As you probably know, the second The Hobbit movie titled The Desolation of Smaug, is going to be released this December. The BrotherHoodWorkshop, masters of LEGO stop-motion videos who’s work we have featured here many times (see links at the end of this post), re-created the official teaser-trailer of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, using LEGO bricks and minifigures. See below. 🙂

It took Kevin and Brian Ulrich (the brothers) and their small, but dedicated team, countless hours and over two months to get the LEGO stop-motion version of the trailer ready. Once you see the amount of detail that went into this LEGO-video you will see why. Enjoy!
If you have seen the official trailer for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, you know how accurate the LEGO stop-motion version is. If you would like to see the original trailer, and the LEGO stop-motion trailer side-by-side you can check here: LEGO The Hobbit Trailer Side-By-Side Version

The BrotherhoodWorkshop also took full advantage of the currently available LEGO The Hobbit sets and minifigs, and created elaborate scenes to faithfully follow the original trailer. You can check out behind-the-scenes details and set-ups from making the LEGO stop-motion trailer at the BrotherhoodWorkshop’s Facebook Page.
The next three videos of the BrotherhoodWorkshop are being commissioned by LEGO, which is pretty awesome! It will take a while to make them, but expect to see more videos from the brothers in the future. So what do you think? How do you like the LEGO stop-motion trailer? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section! And to see previously released LEGO videos from the BrotherhoodWorkshop check below, or you can also visit their YouTube Channel directly for more.
- LEGO Lord of the Rings Cavetroll vs. Goblin King
- LEGO Lord of the Rings: An Elvish Valentine
- Legless LEGO Legolas – Funny LEGO Video
- LEGO Christmas the Orcs Way…
- LEGO Lord of the Rings Epic Battle Video
- LEGO Brickfilms Behind-the-Scenes Tips & Tricks
- More LEGO Brickfilms Behind-the-Scenes
- LEGO Lord of the Rings – The Orcs Story
- LEGO Lord of the Rings – Cranky Cave Troll
- A LEGO Halloween Prank by the Hobbits…
- LEGO Video: Veldemort Goes Wand Shopping
That is the best background out of made of LEGO I have ever seen in a Middle-earth animation!
Awesome! I loved it! It’s just like the real one only more bricks!
Admin, there’s a version of this showing both the LEGO and original trailer at the same time which might be better. 😀
Yes, I have linked to it in the article. 😉
Oh sorry, I didn’t notice I just flicked through quickly as I’ve seen this before. 😳
It’s all right. I also like the side-by-side video. 🙂
not a fan of lotr or the hobbit, the sets look pretty good and that trailer is well just TOTALLY AWESOME I not seen original trailer but that is one pretty neat vid
I almost want to see the HOBBIT 2 in LEGO form and not with actual people. That was very cool.
That would be awesome! 😀
it wood be awesome
that would be cool legostuff! can I call you legostuff? 😀 that was VERY! and when I say very, I mean it. accurate! very accurate! can’t wait for the movie! the first hobbit movie and the LOTR movies are great! 😀 this one will be great too! it has LEGOLAS IN IT witch is weird, LEGOlas if no one has noticed. 😀 very excited! and ah admin can you put those other video clips like these on here, I don’t like looking through youtube because you never know what your going to see.
Yeah, Legolas’ name is quite… LEGO-ish. There is actually a BrotherhoodWorkshop video called “Legless LEGO Legolas”. Anyhow, I featured pretty much all of their LEGO videos, and you can find them at the end of the post. They are NOT direct links to YouTube, but other posts on TBB about their videos with the video embedded, just like this one. So you don’t have to go to YouTube to see them, you can watch them right here. 😉
thank you admin! and plus, I have seen the “legless LEGO legolas” and it was very funny!
Yeah, you can call me legostuff. I also like the fact that there will be a female character in the movie( she looks real bad***.)
yeah… yep,
Is the battle of helms deep worth getting/asking for as my birthdays coming up and it’s about to retire so will be going for £70-£80?
I think it looks quite cool. In other news I’ve got the yeti and climber from CMS series 11!!! They go well together 😀
Or maybe an unexpected gathering which I stand a bit more chance getting 😀
Do any of you guys have any ideas of what to ask for?
I like any theme besides friends and city and am into castles,robots,war-like things and spaceships.
Oh, that’s another great set! Too many awesome sets to choose from! 🙄
The Battle of Helms Deep is a very nice set. The best in the first wave. If you like castles and LOTR you will appreciate it. 🙂
Thanks. It might be a little bit of a stretch to get my parents to buy it and I can save up but I’ll have £31 and around £40 for my birthday so I might just about be able to get it but it will probably be discontinued by then 🙁
I kinda like the attack on weathertop and I think it looks cool.
Have you got any recommendations admin? We do have somewhat similar taste.
As I said; it is a tough call. Right now I’m actually eyeing the Council of Elrond. I think it is a beautiful set. And yes, the Attack on Weathertop is also a good one, and it has good rock-building parts. If you are worried that the Helms Deep will be discontinued, I would definitely get that first. It is an iconic scene from the movies, and the set also has very good castle-building parts. If you can only afford one of the smaller ones, I would suggest to go with Wathertop, since you already like it. 😉
There’s some good advice there 😀
I just looked at the battle of the black gate which I will probably buy myself if not weathertop as its growing on me each day 🙂
I do really like helms deep but the chances of my parents getting it for me is low as I want an Xbox for Xmas so I might get either attack of the wargs, weathertop,an unexpected gathering,battle at the black gate or something in the £40-£60 area. I think I saw the unexpected gathering going for £40 not £60 on amazon 😀
But it’s all to do with the money in the end.
It would be nice if we could just make our money grow! 😀
But then the farmers would be the only ones that were rich 😉
No… they will be houseplants. You can just plant your penny and it will grow a $1000!
Chi-bacca, would you please contact me? I was just working on your second post, and it seems like a couple of pictures are missing (or at least I didn’t receive them in the 3 emails I got from you). One is the multicolored guy, and the other is the picture where all the characters supposed to be in at once. I emailed you both to the address you sent the pictures from and the other one (that one came back as undeliverable). Anyway, if you could send those two pictures that would be great. I was planning to post your article on Friday. 😉
Ahh the council of elrond. I considered that set the other week but got the Orc forge on discount instead. The council is very much like the scene itself and includes some very rare branch pieces which will prove useful for MOCers or bricklink sellers like yourself as they’ll have a high demand. It’s also the cheapest way to get gimli! 😀
I’d get it if I were you. 🙂
brother hood work shop makes the best lego videos i evan Subscribe to there youtube channel thats how much i like them. i am so glad you made something about them.
Yes, I really like them too. In fact it seems that LEGO likes them as well as their next three videos will be sponsored by LEGO. 😀
wow really
I can’t believe they made the second movie a year after the first!
Hey, hey I’m a squid lol
Awesome name btw 😀