but I guess TLG or some toy store would reveal them pretty soon. Few must buys for me in January, otherwise. I’m just considering 31111 Cyber Drone, mostly for the minifig. And possibly 11013 Creative Transparent Bricks and/ or some Dots stuff. The jury is still out.
Apparently, images have been revealed on Brickset now.
I’m considering the Dolphin Trainer, the Centaur (partly since I’m sagittarius, as a pop culture astrology reference), Aztek Warrior, Swat Space Police and Alien Jailbreaker, myself.!
Yes, LEGO posted the images on Twitter this morning. This is a really good series. I pretty much want all of them, and I need four of the Tiger Warriors to complete my Aztec army. 😀
People have commented on a Swat Police being an insensitive move, and I… partially agree…
This year’s Police House modular probably couldn’t be replaced, but the Swat Space Police likely could have. Then, I’m a fan of the original Space Police I theme from the late 80’s, so I’m not complaining about the throwback…
My family and I are all excited about this modular. The city has been needing a police station for far too long. The facade looks really great, and I like the return to a taller building (especially after the super short apartment next to the bookshop). I love all of the interior details and the fun tease about police and donuts. I plan to make the walls between the station and the donut shop full height. I can’t wait for it to be released.
Good point about the height! According to my calculations, it’s one of the tallest Modulars! And I’m also planning to make those walls full height. I suppose they made them short for easy access for people with big hands. 🙂
Must we get so political about this? It’s irritating. And it’s a toy for Pete’s sake. (I’m an adult who loves legos but they are still toys folks!). There will always be good cops and bad cops. But we still need the police force otherwise overthrowing it would lead to, well, you fill in the blank. Unfortunately, it’s never the good ones that get noticed too. Just be glad LEGO didn’t decide to make heads with masks!! *shuddering at the thought*.
Anyways as for this set, it is simply classic. And totally reminds me of the 30’s/40’s era black and white detective movies with the old actors of great. It has an attractive visual touch to it. Maybe not as striking to a very young builder below the age of, say, 8, but I believe adults would find it enjoyable to build and display. Very elegant and stylishly fashionable if I can say so about a police station. Excited about this theme!