(Written by Geneva – gid617)
Exciting news for Ninjago fans! Finally, more details about the elusive Green Ninja! Although pictures of Lloyd’s spinner have been available for quite some time, I kept hoping to be able to see his character-card’s SP, and now I’ve found it! 😛
I was actually hoping for a 300 Fire, 400 Lightning, 200 Ice, and 200 Earth powers (otherwise, no taking off your opponent’s Crown without adding more SP), but instead, his character-card is just like Sensei Wu’s and Lord Garmadon’s; 300 of each element. (SP refers to the amount of elemental power each card holds, and is indicated by the bars on the bottom left and top right of the Spinjitzu battle-cards, or the bottom and top right of the Spinjitzu character-cards – like Lloyd’s pictured here.)
The only one of Lloyd’s cards that I could find is Premonition (keep face-up, discard if Crown is removed; opponent reveals all cards every time you win). Sadly, and despite its Spinjitzu Power, it is no better than Sizzling Sphere (keep face-up, discard if Crown is removed; opponent plays with all cards face up – included with NRG Jay), in fact, it seems slightly worse. It’s also obvious that Lloyd cannot come with one card for each element (unlike the 2011 Sensei Wu Ninjago spinner). It would be really nice though if he came with all green (or power) cards, like the Premonition card! 🙂

Here is description for the #9574 LEGO NINJAGO Lloyd ZX spinner set: Spin your way to victory against the forces of evil! Lloyd ZX is the legendary Green Ninja, destined to win the great battle between good and evil and bring peace once again to the land of Ninjago. But before he can fulfill his destiny, his fellow ninja must help him master the art of Spinjitzu and defeat the evil Serpentine snake-tribes! Use the 4 battle-cards included in the set to influence the outcome! Includes: Lloyd ZX minifigure, gold spinner, green Crown, transparent LEGO lift-brick, golden weapon, 2 regular weapons, character-card and 4 battle-cards. 23 pieces.

Both Lloyd and his spinner look good with the pieces from the #9557 LEGO Ninjago Lizaru booster-pack, since the different shades of green go really well together. 😀

As a note, Lloyd is still short in the TV show, even though he is tall (regular minifigure size) in his spinner. Not only that, but he does not use the shoulder-armor, unlike the other ninja. However, it seems like he learns Spinjitzu in the new episode of Ninjago Rise of the Snakes called Pirates vs. Ninja, and it’s likely that he will grow taller by September. Even Lord Garmadon has been forced to admit that he has grown stronger! 🙄

So, how do you like the new Ninjago Lloyd ZX’s spinner? Do you like his SP the way it is? Or would you prefer a different order? Will Lloyd be taller by September in the TV show? What do you think? Have fun discussing in the comment section below! 😉
You may also want to head over to the LEGO Ninjago Section for news and discussions, or check out the latest Ninjago posts:
How much?
Probably $9.99, like other spinners. It will get sold out quick! 😀
Probably. Actually, I didn’t notice that I hadn’t included the price 😕 😉
Cool! I don’t collect Ninjago stuff, but I was eyeing the Lloyd minifig. He is cool looking!
Yeah! I love the details on his shirt and pants! 😉
Yeah, he is like the ninja version of Link. 😉
Link is a video game character. He is my gravatar. You might like him ’cause he’s usally in a medevial place.
O.K., now i’m going o buy him! (JK)
Hate NinjaGo sets, like the ninja minifigs… LOVE that Asian Pirate Captain… can’t wait for those Pirate sets to come out to add to my Pirates and Pirates 2 collection.
Notice, sensei and garamadon both have a symbol for each element on their card.But lloyd has the symbol from the power card! Why is that?
