(Written by Taryn)
So maybe you’re a Star Wars fan; you like to see guys jumping around using the Force and wielding sabers that glow, and are very-very dangerous. (Apparently if they actually made light-sabers they would be made of plasma and held with ceramic – I think I read that in the Owl Magazine). You like seeing droids and clones and colored laser-blasts flying around.

Or… maybe you like to see guys in colored uniforms turning into live tornadoes and also holding dangerous weapons. And seeing this evil guy with four arms on screen going “MWU HA HA HA!!!” So you’re a Ninjago fan.
But what happens when the two worlds collide? Which already have in the LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu episodes. I was watching Star Wars and noticed some similarities. Here are some examples:
➡ In the Ninjago mini-movie An Underworldly Takeover, When Samukai asks Garmadon, “But where is your pathetic brother Wu?” He responds “That name no longer holds any meaning for me.” – A quote from Star Wars when in the final episode Darth Vader says the name Anakin Skywalker no longer holds any meaning for him.
➡ In Ninjago Episode 13 – Day of the Great Devourer when the ninja, Lloyd and Nya are in Destiny’s Bounty, flying away from the Great Devourer, Nya says she will try to make it to Scatter Canyon. Zane says probability of making it that far is less than eight percent (Where did he get that number?!) Nya says “Never tell me the odds!” the same quote as in Start Wars, where Han Solo tells C-3P0 the same thing. Plus C-3P0 and Zane are both robots. 🙄

➡ At the end of Ninjago Episode 14 – Darkness Shall Rise Wu says, “I feel a great disturbance in the Force”. There is no Force in Ninjago. So what does he mean? He feels a disturbance in the balance between good and evil?

➡ In Ninjago Episode 18 – Child’s Play, Mother Doomsday says that his weapon of choice for stopping a Grundell would be an aluma-sword, which looks an awful lot like a light-saber. And the image of the comic-book with the Green Ninja could remind you of Star Wars; especially with Lloyd holding a light-saber. Why is he holding a light-saber?

➡ Plus, in Star Wars, Darth Vader’s son Luke has to face his evil father. In Ninjago, Garmadon’s son Lloyd also has to face his father. Both Luke and Lloyd don’t want to face their dads, but they have to do it. It’s their destiny. And Yoda is Sensei Wu, except Sensei Wu isn’t a little green creature. 😀
I contacted LEGO by email asking them about the similarities. This is the response I received by a representative of LEGO:
Dear LEGO Fan,
Thank you for your interest in LEGO brand toys. We are always delighted to hear from a loyal LEGO enthusiast.
I do see what you mean about some of the similarities between the two storylines! I’m sure that they are not trying to copy it but there are a lot of stories that feature the same kind of father-son competition. It seems to be a common theme since it creates a lot of drama and suspense, so I’m sure that the storyline was created to be as entertaining as possible.
We are also really big Star Wars fans here at LEGO, so if you notice some similarities in quotes I bet they were put in just for fun! Our designers like to have fun with certain references, on our Lord of the Rings Mines of Moria set, one of the designers actually wrote his name in Elven on one of the set pieces!
Huh? Did you know that? About The Mines of Moria? Just another cool little trivia on LEGO designers and the sneaky things they do! 😀
What do you think? Did you also notice the similarities between Star Wars and Ninjago? Any other references that I didn’t catch? Share your thoughts, comments and discoveries below! Also, I’m a KFOL (Kid-Fan-of-LEGO) and this is my second article at theBrickBlogger. You can read my first post here: How Much Do You Know About LEGO? Feedback and comments are appreciated! 🙂
You might also want to check out the previous posts below, or head over to the LEGO Ninjago section for more Ninjago discussions:
- Creating a LEGO Ninjago Adventure Game!
- LEGO NINJAGO Spinjitzu Cards for September
- Playing Ninjago Spinjitzu – Part 1: Essentials
- Playing Ninjago Spinjitzu – Part 2: Cards
- Playing Ninjago Spinjitzu – Part 3: Weapons
- LEGO Ninjago – September Spinners!
