Another great Lord of the Rings video from the guys at the BrotherhoodWorkshop! This time under the name of Epic Battles two Middle Earth heavy-weights pummel each other into a pulp for the amusement of the crowd, while Gollum and a goblin work as announcers from the LEGO Harry Potter series. (Gollum’s voice is preciousss!) 😛

On one side we have the cavetroll from the #9473 LEGO Lord of the Rings Mines of Moria set, and on the other side the goblin king from the #79010 LEGO The Hobbit Goblin King Battle set. Who do you think should win? Both are big, powerful and ugly enough! 🙄
As you can see this video comes with a twist; there is an alternate ending depending on which side you choose; cavetroll or goblin king? Make sure you check them out at the end of the video!

What do you think? How did you like this LEGO Lord of the Rings video? And which side did you choose? Also, you will see three of the dwarves from the LEGO Hobbit sets are trapped in a cage. Can you tell which dwarves are they? Feel free to share in the comment section below! 😉
You can also check out the LEGO Lord of the Rings section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions. To see more videos from the BrotherhoodWorkshop check below, and you can also visit their YouTube Channel directly for more:
- LEGO Lord of the Rings: An Elvish Valentine
- Legless LEGO Legolas – Funny LEGO Video
- LEGO Christmas the Orcs Way…
- LEGO Lord of the Rings Epic Battle Video
- LEGO Brickfilms Behind-the-Scenes Tips & Tricks
- More LEGO Brickfilms Behind-the-Scenes
- LEGO Lord of the Rings – The Orcs Story
- LEGO Lord of the Rings – Cranky Cave Troll
- A LEGO Halloween Prank by the Hobbits…
When I click one, it does nothing… 😥
Noah, you clicked on the link at the end of the video right? Not on the picture. 😉
I think I now just know exactly what the best Lego stop animation is! #Isitoviousorno?
I think I now know exactly what amazing animation looks like! #isitobviousorno
Darn… Computer delays comments… hmmmmmmmmm….
I don’t mean to be pushy, put perhaps if you would try and refrain from cursing it might be better. I know some younger boys who like this site. Maybe you could at least say it at something more important then a simple computer error.
You count darn as a bad word?
Whoops, so embarrassing, sorry I thought he said the big “d-word.” When you put in r and a n together it looks like m. Sorry about that.
No problem man, I’m glad someone cares about language on these kinds of sights anyhow. 🙂
No bad and offensive language is a strict policy around there. There are a lot of young children here so it is important. Besides I don’t want nasty stuff on my website. 😐
Um, Admin, the word he thought Pythin said is in a post on TBB.
It is not used to offend anyone though. It is kind of like the word stupid. Nothing wrong with it unless specifically used to offend another person. 😉
Could you see it with the Goblin King winning?
I love how the cave troll always wins!
Me 2
Off topic, but I finally made my SigFig!
I was half expecting a barehanded brawl, like in the valentine’s one, but I guess it’s OK too. CAVE TROLL DOESN’T CARE WHAT YOU THINKS makes me gag.
LOL!!! This is hysterical! I love the endings of both of them! 😆

Lol! The Brotherhood Workshop brick films are so funny!
Hmm, it doesn’t do anything when I tap it.
Hm… did you tap on the picture by accident? You need to tap on the link in the video itself. 😉
Happy st. Patrick’s Day!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you too! And everyone else! A perfect day to use this smiley:
Kind of Off topic, sorry…
admin, Why is it that it doesn’t seem that the e-mail I give about my new post doesn’t reach your inbox? Is it because I didn’t use the “contact us” on the “how to contribute page?
Fikko, i did get your email. I don’t sit at the computer 24/7 though. I will look thru it sometime today. 😉
Hey Aubrey, are we like the only people who can’t make the video work?
The Cave Troll wins either way…. (I tried both opinions). :S
Just for the record, I was voting for the cavetroll. If you have seen The Hobbit movie, (great film by the way,) you will know the GK is nothing but a fat lazy badguy who just sits around most of the time. He can’t even take a cut. (Slice. “That’ll do it”. Falls down and breaks bridge.)
Havnet seen this vid, but i agree woth both facts- the hobbit is a great film, and the Goblin King is just a big fat blob. Pretty much.
I liked when he broke the bridge cause then he fell on the dwarves. 🙂
The dwarves in the cage were Nori, Bofur and Dwalin!
First post for me!
Dwarves in cage: Nori (you can’t see him exactly but you can glimpse the top point of his crazy hairdo!) Bofur ( You see his head and hat for about a second) and Dwalin ( You can tell it’s him ’cause he’s the only bald dwarfe)
Good job! You get a cookie! 😀
The dwarves are are hard to spot but their in there
Cookie? wuddya mean by that Admin?
P.S. I’m George’s bro so we share an email!
Not much. It just means I threw a virtual chocolate-chip cookie in your direction. 😉
Well there is a good side to that, if you can’t start eating it you can’t finish it either.
Does anyone know if there are any other battles like this because it seems like a series?
No new ones yet, but it does seem like a series. You can check for new videos at The Brotherhood Workshop channel on YouTube.
“Cave troll doesn’t care about your opinion”