P.S. Im giving lloyd short green legs when i buy him 😆
Because the power card sybol is a condensed version of the symbol from each element (white, black, red, blue, and green in the middle) 😉 At least, that’s my guess 😀
Yeah, I really love those pirates too! 😉
Hey guys I saw lloyds spinner on a Lego poster at toysrus
You know what stinks the most in my opinion??? The SP. I mean, Sensei, Garmadon and Lloyd are (as far as I know) the most powerful ninjas (well, Garmadon must have been a ninja right?). So aren’t they suppose to have tons of SP? That would make them more special and powerful. But the spinner looks quite impressive. 😀
well. . . it is 1200 – 100 more than anybody else 😉 And also, Lloyd might be even better next year 😉
I would wish that Kai’s character card had like 1200 SP but 900 isnt enough.
Yeah. The NRG having 900 is pretty unfortunate. 🙁 But boy do they come with good cards! 😉
gid617 I hope you are right! My sister and I are getting the Weapon Pack and I am getting NRG Kai, but after my mom ordered it I realized he cannot play Flash and Burn.
I am so getting that spinner it looks GREAT! I love the transparent green crown and the gold spinner but the character is in a class of its own. Also, the weapons look pretty awesome.
I’m thinking that the green crown would probably look good with Chokun’s spinner. 😉
I would really want a question answered, kinda take a poll… How many people over the age of 12 are NinjaGo fans???
I’d like to know because as soon as I saw NinjaGo sets I was like “ughhh, what is LEGO doing?” This was last year after Christmas when everything was being marked down… I bought a Nya spinner, Sensei Wu and a White ninja Spinner because I had missed the white Ninja and the sensei from the Ninja sets from the 90s. I picked up a few other spinners at 50 and 75% off later and soon discovered I had made a HUGE mistake by not buying more NinjaGo clearanced sets… and I passed on A LOT of them, because people started bidding on the spinners on my Ebay like there was no tomorrow. I still don’t like NinjaGo, but boy do the sell like panckaes!!!
I just want to know if Teens over 12 and adults are into NinjaGo, or is it just young children or pre-teens. Thanks =)
I’m over 12. In fact, I’m 15 😉
So is one of my brothers, who also likes Ninjago (he’s over 12, not 15 though 😀 )
I am too and I think ninjago is awesome!
Micho, Ninjago is most popular with kids. Most adults can’t relate to the theme at all and consider it quite bizarre. Altough some enjoy the TV show. Some adults will buy some of the minifigs and spinners, like you did, or maybe pick up some of the parts from Bricklink that they feel would be useful for their MOCs. I’m a member of pretty much every LEGO blog and Forum and have heard this from many sources. It is kids who love the Ninjago theme the most and buy them up like hotcakes. 😉
I think the sets and figs are cool, but the TV show IS odd.
I guess one of the best things about Ninjago is that there are plenty of chocies; some people like the show, some the sets, some the game… there is something for everyone. Maybe that’s why its so popular. 😀
what happens if you’re 12? do i say yes or no? i hope i say yes. 😀
I am also 12, and a ninjago fan-in particular the spinners. Someone needs to make something up about the physics of spinners.
NO!!! No Physics!!!! I don’t want to do schoolwork right now!!!! Especially since I detest physics.
Whats wrong with physics? 😉
No, what I meant was that they need to make a scientific observation on how the spinners spin how the shields blades and weapons effect the spinning, how much of a chance there is to fall off in different situations etc.
That’s kind of what I figured you meant. . . it would be very complicated, though 😉
That would be cool.
I agree although I notice that sometimes when I use a big weapon and spin my spinner fast my guy flies off without any contact with anything else. I also wonder if using a weapon actually benefits you or if it is better to spin with no weapon because it may be that your weapon is what makes you fall of more. Let me explain: When your weapon hits the other guy because it is long it takes less for your guy to spin (in the little device in the spinner) and therefor fall out than the other person. Do you understand? And sorry for the run on sentences.
i ma 14, 15 in december and ninjago is my favourite theme, actually, it is practically the only lego theme i collect
im stunned! 😯
who comes with premoltion ❓
What is premoltion? Also im 12 and like ninjago! i collect spinners and sets
I think he meant premonition 😆
I had too look up premolition, and I found out it’s a dream where you dream something is collapsing or a dream of destruction, like a skyscraper or bridge crumbling… Learned a new word today =D
Yeah, me too! I had no idea what premolition was until I read the name of that card! See? Ninjago is even educational! 😀
That word reminds me of Yoda.