- LEGO Ninjago Lloyd ZX Spinner Preview
- LEGO Ninjago Season 3 – New Trailer!
Nice post!!!!!! The “I feel a distubinse in the force” was funny!!! 😆
Yes, that WAS kinda obvious…
AWESOME! I never even realized that until now. Also, did you know that in the indiana jones set “the lost tomb”, there is a picture of r2-d2 and C3po ( they were there in the movie to!).
I knew about a couple of these “spoofs” before, but its nice to see them again. funny to :p
nice post
Thank you. 😀
One liners are always fun to say. Just don’t use it to much or it loses it’s appeal.
How cool to have your name in elvish on a brick. As if working for lEGO wasn’t cool enough. Nice article.
Sweet “May the force be with you.”
Very good taryn! 😉
I don’t know about there being any more similarities with SW,
(Maybe Cause Ive never Watched SW in the first place 😉 )
But, if you did’nt notice, Episode 19 was very similar to a movie called “Back to the Future.”
BTW, I have not watched that either, I just found a list of the similarities.
Yargh, very interesting post! Also, may I point out that both the scallywags Luke Skywalker and Lloyd had blonde hair and Luke’s light-cutlass was green, the same as Lloyd’s jumpsuit! Also me hearties, Lord Garmadon’s helmet is like that of Lord Vader! Yargh!
Yargh! well blow me down, i’d never be notice’n those same things. me also noticed that anakin and before ye went to davy johne’s locker that sea rat, garmadon have the same hair piece! also that landlubber garmadon, he be spitting lightning all over the place, like a sith sea rat!
How do you post brick blogger? cause i had a star wars thing i saw on MOC pages that i wanted to write an article about?
mmm don’t really understand but I didnt see another article about this somewhere else.
Dude, you can contact me by email and send in your article. 😉
Avast! Ye grammar be getting ‘orrible brother! Their hair is not really related to our jolly conversation, and the lightning be not like that of Sith sea-scum since
I thought I replied my brother, G.C., but apparently I didn’t. Sorry about the pirate grammar but question what holiday was yesterday?
National Talk Like a Pirate Day!
~ the silver ninja 😉
Star Wars’ story was based mostly on Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a thousand faces. And the idea of a “monomyth”. Long story short, it is very hard to make a story about heroic journeys without it being similar to star wars.
Good point; yes, they all have their similiarities. But they remain ever fresh and inspiring. I guess we will never get tired of heroes! 🙂
Great post, Taryn! 🙂 I never picked up on most of those similarity’s! In the Indiana Jones films, George Lucas sometimes makes reference to the Star Wars movies and their characters. Sometimes, you only pick up on the similarity’s when you watch the movie again. Nice! 🙂
If you are a KFOL… you are wise beyond your years… great writing and great eye for detail… keep on truckin”!!!!
Nice post, ninjago does have a lot of similarities! 😀
Admin, when is the next episode of ninjago coming out? It has been weeks and the series can’t be over!!!
Patience, my young Padawan. (Sorry, I just HAD to say that! 🙂 )
patience master, might be running thin.
So far what we have heard Episode 20 will air the first week of October. But there is no confirmation as of yet. 😕
Trust the force, you must, here soon, the episode will be. (Never thought Sensei Zane was also Yoda huh?!)
I finally meet Yoda!
Meet me, indeed you have
Hey Taryn, MABELTASTIC! 😀 I’m a KFOL too. Keep writin’ girl! 😀
And admin, do you have to be a certain age to write a post? I’m not 13 yet, so I didn’t want to do something illegeal…
~ the silver ninja 😉
Silver Ninja, no there is nothing illegal about writing about LEGO. 😉
LOL! I worded it wrong. 😛 I meant like, well, did you have to be a certain age! I didn’t mean like “AH! You posted about LEGO! Off to jail you go!” Sorry if I sounded like a 5-year-old. Thanks for answering my question, though!
~ the silver ninja 😉
LOL! Kay, yeah, there is no age requirement. If someone is a good writer and have something good to share, they are welcome to write. 😉
Mkay. I might try to write a post! Always loved writing, so why not blogging? I’ll try to find something. 🙂
~ the silver ninja 😉
my wise man good find you random refrence hunter yes im on fancy pills
Other movie references.
