In 1998, the LEGO Group and Lucasfilm signed the first Star Wars licensing agreement, and two years later the first LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series sets were released. In subsequent years, as the film saga expanded and Star Wars became a multigenerational phenomenon, new sets were added to the LEGO Star Wars UCS series, […] Read more
Beginner Guides for LEGO Fans

There is a bit of update on the upcoming The Secret Life of LEGO Bricks book that was announced back in August. You can read more about the book via the links at the end of this post, but to recap, this book is the result of a survey and fan vote conducted by LEGO. […] Read more

If you’re subscribed to the LEGO Life Magazine, you should have gotten the fourth issue of the year by now. As usual, the magazine is full of comics, puzzles, posters, and games, and because we are close to Christmas, it includes some holiday-themed activities and building projects as well. Even though the magazine is meant […] Read more

About four years ago, when we reviewed the #10254 LEGO Winter Village Holiday Train, we briefly mentioned a custom version of the train by LEGO fan David Younger (see: LEGO Holiday Train Review, Thoughts, Tweaks) . David recently contacted me that since then, he had designed several more custom cars for his train as well […] Read more

There are a couple of new LEGO books with building instructions I wanted to show you today. Both of them are by Canadian LEGO fan Charles Pritchett. If the name sounds familiar, it’s because we talked about some of Charles’ earlier books about expanding the LEGO Winter Village, instructions for custom LEGO BrickHeadz super heroes […] Read more

You might remember our previous discussions (see links at the end of this post) about BYGGLEK, a new creative solution that intertwines play and storage developed in partnership between the LEGO Group and IKEA. A couple of days ago, the product line was officially announced in the following press-release. August 27, 2020: Today, IKEA of […] Read more

You might remember that back in July, the LEGO Group was launching a fan vote for a new LEGO book aimed at adult LEGO fans, which was the result of a survey they conducted a year prior. The results of the survey are now in, and the book is now entering the next stage of […] Read more

Just about a year ago, the LEGO Group conducted a survey, asking adult LEGO fans (AFOLs) about the type of LEGO books they like to read (see: Your Favorite LEGO Books – Publishing Survey). And now they are launching a fan vote for a new LEGO book aimed at AFOLs (Adult Fan of LEGO). Below […] Read more

(Written by William) Have you ever built a LEGO creation only to scowl down at the few pieces that were discolored? Or have you avoided picking up used LEGO bricks for similar reasons? Given enough time, LEGO bricks can show the signs of aging. Sure, we may have grown out of using our teeth to […] Read more

I don’t know if any of you are still getting the LEGO Life Magazine, as all the cook kids seem to be reading the online version. Personally, I still appreciate leafing through the pages, and that I can give my eyes a break from staring at screens. Anyhow, the April-June issue of the LEGO Life […] Read more