Nix that, it kinda seems like something he would say.
Episode 3, talking with anakin.
YODA: Premonitions . . . premonitions . . . Hmmmm . . . these visions you have . . .
ANAKIN: They are of pain, suffering, death . . .
YODA: Yourself you speak of, or someone you know?
ANAKIN: Someone . . .
YODA: . . . close to you?
LOL… I just love where the original comment went… That’s why I love this Blog LOL
Umm. . . I think the card is named premonition, not premolition. 😉
Premonition, premolition, all the same. The point is they are difficult words nobody uses in everyday language. So, we ended up learning two words! LEGO is SO EDUCATIONAL! 😆
ok, I’ll agree about them being difficut words! 😉
I know
I will tell you something DX ZX, the Mech Armor I think is actually one of the best sets out at the moment, and I’m so psyched about the whole Pirates thing, but as far as spinning and powers and cards I do wonder if the TFOL and AFOL communities are into those aspects of the whole NinjaGo craze. It’s a phenomenon like Linsanity but with Lego Ninjas that spin!!!
Micho, as an adult I actually really like the spinners and cards. It is a fun game and I always have at least two spinners on my desk to mess around with. 😉
My favorite Ninjago sets are the Fire Temple, the Destiny’s Bounty and the Samurai Mech. I guess because they have the more traditional Asian colors and are really nicely designed. I’m not into the skeleton mean-machines and the snake vehicles, so I just leave those for the kids. 😀
hmm, from the way your saying it, i get the impression that you think us ( my fellow brick blogger friends and im practically a teen cause im soon 13. ) that we’re a bit…nuts. maybe im just picking it up the wrong way so I hope i dont rub you in the wrong way. well, i think my friend thinks I’m nuts or something. (maybe it has to do with me keep doing the ninja emoticon and saying ninjaninjaninja and stuff on skype)
oh, the comment was aimed at micho 😀 sorry didnt clear that
LOL, not at all my friend, it’s just that ever since I first saw my 1st NinjaGo set last December I was taken by surprise, and even more when I started hearing “NINAGO NINJAGO NINJAGO!!!!!” all over the place, everywhere I went. I guess I just got old and don’t get it, I was actually too old to even undestand Pokemon… but it seems that NinjaGo is actually going the way TMNT, Power Rangers, Pokemon, and DBZ went and will be HUGE!!!! and I couldn’t be more happy that it is a LEGO product that is having that success. You gott aunderstand something… I’m the 2nd biggest LEGO Maniac in Yuma, AZ I’m 30… so I love LEGO!!! The 1st biggest LEGO Maniac here is a Marine, that has the Guiness World Record for most completed LEGO sets ina private collection. But no Taryn, I don’t think you guys are crazy by any means 🙂
By the way, “NinjaGO” said a bunch of times together reminds me of the “Jumbaco” commercial LOL
Micho, yeah I have been in touch with your #1 LEGO fan! Kyle contacted me before his attempt and we talked back and forth for a while. He said he will write a post for us, but then got busy and never did. If you know him maybe you can contact him and do an interview for our readers. 😉
I just sent Kyle a message asking if he’s interested. I’ll let you know what he says. I don’t personally know him, but I hope he says yes!!!
Micho, yeah, that would be great! 😀
Hi Admin, yeah he never answered, I’ll keep you posted if he ever does.
Yeah, that’s what happened to me too. At some point he stopped responding. Maybe he is serving somewhere. After all he is a Marine. But thanks for checking. 😉
How do you not understand Pokemon?
O.K., I guess I can kinda see that.)
