The BrotherhoodWorkshop, our favorite LEGO stop-motion film-maker, posted another fun LEGO video, and most importantly (at least to me), a behind-the-scenes tutorial on how some of the effects in the film were achieved. The video is titled LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-Lord’s Mix Tape. You can watch both the film and the tutorial below. Enjoy! 🙂

In this video Star-Lord share his love for old-fashioned cassette-players (remember those?). Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora and Drax however don’t share his enthusiasm, and when Star-Lord’s device breaks down, he has no choice but the get with the times…
Like we have seen in previous films by the BrotherhoodWorkshop, Kevin is happy to share his tips and tricks of how the film was made. In the following behind-the-scenes footage, he shares how the effects of Star-Lord’s helmet, the rotating cassette-player, and some of the other scenes in the video were made. This is incredibly valuable information for LEGO stop-motion film-makers they can use in their own LEGO stop-motion films.
Interesting, isn’t it? While they are various tricks to make a LEGO stop-motion film as smooth and professional as possible, looks like the most important skill still remains patience, a desire for perfection, and very strong work-ethics. Kevin and his team are a great inspiration in this.
The LEGO Super Heroes sets and characters used in this film are from the recently released LEGO Super Heroes Guardians of the Galaxy line, including the awesome and very popular #76021 LEGO Super Heroes Milano Spaceship Rescue set (with Star-Lord, Gamora and Drax), and #76020 LEGO Super Heroes Knowhere Escape Mission (with Groot and Rocket Raccoon). If you are interested you can check them out at the Online LEGO Shop.

So what do you think? How did you like the LEGO Super Heroes video? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! Also, if you would like to learn more about LEGO stop-motion, I highly recommend checking out the other videos from the BrotherhoodWorkshop listed below, or you can also visit their YouTube Channel directly for more.
- LEGO Harry Potter: How to Kill a Dementor – (film & tutorial)
- LEGO Lord of the Rings: Walk Into Mordor – (film & tutorial)
- LEGO The Hobbit: The Aggravation of Smaug – (film & tutorial)
- How The LEGO Movie Should Have Ended…
- LEGO The Hobbit – Dwarven Dreams…
- LEGO Video: Non-Stop Movie Trailer – (film & tutorial)
- LEGO The Hobbit Middle-Earth Motors
- LEGO Video: Legolas Gets Friendzoned…
- LEGO The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
- LEGO Lord of the Rings Cavetroll vs. Goblin King
- LEGO Lord of the Rings: An Elvish Valentine
- Legless LEGO Legolas – Funny LEGO Video
- LEGO Christmas the Orcs Way…
- LEGO Lord of the Rings Epic Battle Video
- LEGO Lord of the Rings – The Orcs Story
- LEGO Lord of the Rings – Cranky Cave Troll
- A LEGO Halloween Prank by the Hobbits…
- LEGO Video: Veldemort Goes Wand Shopping
- LEGO Video Tutorial: How to Make Things Fly – (tutorial)
- LEGO Brickfilms Behind-the-Scenes Tips & Tricks – (tutorial)
- More LEGO Brickfilms Behind-the-Scenes – (tutorial)
Cool! I didn’t see the movies, but I like anything from TBHW.
Actually, I mean movie. There aren’t multiple GotG movies. -_-
awesome! I really want one of those guardians of the galaxy sets especially sets with rocket raccoon and star lord. is there any new guardians of the galaxy sets coming out? because the one’s out now I’m not to enthused about. on the post you put on here about the upcoming sets there was no MARVEL sets talked about.
There is no news about any upcoming Marvel sets. But there was just a whole wave of new releases, so it makes sense. DC Comics fans were starting to feel very neglected, so now it is their turn. 😉
Probably not until a new movie is coming out. GOTG doesn’t seem like one of Marvel’s biggest franchises.
I looked at buying a Knowhere escape mission, but vouched for the BTTF car instead (the only one left at 32 euros).
A bit off topic, but has anyone had any experience investing in LEGO, if so what’s it like, and how do you startup?
We have talked about LEGO investing several times. You can check the discussions here: and here:
I think it’s hard to be an investor and a fan/ builder simultaneously, though… “Don’t get high on your own supply”, you know…
Yes, that’s very true. It requires quite a bit of self- control, but even more importantly; clarity of what you are doing. What I have seen most successful LEGO fans/investors do is buy the sets they really like for themselves, then buy extras for investment purposes and they keep those transactions/stock very separate. If for whatever reason they do want to open a set later that is in the investment category, they buy it from themselves at a full price.
In one sense this is not any different that owning a corner grocery store and not cheating yourself by just taking items off the shelves for your personal use. Being an investor requires a plan with an entry and exit strategy, as well as good accounting, inventory management, etc. The bottom line is it has to be run as a business.
Had a great time at The Lego Store. I got my Santa set, also picked up the birthday one as I’ll have use for that clown in my carnival / circus build when I get to it. I filled a big cup from the pick a brick wall and got some of brown staircase pieces. I was most excited about that from the wall. Then at the minifnigure station I parted together 6 figures this time. I like most of them, I might re-purpose one. Then I also got the gold brick and gold minifigure key chain. I need to get a second one of the minifigure because I have a plan for it in a future build. Anyway, it was a great trip. The station had some great new parts. I got a several pretzels, some swim trunks, a santa beard, and some female torso that I believe are supposed to go with castle but they looked nice as regular torsos. and I created a cool female artist because they had the series 4? artist’s smock. I’ll have all of them on my next blog update, but I’m waiting for my BrickForge and BrickWarriors orders because I want to include them in my blog post.
Pretzels??? They got pretzels??? I’m tempted to jump into the car and drive two and a half hours to get those! I only have one and love it! Looks like you got a great haul! It is always so nice to visit a LEGO store! Looking forward to your blog-post! 😛
That’s basically what happened with me. I was going to the area my store is in for another reason and then I saw the new items for this quarter and made sure I got over there. I was hoping to get a santa hat and a pizza because those are available too but they weren’t there. But I did get a number of great things and I recommend checking it out.
This may be a little off topic, but is the logo on the side of the LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 door printed on the piece or is it a sticker?
All the decorations on the Ecto-1 are printed. I have the set right here on my desk. 😉
Sorry for the late reply, but thanks for answering my question! I just love the all round look of it, and I’m also a big fan of Ghostbusters, so I’m looking forward for Christmas!
Yeah, I think you will really like it. It is a fun and interesting build. I also did a few modifications on mine after talking with some other Ghostbusters fans:
Ok admin, just checked the links out now.
Thanks for the advice.
You’re very welcome. 🙂
Bravo!!! The attention to detail achieved by The BrotherhoodWorkshop is really amazing. The command of expertise in the video post production is apparent and impressive as well. I really enjoyed watching the behind the scenes video and getting a glimpse into how some of the magic was created!
Yeah, I really enjoy the behind-the-scenes videos too. Lots of magic happening there. I think you will also like the next video. Kevin already sent me the behind-the-scenes version, but it is not public yet, so I will have to wait until it is officially posted. 🙂
Oh wow!!! Great video… to bad there wasn’t scotch tape around in space… anyone that was born in the 80’s will get that LOL
That’s what I was thinking too! I have some old cassette tapes and Scotch tape works just fine to fix them. I was feeling so bad for Star-Lord; I just wanted to hand him my Sctoch tape! 😕
HAHAHA!!! Same thought process here LOL