– In the first Ninjago episode there is a reference to Karate Kid (the original, not the remake). Kai does the signature move from that movie after entering the Dojo for the first time.
– When Lloyd first meets Pythor they have copied a scene from the end of Casablanca. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMOBxjIvLBE
Admin, look what I found on CUUSOO!
Isnt that awsome?!
Sam, yes, they are very awesome, in fact I’m planning to write about them. Thanks for sharing! 😉
They’re so cute! The apple stor looks good.
Sensei Zane is back from vacation. And I got updates. First, I might be selling my entire Lego Ninjago collection. Second, how do we make reviews and all that? Third, I was at the lego STORE and it is epic, and fourth, Why is there no more episodes? 🙁
Welcome back.
Hmmm, Rude, Han is. Approve of sith, I do not. Admin, trust the force you must, to Obi-wan you listen! Use the force to confirm the Stone army you must. Rest, I am going to.
LOL! The great Jedi master is always enlightening! 😆
How do we make a review by the way?
Just write one… 😉
how do we get it on the site
You can email admin at her email address. Send the pics in a seperate attachement. 😉
Ninjago and star wars do seem to have a lot of simalarities, good thing I’m crazy about them both!!!:P
We might see Darth Vader soon.
*kerrrr haaaaaah. keeeeeeeer haaaaaaaaah* Join the darkside, and we can rule the galaxy as ninja and sith. *keeeeeeerrrrrr haaaaaaah*
😆 Unlikely the ninja would team up with lord Vader Aka Dark Vader.
I’m crazy about them both to ,plus im wolfgirl’s girlfriend
😕 Ahe whaa? Girlfriend who the were 😆
Well, it is alot like starwars when Me and my Dad first saw Samokai when he pulled out the daggers we both said 😆 General Grevious!!
Do I know you?
Oh No my sis glossy is on BRICK BLOGGER!!!!!!!!
Run for your LIVES!!!!!!!! (Runs away franticly)
Now that they mention it they do. 😆 Hm……But I am a HUGE Star Wars Fan AND Ninjago so mixture of both to me would be INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!
I am a huge ninjago fan
Sadly i was named cole
Lol! Both ninjas are awesome though!
😯 Omg, Wolfboy? I’ll have to see if that’s you I think it is… Also If it’s who I think it is their is another TBB ninjago thingy um…
😕 ?
My sting is glowing…my bros are near!!!!!!
Notice older Lloyd’s hair peice? It’s the same as Anakin’s.
AND in episode 1, Anakin’s hair looks a lot like younger Lloyd’s… and the name of his actor… Jake Lloyd.
Yoda’s teacher is a serpintine like creature.
It’s on wookiepedia.
Oh, really???!!! I didn’t know that! Veyr interesting! 🙂
Yoda’s teacher is N’Kata Del Gormo, and he is a serpintine -like
if you want to knowmore about him go to wookieepedia and search his name. B)
Total Ninjago fan! But I did notice those comparisons… NINJAGO FOREVER!!!!!
I already knew that about the Mines of Moria.
It’s in Moon Runes above the door. It says: “Diordie was here”.
kai is more likely to gir…..s
kai is likely for gir……s
The giant stone samurai looked a lot like Darth Maul
LOL! Yeah. 😀
Other similarities between ninjago and Star Wars. Master Chen from S4 is just like Emperor Palpatine. They both manipulated good guys (Garmadon and Anakin) into doing some bad deeds. They both were a master of their pupils for some moment of time. If u see LEGO Star Wars, Chen and Palpatine act childish and impatient. Both caused Wars and puppeted other baddies from the sidelines. Both had a loyal student to do their bidding before getting beaten by their pupils. (Clouse was defeated by Garmadon twice and Count Dooku was killed by Anakin)
Also, PS Morro from season 5 looks similar to Kyle Ren in terms of attitude, past, and minifigure style looks.
Nice! Good observations and comparisons!