I used to say “Go Ninja Go Ninja GO!” to the rythm of a Vanilla Ice song 🙂
Taryn, all was saying is which sets I prefer and which I don’t like as much. It is a personal preference. I have no negative opinion about those who like other sets. I just don’t buy sets I don’t like just to complete a collection or something, but leave them for those who like them. That’s all. Besides, there is nothing wrong with being a bit nutty. It makes a lot more fun and interesting life. 😉
I feel exactly teh same way you do about the giant vehicles, but you are right about the buildings, some of the architecture are reminicent of the old 90s LEGO Ninja knights, that were AWESOME!!! I’m gonna take 1 of my 3 spinners out of my spare parts drawer and take it to work to my desk too, thanks for the idea Admin!
Micho, just don’t get in trouble! 😉
hey, i wasnt absolutly sure thats what you actually thought. i just had the feeling. plus, finding a person that likes lego is SO hard to find these days. 🙄 its all right Micho 😀 i wish i could tell you guys my real name 😥
Taryn, LEGO fans are EVERYWHERE! There are hundreds of thousands of LEGO fans around the world. LEGO is the most succesful toy-company, and it has fans in every continent, belonging to every age-group. Just look at all the hundreds of LEGO related websites with thousands of members each! IN addition, there are also huge LEGO conventions all around the country, all summer long, just in the USA alone! And there are many more in Europe and Asia! Each with thousands of participants; adults, kids and teens. If you don’t have LEGO fans in your life you are just in the wrong circles. 😉
Yeah. I know somebody even way down here in Chile who has all th Power Miners sets but one! 😉 Of course, with all my siblings, I have Lego fans around all the time 😆
Actually, I think some of the Skeleton vehicles are pretty cool (ok, really just the Turbo Shreader and the Skull Motorbike 😉 ). The Samurai Mech is awesome, just a little too bulky and not enough space inside if you ask me 😉 But I prefer the spinners over the sets anyways 😀
Lloyd. It’s the only card he comes with tht we know of so far 😉
Hey gid617 would you mind sending me a copy of the story for my website?
Alright; I’ll need your email 😉 😀
You should let him just cut & paste. Getting his E-mail without him just commenting it would be hard.
Yeah, I don’t mind if you cut and paste but you should probably ask admin 😉
Just email admin and ask her for it. Then nobody else can know it. Aright?
Yeah, got it 😉
This is literally the longest reply chain on theBrickBlogger! 😛
looks awesome
AWSOME i love every thing about it espisily the spiner because it has all 4 of the elamential symbols its so cool i also like his gold weapon wich i belive is the ultra bolt ( not sure ) cant wait to get it its sooooooooo cool. When i first saw that lloyd was the green ninja i still didnt like him to much but after seeing his cool powers (i watched the first 2 espideos on utube) he is my 3rd fav.
Who would like to have lloyds powers in real life ( if you dont know what they are watch espideo 15 one you tube or find the link in the comments on the page called ninjago season 3 trailer
well… not everyone should have powers. if we did, people would be blasting holes into walls and buildings, buildings collapsing (i picture smoke in the air) i dont know why but I’m laughing at my scenario. weird lol
but i dont even know what llyod’s powers are i cant watch youtube. but some reason i dont want to have them. i dont think it’s a good idea. Man, what’s wrong with me? having powers and i would reject it? well, maybe it’s a good idea… 😀 keep brothers out of my hair
Buildings collapsing = Premolition
are you serious? but llyod is all four elements. where do buildings come in? unless you think about that the building is made of earth or something. of course, i doubt they made the building in lightning or ice
The name of the card is premonition 😉 I think that means something like forsee. (Related to admonition, I think 😉 )
hey guys i have to lol because i was building the ucs genaral grevious and it flipped over : ( : (
You mean fell over and crashed? 😕
kinda his heart fell out and back broke body split in two head dislocated lets just say i have some rebuilding to do
What, did Obi-wan shoot him or something?
Well, look at the bright side; you can have fun rebuilding it! 😉
hey legolotr are we the only ones up
high five (or wait…)
Where did you get the info from?
If you’re talking about the info about Lloyds spinner, some of it is from Eurobricks; also, Brickipedia said that Lloyd was like Wu, plus some of the pictures were on K.-mart, I think 😉 So it’s from all over 😆
Where did you get the picture of lloyd’s character card. I would like to see if I can find any more info. Could you give me hyperlinks?
Eurobricks forums. I don’t know where the user got it from – he just added it to his post. Here is the link:
I found out where the pictures came from: the card dictionary in the netherlands. I backtracked by going to the blog, selecting the pictures, looking at the url ) which led me to the card dictionary. As posted further below I searched the card dictionary in multiple languages and found the card.
Aviram, excellent detective work! 😀
Hey admin,
Could you send my email address to gid617. She’s going to send my an article. Or if you give me hers I could send my email address to her.
No one is on at the morning… I will seize controll of my local subdivision before anyone notices… 👿 🙄
He-he… I don’t think you are alone, dear Pyhor. I have been responding to discussions all morning long! 😀
I’m on
I have sent her your email address just now. 😉
This morning, I for some reason wanted to get a Ninjago set, so later today I looked them. Then about 1 1/2 hours ago, me and my Sister whacthed episodes of Ninjago. We watched episodes 1,2,&3 of season 2. They are awesome! Here is some things I would like to say.
1. LLod’s voice is annoying.
2. I think the Falcon is one of Zane’s parents.
3. Now that they have left, maybe Jay can teach us the art of, kissing pillows.
Haven’t you watched the entire thing?
What do you mean?
I mean, haven’t you watched the entire Rise of the Snakes episodes?
Watched 4,5,6,7. Zane’s a *****!
Robot! I’ve watched the entire thing twice. . . maybe three times. . . and I think I’ve watched episode 7 at least 5 times! It’s my favorite 😉
That’s my favorite episode as well! The music is just beautiful and the story is so touching. 🙂
Yeah. After that was when I started to like Zane more. 😆 I also love episode 10 (of course, Kai is my favorite ninja. . . 😉 )
I agree, and Zane is my favorite ninja because he stays calm and sensible (and has a sense of humor).
Yeah, Zane is my favorite too! 😀
He only has a sense of humor if he turns on his funny switch. 🙄
Watched all ROTS episodes! Ninjago rocks!
( Bye-Bye LOTR and Monster Fighters!)
Did you watch the first two (or four. . .)? 😉
The first two. . . before ROTS, that is. Took me awhile to figure out what you meant by ROTS, too 😉
LOL! We are going to start to use our own secret codes and language? 😆
Yeah! We could come up with quite a dictionary. . .
ROTS, naturally- and we already have NRG and PWR (although whether that’s real or not I’m not so sure). Maybe we could do somethink like MoS (Masters of Spinjitzu) – and SP for Spinjitzu Power, of course. Then there’s DX and ZX. . . 🙂 😀
Revenge of the Sith?
I already made up ROTS and VOFOL!
ROTS can also spell Rotted-Old-Toothey-Snakes!
Rots was already made up as revenge of the sith.
ROTS for Ninjago wasn’t.
Rise of the Snakes 😉 What’s VOFOL? Very-Old-Fan-Of-Lego??? 😀
when does he come out?(I have watched lego ninja episode 1 of the season 3 on youtube!!!)
He?? Zane. . . NRG? September. Or are you talking about the episodes? You can already find up to episode 3 of the first season on Youtube – plus a trailer for the 4th episode.
Llyod I think he is talking about. As if the comments were supposed to be about him
enough with the rots or lotr and bla bla bla!!!!!! 🙄 🙂 (going to the beach next saturday and will stay for a weak so wont be coming on then but i will still be on this weak 😉 😎
I think he means the ebreveation LOTR. But if he means the thing, 👿 👿 !
Oops i meant 👿
it looks awesome!, especially the crown, i love translucent peices.
Kixle, yeah, me too! Translucent pieces are delicious! 😀
You eat them?!?!? 😯
LOL! No, but they “look” delicious! 😉
Yeah! Especially Jay NRG’s and Chokun’s spinners. 😉
i have both of those sinners!
uuugggghhhh! i hate myself i lost pokemon black version. anyway while this set looks cool. i kinda prefer using good ole lord garmadon. he doesnt have a required golden weapon and has the same stats as lloyd( loophole, this means you can customize your own epic weapon for him) so yeah. i think i will get this out of the sheer reason that i really like llyod.
LOL just now saw some commercial that had a slogan ” because sometimes your family is useless” thats kinda harsh isnt it 😉
Was that an Ikea commertial? They have the most shocking ones. 🙄
i am not sure only saw it about half way through dont even know what it was about
LOL! Yeah, some commercials you can’t even tell what they are about! 🙄
Agreed -_-
when will lloyd zx will be out in stores infact how did u get lloyd?
He’s not mine; this is just information I’ve picked up from various sorces. He will most likely be avalible from lego.com in September, and possibly earlier in some other shops. 😉
is there a minecraft section on this web site
Check here: http://thebrickblogger.com/2012/02/cuusoo-lego-minecraft/
And here: http://thebrickblogger.com/2012/05/cuusoo-lego-minecraft-available/
If you are a Minecraft fan you can join the discussions there. Please note however that TBB is about LEGO, so our focus is specifically about LEGO Minecraft. 😉
I was actually thinking that he would have 300 SP on all but Lightning which I thought would have 400 because the regular Lloyd card was Lightning-based.
Yeah, that would also have been nice. But it looks like it’s not to be! 😉
Oh look some one else here also plays minecraft (now i can get help making that ninjago mod)
Minecraft rocks!
( No offense but I hate Enderman.)
so getting this nrg zane and maybe lizaru
hey nace and legolotr i was saying that it was hard for me to understand all the abbreviations 😉 i really like lord of the rings i would never say its stupid! 😉

so who on here likes star wars? I LOVE STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jay, you are in the Ninjago section, so naturally people here will be into Ninjago. I would suggest you migrate over to the Star Wars section if you would like to talk about the Force. 😉
yeah i should but know go there 🙁
I like star wars!!!
like my name?
You shouldn’t have it in the Ninjago section. 😉
yeah i know 😆
my cards samurai cole
premonition (elemental blade card)
refire (earth)
swapded card (fire)
duel earth (clown card earth)
what your name lloyd oh ı Not seson of 5 ın 6 DUELING ın kıng wu sensei meen 2 enemy one ıs front two ıs back only PWR atahan ın 2013
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! is ınvısable AAAAAAAAAAAAA! BUT can ıs bıt bionicle.com is cool
i cant wait for episode 1
❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ 😀 😎
by guys have to go do some chores
If you go to the card dictionary and switch your country to Svenska/Sevrige you can find all of the cards from all of the sets except for slithera and lloyd, so we finally can see the spitta and bytar cards along with the just released sets. It is not in english on the site but the cards are in english so you should survive. I will keep looking at different countries to see what I can find.
Google translate helps-alot, although they have terrible grammar.
Thanks! That’s an interesting find! I sometimes switch my region, but normally just on Shop (anywhere else it’s way too hard to navigate!) News seems to be comeing pretty thick today: we’ve also just got the first pics of Series 8 minifigures (I’ve been staring at them all morning. . . 😉 😆
gid wheres the link? i already saw the pics but didnt see a link on TBB 😕 😀
If you already saw the pics then do you really need a link 😕 😉
LOL! Yeah me too! Lots of news today! Could hardly pull myself away from the pictures! 😀
Wow that low SP???
That is awefully low! Those horns ought to be pretty good at knocking your opponent down! (Too bad my mom hates snakes. . . 🙁 )
Hm… interesting! 🙄
THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!! thx Aviram! wow bytar has full earth sp! 😯 im getting his booster pack!
Your welcome, it only took thirty minutes of research though so lego might want to do some cleaning up.
It seems like they did. . . I was only able to see three battle cards + bytar’s character card. The rest seem to be gone 🙁
If you know any of the others, could you please tell me 😉
I am quite sure that I saw lizeru’s and lloyd’s, did you check both the netherlands and Svenska?
Oops, I mistook spitta for lizeru and I don’t see NRG Zane yet. We can’t be too sure about the cards because they might reuse some cards and may not have yet finalized their plans.
I did see Lloyd’s and also premonition – I checked several countries. But of course, I had already seen those. . . 😉
Well how do we know lloyd will get premonition as all we know is that it matches his powers?
Anyways, there seams to be a general rule for the snake tribes so for those of you who haven’t seen the cards yet here is the guide:
Every tribe has a element that they have a lot of and a element that the lack in:
Tribe: Good element: Lacking element.
Hypnobri: Ice: Fire.
Fangpire: Fire: Ice.
Venmoari: Lightning: Earth.
Constricti: Earth: Lightning.
Accondri: N/A
Every tribe has three tiers with different SP values, with rules.
Warrior: This one is confusing, but the “good power” has five, the “lacking” power has four and the other two have three and two (three being the power that would be secondary on the nrg ninja of the “good” power)
Soldier: One of everything except for the “lacking” power.
Scout: Three of “Good” two of everything else: 900 SP
Aviram, thanks! That’s a useful guide! 🙂
Your welcome.
Yeah – the Ninja also have a pattern. If you lay the cards in front of you you can figure it out. NRG Zane should have 0 Fire, 0 Lightning, 400 Earth, and 500 Ice. 😀
I did the snakes because they are newer so we have less time to figure it out. I also can post all of the ninja suits too if you guys want me to.
how come they get um early! :mad; eh im getting lizaru or bytar 🙄 (when they come out of course)

They don’t get them early or at least they don’t have any more things on sale than us (you can check shop.lego.com in different languages too) but it appears that they get to see a preview. Also, they have a updated weapons dictionary but they don’t have a many vids as us (but they have some different ones (1)).
My guess is that we’ll be seeing all those cards in English soon too. . . We saw the cards for the March spinners earlier this year at the same time as the January ones, so this will probably be similar (the rest of this year’s cards, including both sept and june)
Yeah, I just wonder if they will make more spinjitsu training vids.
They did not that long ago (one on Scroll cards, for example). Just way too late for me. . . I had already figured it out 😉
yeah i had to
I watched the vids first, but that was because I didn’t have the set, although I explained it to my brother.
I wonder how they decide the SP for the booster pack build-on cards. I mean it seams pretty random to me!
It does! But maybe they spin three times and base it on the result. . . 😆
Haha maybe they base it on the character it comes with and the other cards it comes with.
Well if the base for the add on cards are 400 of any one SP, then adding the golden weapon onto them makes sense that they are 200 SP. That would verify whip attack, black ice shield, snake whips, and rock force. Fast as lightning makes sense because the card to only use one hand to spin (300 SP) is combined with the 400 SP of the build and it has a golden weapon (for both) so it becomes 300 SP. Now all we have to figure out is lizeru’s card and what card bytar will have (I think he will have rock force or repeat another card).
Yeah. A lot of figureing out to do. . . 😉
by guys see ya in a week! might be able to use my moms ipod there (going to beach)
by guys see ya in a week! might be able to use my moms ipod there (going to beach) 😀
Here is the Link for episode 17:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSGIYl8yM_g&feature=BFa&list=UUd7GsWh7k-23rCt71c4srSQ 🙂
NOT WATCHING IT! i am not watching them yet!
I like finding out different ways to say the four elements in different languages. Do you?
Oh, that’s a great idea! 😀
I know and I can relate it to other knowledge. For example in german, blitz means lightning so you can see the origin of the name of the world war two air attacks.
Aha! That’s why you say Blitz when you win Dutch Blitz (other than it bieing the name, of course) It probably means lightning!
It also has the lightning symbol.
i can’t wait until more season3 eps of ninjago come out or get posted here ill watch them in spanish if i have to
I’d love watching them in spanish! 😉 We only have the first four so far, but we get a new one every saturday – plus, starting this wed, they’ll start showing on CN. Also, we now have a better trailer (and it looks like Garmadon hasn’t given up his efforts. . . this time he creates a Dragon! – Iguess that was the monster in this description of the next episode:
5 “Child’s Play” August 15, 2012
When the Ninja interrupt Lord Garmadon from using his Mega-Weapon to ‘turn back the clock’ and bring to life the fossils of a monster, the Ninja are accidentally hit and turned into kids and are now forced to enlist Lloyd’s help to battle the awakened monster.
Getting a bit tired of Gramadon’s creations, personally (so I liked Ninjaball run, since that was more about the race). But I can’t wait until we here more about the Island of Darkness).
Anyway, here is the link:
Hmm. I don’t like that storyline. 😐
Why not?? 😕
I thought Ninjago was supposed to be about silly teenage ninja. Also, imagine being turned back into a tiny…7 year old. I guess it’s kinda hard to explain.
Well! That was actually quite a nice episode. The only thing I don’t like is that they’re making Ninjago too much like Star Wars; laser swords, “I sense a disturbance in the Force”, Ninjaball Run AND the fact the good racers’ vehicle got sabotaged…It’s just getting kind of annoying. 🙁
Skales, you make some good points. I was quite disappointed with Ninjaball Run. It was practically the same thing as podracing in SW. I felt bored watching it, as it was very predictable what will happen. Then there are the lightsabers, and the Force reference… I’m not sure why Ninjago went this direction. They didn’t have SW references in the previous season. At least I don’t remember any. 🙁
What? Ninjas turned into kids? I do not stop laughing! XD
Garmadon combined the golden wepons oh no!
Who saw nrg lloyd?
I do not believe, ninja became kids? How did this happen to them? Anyway I loved it, they look cute as Lloyd.
Supposedly Garmadon manages to do it with is mega-weapon 😕 Don’t ask me how! 😉
I must see it
it is cool
If garmadin turned back the clock (reversing time) how woukd that turn zane into a kid he has never been a kid come on ninjago show writers use logic!
Well, that’s why it didn’t compute! 😉
Yeah, I was wondering about that too! 😉
Meant garmadon
And i also meant would not woukd
i know how you can get lloyd zx with short legs just use the small clown or the leprechauns legs
I used clown
Theee minutes left! I bet we are all waiting and watching! Have fun!
I watched the whole marathon yesterday!
Think about Lloyds NRG O_O
nrg lloyd probly comes out in season 4!0~0
UPDATE: Ninjago Episode 14 – Darkness Shall Rise is now posted! Check it out here: Ninjago Episode 14 – Darkness Shall Rise Enjoy! 😉
Episode 18 is out – in bad quality, of course:
It was cool to see Lloyd become a teenager – now he fits his mini figure persona!
at the end of the episode, its hard to tell that lloyd gets the sholder pads.now lloyds sholder pads from the epic dragon battle set makes more sence.
i don’t like how lloyd is older, it is really hard getting used to, he has blonde clone wars anakin skywalker hair, which is cool, but his voice is weird compared to his old one
He’s only been older for a few min. so far. After a few episodes it should be easy to get used to it 😉
its the tea that made him older.
i have been waiting so long and now the set is finally shown i am so stoaked for the release of the set cause i have collected every single set that is out but i have been waiting so long for this product to come out.
the spinner is comming out in september, and lloyd becomes older in the “childs play” episode.
I have the set. its so awesome.
nya is going to become the purple ninja in season 4.PHH! Iknow more than anyone about ninjago!
New contest on Ninja of Ninjago website! And results for contest 1! Anyone can enter and everyone should!!
hes already grown up as of media corp in canada
Hi Admin is lizard booster pack coming out September
Dillan, I would suggest you ask Geneva (gid617), she is the Ninjago expert. 😉
I meant lizard booster pack coming out
I have the Lloyd zx spinner